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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. It doesn't take long to get used to how it feels and then the itching stops, same with shaving your chest. Just give it a little time.
  2. The Beatles "Hey Jude," The Rolling Stones "Gimme Shelter," " and "Sympathy for The Devil," Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion," Fleetwood Mac " ," Buckcherry " ," Stone Temple Pilots "Plush" and Pink Floyds " ," " " and " " these always stick in my head.
  3. Let us not forget Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron Man 2...a VERY classy and sexy lady indeed!
  4. * Bacon wrapped scallos * Homemade Lasagna * BBQ Steak * A hotdog from any professional teams park (i.e. a Fenway Frank)
  5. If anyone has seen Porscha please feel free to PM me as I too am curious about her.
  6. Excellent reco., your positive words make me want to meet Lacey even more!
  7. Has anyone ever met either Jami, who advertises on EC or Nicole (aka Miss Venomous) who is a member here on Cerb? Of course I have checked for any recommendation but found none. If anyone has met either of these ladies could you please let me know as I will be in Halifax the start of June and I plan on seeing some ladies whom I might not get to see ordinarily. Thanks
  8. It just goes to show that there still are some compassionate people left in this world! If everyone was one half as generous/compassionate as this unnamed stranger, society would be far different! Kudos to Al, Soleil and the unnamed stranger!
  9. I suspect that you are correct mikeyboy in that having the same name is/was the problem??
  10. I have no idea how to start this particular post other than to simply say that you must read this recommendation and then take five minutes of your day to send Soleil a compliment! I for one, being a health care provider, know how cerebral palsy can affect someone's body. I believe she offered service where others may not have. So to Big Al it sounds as though you had a great time and made THE right decision on who to see. To Soleil you deserve a pat on the back if only for the four hour commute to and from the date. All the best to you both and Soleil if you are ever in my corner of the country dinner is on me!
  11. Perhaps the best way to avoid an uncomfortable situation caused by using questionable terminology is to not use it at all! I have yet to, and most likely never will, feel the need to use any of the terms being discussed in this thread either with a lady or during a post or recommendation. Personally I do not think you need to reference body parts in posts, recos., or correspondence with your particular lady friend. More over I find most posts, etc. with the words cock, tits, pusy, etc. to be in questionable taste for mature adult hobbyists and the ladies whose company we enjoy SO much. Please do not get me wrong I am not condemning anyone for using such vocabulary I just do not see the need for it. I find it is always more enjoyable to leave just a little to the imagination either in recommendations, posts or in the bedroom. This is my view and I welcome anyone and everyone to either agree or disagree and again I do not mean to condemn or condone just offer my two cents as it were.
  12. To answer my own question I have wanted to meet Brynn Winters since I first saw her profile, and since she is coming east problem solved. Victoria Jolie is high on my list, missed her on her last visit due to a flight issue. Since she is returning east...problem solved. I hesitate to say "the next three" as it sounds as though I am listing them in order of preference, that is not my intention. However the "remaining" three are Belle Bordeaux, Keissy Hennessey and Naughty Angel. Go ahead check out their profiles...and those are just the ones that don't live in the area. Some local ladies who I want to see but haven't yet due to various reasons, mostly scheduling, are as follows in no particular order: Lacey, Emma, Danielle, Brittney and Selena.
  13. With the recent announcement by Brynn Winters and Kaelyn Kroft that they are planning a tour of our region, that coupled with the return of Victoria Jolie, Heidi, Emily and other notable touring ladies I have been wondering who else would you like to see visit our region? Maritime cities, and the guys who live in them, have been very lucky as of late with ladies such as these visiting. So I am curious if you had a choice as to who would tour The Maritimes next who would it be? You never know if we are lucky we may influence some other ladies to come for a visit.
  14. For me it is The Simpsons at least the first 10 seasons anyway. I find Homer to be just the right dose of funny in a ha ha way and funny in a d'oh way! Family Guy, American Dad and South Park may indeed be funnier now but you have to remember what is acceptable on TV now wasn't 10, 15 or 20 years ago when The Simpsons was in its prime. An example of this is Mr. Burns assistant Waylon Smithers, clearly a gay character but never openly portrayed as gay. Contrast that to Stewie from Family Guy or Roger on American Dad who are clearly so. My point is it is easier to get a laugh when the rules are relaxed. For me comparing The Simpsons to Family Guy is like comparing The Flintstones, ironically the first animated show geared to adults, to Robot Chicken...two very different shows in two very different time periods. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-TZ8Z5S9rI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJkp9d6f1_0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmsuYeztVbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RiVLfFIgLo&feature=related
  15. Early last week I felt a certain "itch" that needed to be addressed. So ordinarily I would have made arrangements with a lady in Halifax but this time was different. I decided that (A) I didn't want to have to travel quite so far and (B) that I would like to meet someone different! So that is what brought me to Becky in Moncton. Becky offers straight F/S no GFE at all which includes no kissing, so if that is what you are looking for I suggest you see someone else. Also she does have a menu so like most menus the more you order the more you donate. Regardless, when I arrived she invited me in, we sat and talked for a little bit went over what was on and off the menu and then got down to business. Becky is a very nice girl who I think is just a bit shy but a lot of fun to be with. I had a very a good time and if I have the opportunity to see her again I will!
  16. I agree stereotyping is NOT COOL! Having said that there are quite a few professions, other than nursing, that can expose you to "bugs."
  17. 208 - Wednesday October 20, 2004 The Boston Red Sox defeat The New York Yankees in 7 games in the 2004 ALCS. 209 - October 27, 2004 The Boston Red Sox defeat The St. Louis Cardinals in 4 games to win the 2004 World Series. 210 - Asking if she would marry me and having her say "yes." 211 - Beating cancer!
  18. Forgive me if I am wrong but is it not human nature to want what we can't/don't have? If your wife was able to provide these to you wouldn't it still be in your nature to want an even better HJ or BJ from an even more attractive or even younger woman? Please do not misunderstand me I am not saying you are wrong I am only pointing out that "fantastic" is a relative term. I believe that we hobby to satisfy the need for variety more than anything. That is why most of us see a variety of ladies. You see not only are we not monogamous with our partners but we aren't monogamous with our "lady friends" either...in a manner of speaking. At least that is a possibility that I believe in!
  19. I am planning a trip to Halifax next month for a "me day" when my wife is away and I too am wondering "where should I stay?" Ladies/gentlemen what is your advice. I appreciate any and all input!
  20. This one comment really does apply to a lot of guys. Especially those of us who live in small communities where everyone really does know everyone elses business!
  21. Both excellent points, however there is still the added challenge of withdrawing the required funds without your SO noticing. This is what caused my first attempt at an "overnighter" to fail. We (the lady and I) had the donation amount finalized, my wife was to be out of the country and everything was set...the only problem was the withdrawl of funds. I felt terrible about having to cancel, and still do for that matter, as the lady I was planning on seeing was kind enough to give me a lower rate and was going to come from Halifax to Charlottetown to stay the night. So the moral of the story...plan ahead!
  22. This question was asked of me by a lady friend recently and I could not give her a single definitive answer. So I am wondering why do we hobby? Is it purely physical, is it a mental game where the "chase is better than the catch?" Is the reason we "hobby" to compensate for something we do not have in our personal lives such as excitement, anticipation or is it something as simple as physical gratification that is craved? I am curious what the members of this community believe the answer to this question is. I suspect there is not one single answer but a wide variety of beliefs and situations that will make the answer from person "A" different from that of person "B."
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