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Everything posted by crankF

  1. Same to you Cowbunny! And, happy Easter to all cerb peeps.
  2. Everyone have a terrific Easter holiday. I'm so happy my favorite niece bringing the little nieceling and nephewling to visit, and making leg of lamb din din.
  3. Kudos Meg, for this poll/thread which is a super idea with a bonus being that anyone would be hard pressed to enter into a flame war on this topic. Having a soft someone wrapped around you during the afterglow or intermission is a wonderful sensation. Nothing like several minutes of Post Coital Cuddling, or Pre C C, as well. To me, being a cuddle-bunny is one of the top companion requirements. I myself would qualify as more of a cuddle grizzly.
  4. Quite a few of the younger cops today seem to have a very nasty streak and I can make a valid comparison, as in my youth I had a fair amount of unwanted exposure to police. Today as I was bringing my Dad home from a doctor visit, I was pulled over on I-81 doing 60mph in a 45mph zone by Trooper McDoucheface. Yes, I had cruise control on and guilty as charged, but that's not the basis of my angst. I guess just having a tired, sick old man in the car isn't reason to expect a reprieve, fair enough. However, in days gone by, it was commonplace if the arrestee had valid license, no violation points, and a polite demeanor, to write the ticket for not more than 5 miles over the limit, thereby reducing the fine. In my case, no traffic violations in 26 years, no arrests of any sort for over 30 years and I am a very polite and loveable crankF. Officer Attitude approached the vehicle from the passenger side, not standard procedure, but understandable due to location. I handed him my license and my dad (his car), couldn't remember where the he put the reg. card so I hurriedly searched through every nook and cranny. Dad, 92 yrs old, deaf, tired and sick became confused by the cop hovering over his face and talking at me, became a bit agitated. I asked if I could come around to the shoulder,and talk to him, but was told in no uncertain terms to stay put. By now my papers were in order(Show me your papers Mein Herr!"), Patrolman Shorty really had his back up(Napolean complex?) strutted back to his car and got busy. It doesn't take 20 minutes to check out license validity and violations ,so I assume he was doing a complete FBI/NCIC check to see if I was a heinous character. I'm sorry he felt so threatened by one ancient man and one arthritic middle aged one in their car with handicap license plates. Another Trooper arrived, they had a little powow, new cop checked me out, and Shorty finally came back and gave me my ticket. I was expecting next maybe a helo flyover, or DHS with one of their new armored cars(yes, they're real). Oh maybe not, they'd be off at a roadblock with dogs, fucking with some kids who lost a joint under the seat. Ah DHS, George W. birthed the bastard and BHO has nurtured it under his wing like an evil stepchild. Sorry for my rant, I didn't enjoy my day. Oh by the way: FUCK the NEW WORLD ORDER.
  5. I agree with the Dog and at the very least, a covered blow-job is better than a no-job!!
  6. You could hang Little Tree car fresheners throughout the house. I can get you a discount. One year when we opened up deer camp to air it out before Fall, it was so nasty/musty we hung about 20 up. When we went back later , camp smelled like a cherry blossom, but so did our gear and deer weren't into it! lol
  7. Not trying to make any sort of statement at all on bare or covered anything. Gon. and Herp. are both treatable, gon. can be gotten rid of. herpes is with you forever, dormant if you are lucky. Just saying.
  8. Why was favorite character on Walking Dead killed and zombified?
  9. I will pull this one unscientifically from my butt. If I must choose between gonorrhea and herpes, I'll take the former because when properly treated GONorrhea is GONe, whereas HERpes is always HERe, just hiding.
  10. HPV can cause CAULIFLOWER COCK.
  11. crankF

    Spank it for me!!

