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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Thanks biker dude. Based on her galleries she has a beautiful face. And thanks for posting the link. However, you should post this in the reco section. But before you do so, a word of advise you shouldn't have said "but a bit plump". We're not allowed expressing any negative opinions on this forum in any manner unless it is as a warning for the safety of others or advising of a bait and switch. And there is an appropriate section for that as well. You may end up taking it on the chin for that "plump" comment.
  2. Ashleys ad is back up http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/ashley-140hh-190hr-9027198446-safe-location-near-lake-banookbs-free-guarantee/2188340
  3. if this is in relation to another post you should ask the question in that conversation string or most people if anyone will know what you are talking about. I think I might know based on memory but there is no way to be sure. P.S I've had nothing but stellar experiences with Barbie... and she's got a smokin hot bod...
  4. And please please please people. Copy and paste a link for quick reference...
  5. I went to see this sp http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/9029892240_-_-our-smoking-hot-bond-_-_-noon-dos-it-bttr/2146223 and realized when I got there that it was not the same person at all. After the experience I went back on to BP to look around and saw the ad below which was the actual person I ended up seeing. http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEs...rantee/2188340 So I booked with one ad, and ended up with the girl from another ad who had a completely different # and set of Pictures. So after the experience I texted the number of the first ad with the pictures of the girl I thought I was gonna to see and questioned her. She said the other girl was her friend. Even if that was true, full disclosure should have been provided. I did not want to see the other girl, I saw her ad and passed it by. Not cool. I was swindled into it. I also just saw this negative link posted about ashley on B.P http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/ashley-140hh-190hr-9027198446-safe-location-near-lake-banookbs-free-not-guaranteed/2232022 (i just noticed this post and ashleys ad has been removed from bp) Any way, there you have it. There was no honesty there so not worth your time. I had a great date planned with a traveling p r o v i d e r that day...I arrived but she didnt' answer the phone because i found out later that she had slept in...so me, being so filled with anticipation, could not go without seeing someone. And I went and booked without doing my usual extensive research. Well you got me girls (or girl)!?!? But I'm glad all the potential clients on lyla will see this (which is most of the clients worth seeing). For more detail you can PM http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEs...rantee/2188340
  6. I went to see this sp and realized when I got there that it was not the same person at all. I was already planing on reporting and when I saw your inquiry I decided to report here. After the experience I went back on to BP to look around and saw the ad below which was the actual person I ended up seeing. So I booked with one ad, and ended up with the girl from another ad who had a completely different # and set of Pictures. So I texted the number of the first ad with the pictures of the girl I wanted to see....the girl I thought I was gonna see and questioned her. She said the other girl was her friend. Even if that was true, full disclosure should have been provided. I did not want to see the other girl, I saw her ad and passed it by. Not cool. I was swindled into it. Any way, there you have it. There was no honesty there so not worth your time. I had a great date planned with a traveling p r o v i d e r that day...I arrived but she didnt' answer the phone because i found out later that she had slept in...so me, being so filled with anticipation, could not go without seeing someone. And I went and booked without doing my usual extensive research. Well you got me girls (or girl)!?!? But I'm glad all the potential clients on lyla will see this (which is most of the clients worth seeing). For more detail you can PM http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/ashley-140hh-190hr-9027198446-safe-location-near-lake-banookbs-free-guarantee/2188340
  7. Sorry for the inconvenience. I usually google image search but I cant from my phone ever since my last up date.
  8. Make a reco in the recommendation section
  9. http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/upscale-blonde-playmate-kourtney-looks-great-feels-even-better902-495-7417/2172132. