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Code Blue

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Everything posted by Code Blue

  1. Ditto. He's a cheapskate and was going to stiff you from the outset of that last rendezvous. You can do far better .... Have a hug anyway CB
  2. very nice. Can't wait til you figure out how to get the pics off your phone!
  3. I try! :icon_rolleyes: Is punk still to do with the hair and music, or has that scene changed since I missed it? CB
  4. Hugs to meg. No reason needed! CB
  5. BIG HUG It might seem daft, but a good pair of insoles in your shoes (flat of course) may help your back. Worth a try. Another HUG CB
  6. For a first visit my expectations are rather neutral: promptness; courtesy and at least the illusion that they are happy to spend time in my company would be what I would regard as "professional minima". However in trying to decide what to expect in advance of a first meeting, I have not found price to be a great differentiator. I suspect may be used as a proxy for "quality", however defined, when a Hobbyist looks around to choose an SP. I have encountered a couple of sites where providers' prices are, even by my standards almost ludicrously high (such as by a factor of 300% for an "hourly rate"!!) I do not look at a "shopping list" of acronyms either, for their absence means nothing. I would be interested to hear form others if they find this useful in advance of making contact. I nearly always exchange emails before a first visit and that does colour my level of anticipation/expectation. It may sound daft, but a pleasant email exchange seems to correlate with an enjoyable experience! I really think my expectations are different for a second visit. If I feel somehow the first did not generate some "chemistry", then I will likely not return. Maybe different SP suit different moods too? Just my caffeine depleted ramblings - so much for being a morning guy. CB
  7. Code Blue

    Sad News

    Great post: The respect of one's peers carries a value greater than money. Thanks CB
  8. You mean he doesn't! Damn, the day's gone to the dogs already! Is Anderson the new Oprah? Very touchy-feely show yesterday! CB
  9. I am a morning guy. I like a little snooze as the day lightens, stretch and think a bit and then I am up. The only reason I am not up even earlier is I need 8 hours sleep to function properly and consistently and I cannot seem to get to bed before 11pm! I don't mind waking up alone, but there are days when company would be nice! Once up, I have to have a cup of tea first thing, although I drink coffee thereafter- that habit I cannot break. I love sitting in the kitchen - or on my deck if the weather cooperates - all by myself in the quiet, save for the dog wanting to get her morning snack treat! This quite interlude is the one time of the day when I do not want company at all. All I need is about 20 minutes and then I am fit company thereafter - at least I think so! Good Morning from God's Little Acre CB
  10. Interesting; insightful and compassionate comments; a hint of noir. You sparked my interest anyway. Happy Friday CB
  11. It is but you only need to see one laser burn to want to play the odds...... :icon_eek: CB
  12. I used to think I could be surprised by things on YouTube, but now I know better. CB
  13. The Horror, the horror! My IT dept. Would not let me have an iPhone, insisting BB was safer. I. Can now have a fun discussion with them today! CB
  14. Yea, Wot he said! Most of the people I know spend a large part of their working day gossiping. The "celebs" are out there for just that purpose: It may be that April Dawn likes to share that with us. I'm fine with it even if I know absolutely nothing about Beyonce's pregnancy. CB - off to gossip about real people now :big grin:
  15. Someone used that before elsewhere, but it sounds proper clever! Well done CB
  16. Castle, I don't know you well either, but have read your posts. I think Surf Nazi makes a good point, not that the others haven't either from their perspectives. Lonely isn't always that much fun. It is in the small hours of the morning I find it too. BUT the one person you can't escape at 4am is (often the darker part of) yourself. He's the guy who doesn't need any more anguish than he has now. "Baby steps" is right, but it is both warm and pleasant and the edge of slippery slope if you can't keep the boundaries. As was said in lots of other threads, communication with your companion upfront may be the best reassurance you can get that things will stay on an even keel. You may have to work at it ! Take Care, CB
  17. The Bedford case could be heard with only seven judges. Some pundits worry about that, but I have no knowledge of its implications. The heartening factoid may be that apparently "partisan" appointments often act in a nonpartisan fashion once appointed to the Bench. CB
  18. I work in a mandated scent free environment. I like a little scent though tastefully done, but it is not a "deal breaker" CB
  19. There are huge implications for this judgement in both Bedford and the entire health arena. The Judges even stated that what health care services were offered by a province were potentially subject to federal influence! I see Cactus In Montreal are going to set up community sensitive supervised sites. CB
  20. I really don't know what a "soulmate" is. Language is a funny thing and I have found the same word means different things to different people even those who have grown up using the same language. Someone recently wanted to describe me as "their friend" after only a couple of hours of albeit very enjoyable company. From my perspective, I have had only five friends in my life. These are people for whom I would drop whatever I was doing and spend my last dollar to help: I have dozens of acquaintances however. I think the descriptions above show a lot about the writers but only a little glimpse about what might be a "soulmate". They are interesting insights. Maybe I have not found one yet and thus speak from ignorance. CB
  21. I rather like the positivity. So what if it's "one sided" or "unbalanced", at least its an imbalance I can live with... ..and if you want the negativity there are plenty of other places to go.... CB
  22. There are no absolute guarantees in anything in life save for the obvious couple above. I would feel that if I had not been misled before our meeting or treated poorly during, the lady had earned her money irregardless. CB
  23. 1. Lying requires a far better memory than most people have. 2. It appears to me that a lot of people do not know how to respond to a compliment! Some are so insecure they see it as a facetious comment or put down, but even people with reasonable self-esteem seem to be floored by a simple compliment. CB
  24. There is a delete button on the keys: it sometimes has a left facing straight arrow. It depends on how you have your email account set up. With Yahoo/Google you get an option to delete the message on handheld alone or both mailbox and handheld. I have a business email which is pushed to the BB via a BB server and to get rid of the message for good I have to access the webmail via the internet even though I can get the message on the BB to disappear. Any help? CB
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