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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. Just incredible legs, breasts and hair, Luxe. Thanks for the pics!
  2. Welcome back, Cato. Be well, be happy, have fun!
  3. Happy Birthday! Have a great one.
  4. Happy Birthday! Enjoy following those primitive urges.
  5. Sherlock


    Nice curves, Isabelle!
  6. Happy Birthday, Meaghan. Have fun all night!
  7. Sherlock

    Your wild hair, lips and bum are very sexy, Freya!
  8. Sherlock

    Magnificent body and classy lingerie, Freya.
  9. Sherlock


    Looks like we could have some good, clean fun together. Amazing tush!
  10. You are more charming and enticing as the years go gently by. Thanks for the memories. Perhaps someday we can make more of them, seductive Sophia. xo
  11. Thanks for sharing this playful, colourful pic, KK.
  12. Sherlock

    IMG 0009

    You deserve a kiss on the cheek.
  13. Sherlock


    The crowd of admirers must be on this side of the camera.
  14. I'm getting "Connection Not Secure" warnings. I thought they were bogus, but now I think the problem is here. I think this has happened before and Mod will fix it.
  15. The author is Marianne Williamson, founder of the Peace Alliance. Shine on, strong women of LYLA!
  16. You have a lovely, soft body, Vicky, and 2 of the nicest nipples on LYLA.
  17. Sherlock

    pink panties

    Sexy bod and cute smile - nice combo, Cara!
  18. Sherlock


    A figure to inspire a sculptor's creative juices... and my juices too! ;-)
  19. Hi Joe, I haven't had the pleasure myself, but she has NB reviews here: https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=C&t=239125
  20. Congrats and thanks, Cato. Your efforts add to my enjoyment of this site. Here's hoping you have many more years of pleasure giving and receiving.
  21. You sure light up a room with your hot body, Farrah!
  22. Yes, you look yummy Chloe. An all-night buffet!
  23. I think if they were only after your cell # they wouldn't have bothered to send you a picture. It is common for CL girls to disappear suddenly. I wouldn't worry!
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