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Everything posted by TKDKidd

  1. Anyone who expects the exact same treatment as the guy who posted a review is being silly, when have you ever been with someone and had the exact same experience, even with an old girlfriend, wife, whatever. I know that each and every encounter will be different from the person before me and the person after me. I have three regulars who I see and every time I see one of them, my experience with them is different from the last. We should all understand that YMMV with each girl. That being said, I believe that editing your post based on what one of the ladies on here have requested is somewhat silly as it is your own experience and if you are going to post something negative no one wants a bad review and would most likely request you not post it. Also, I do see it a lot that guys post that they did not get everything they wanted because they could not hold out. My response is not to include that in your posting, it gives it a negative connotation. Most of us want to know a few things, are the pictures real, how good is the advertised service - never comparing two ladies - the damage, and if she is worth a repeat.
  2. To be honest, it wouldn't affect me as greatly as it would affect those who seem to live in the Ottawa area, in the East Coast and those out in Alberta. I live in Mississauga and I do frequent this site from time to time and there are rarely if ever any postings for Peel Region; there'll be postings for Toronto usually through one of the agencies but I am not a fan of those, so I frequent other sites to find a girl if one of my three regulars are not available, which is incredibly rare. I think if Cerb could somehow attract girls to come to it from Peel Region I would be on here more than when I go up to Ottawa or Hull for business or to visit friends.
  3. Not to come off as being rude, but I find the OP's reasoning for hobbying to be somewhat vexing and disturbing. I am sure the wonderful ladies on here see it all the time, men who come to them who are obviously married who just don't find their wive's attractive anymore or just looking for something different, but I find it odd to state that they don't get any and is being forced to go and pay to sleep with another person. No one is forcing you to do anything, especially when it comes to hobbying. You are electing to hobby as a result of your supposed complete lack of sex life within your marriage, which to be quite honest, you might want to consider spending some of your hobby money on a family therapist to discuss this or better yet bring it to her attention. Will most likely save you money in the long run and you will have a healthier relationship out of it.
  4. Grizzly Bear - I am a huge bear guy, no homo. Mango or pineapple juice?
  5. Since I already try to do the typical ones - dieting, lifting, drinking lots of water - I would like to try and do an outcall this year.
  6. All I can say is to not expect it to be like a porno, I remember my first experience a few years ago when I was roughly your age and was I ever surprised. Also, these are people too, not toys or tools, treat them with respect, every one I have met thus far has been very nice and if this is your first time with a service provider be upfront with it. They will sit you down, talk you through it and then you'll be able to enjoy. I really did not enjoy my first couple of times as there was little conversation beforehand and was more often set up for appointments by others rather than picking myself. Be sure you are happy with who you pick, talk for ten minutes and then enjoy. Also be sure to be clear about menu options. As my first several times were set up for me I ended up with options that weren't beneficial to someone like me and I was not able to enjoy and it wasn't up until about a year ago that I was really able to start enjoying. Also, look to read reviews and get a sense of what an encounter might be like with different providers. Another suggestion would be to use a provider that uses this site, which you are lucky to have being in Ottawa, as certain other sites, which I will not publicly name, are notorious for having no shows, scammers, bait and switchers, etc. who do not want negative reviews posted about them where they post their advertisements. The girls on here are all lovely and great.
  7. I will second the sentiments of the others. Wind is a great company to go with, no provider is as good as them when it comes to having unlimited everything and you can get a month of service if need be.
  8. Two fives. Watercolour or pastel?
  9. I am in the firm mindset that men and women can just be friends. I have had female roommates almost my entire life, have never hooked up with any of them and we get along great. I do not believe that a relationship between two individuals has to be sexual in nature if they are of the opposite sex and it is not in a work environment.
  10. Nope not for me. I came to see you, not the television. If I wanted to watch porn, I'd stay at home.
  11. This is the best advice. I don't condone anyone's actions, but myself personally, I could never be with someone else outside of my SO.
  12. I would just add CERB to my phone's dictionary and voila, no more issue.
  13. I am down for going out, though when can always be restricting.
  14. Excellent work Cato, your hard work definitely does not go unnoticed.
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