    Yum, looks like two chocolate buns on a platter!!!
  12. @ O D, Actually Bubba and I were still cellmates in Dannemora at the time. He used the old jailhouse ink method, luckily we found red ink for the nose(head). BTW, we both had mullets. My balls even had a mullet!
  13. @O D, I consulted a dermatologist specializing in genital clown tattoo removal, but i'm scared to let him loose with a laser on the wiener.
  14. I act clownish, wordy, a denizen of dollar stores, and very likeable. But why does nobody want to draw me naked?
  15. When threads sort of turn into flame-wars, I am reminded of some of dear old dad's words of wisdom:"I don't bother to argue because I KNOW that I'm right!".
  16. You just can't help it. Most of them are irresistible.
  17. I have an idea re:meat and potatoes std. Years ago in college, in some psych or sociology class, there was a section on std's. We spent most of one lecture watching films showing diseased peters and pussies. I distinctly remember the folks with HPV caused issues, and some of the penises looked like they were covered with cauliflower. Perhaps a more fitting name for this type of std would be "veg on meat".
  18. This is really a Saturday highlight. I spent 5 hours on Sat. at the annual J S Bach Marathon in the chapel at St. Lawrence University. Drudgery to most, but a yearly event for me! The S L U string orchestra, S L U Laurentian Singers, and other groups are superb. An afternoon of cantatas, Brandenburg concertos, and other works as the sunlight brightens the stained glass windows-------sublime! In fact it inspired a small work from the pen of my close friend, Count Pierre Francois de la Crankenstein: Sometimes a music lover just needs to have a bit of Bach Even though at heart he'd really rather rock The highest form of music which he will never knock The sound of soft young lips as they hum upon his cock
  19. Why does winter make skin so dry? Then a hot bath feels so cozy with a glass of Jack on the rocks, but after a half bottle of lotion required.
  20. Why is it almost all brand name foods taste better in house than when made at home?
  21. Why is it that whenever there is a thread trying to have a reasoned conversation regarding bareback vs. covered services, some people get so touchy and complain of being lectured?
  22. Three blueberry pancakes the size of a dinner plate, sausage links, homefries, fresh syrup. No fake store syrup for this guy!
  23. Great thread peachy, thanks. I voted for only sp's who do cbj, I haven't always thought that but am now that way inclined. Here are a few random thoughts. Who doesn't enjoy a cute lady's soft, wet lips gliding on their bare schlong? Bj's are relative to the performer. The best ones I've had were bare, but also the worst. Nothing worse than dry lips or teeth on bare cock skin. Never had a bad cbj, also the sucking can go til drained and soft with no worries. I'm an old guy who just started dabbling in the hobby a few years ago. Some of my fondest memories are of my first sp, sadly no longer in the biz. A beautiful Dominican mixed race lady, all of 20 yrs old. I spent many fun filled hours w/her including off the clock coffees and lunch. She had a unique style, a combo of old fashioned FS and a little nastiness to boot. a safe/pse if there is such a thing. Example:cbj only, but sometimes ending with a very porny hj resulting in semen as skin moisturizer. At that time. I'd never heard of covered daty or I would've tried it. The majority of women go right at it bareback, bj I mean. I've been refused cbj, "don't like latex taste". Why don't they have some flavored or non lubed rubbers available?Also been told they just don't like it. The only cerbie I see with any regularity(i'm in the States),I trust, andshe always goes down bare, although last time she got over enthusiastic and bruised the wienis.lol I hadn't thought of this before but apparently this must mean my organ is not unattractive. Also in the past I have asked some ladies about covered daty and they acted like I was a freakazoid, very humiliating. I have on occasion, had stanky pussies planted over my face that I would've preferred not to eat, but I'm too shy to refuse. I agree with Cap Hunter's position although for me, no cob or cof might be a deal breaker. I saw recently a response to a posting on bbfs. Roughly paraphrasing, he felt it was everyone's right to take risks and control their own destiny. He might better find some other way to play Russian roulette. There are sick fucks out there who would knowingly spread HIV out of spite, or to "spread the risk" for fun. Peachy, if I were an sp, I know what I would choose. Sorry dudes my mouth is unavailable.lol
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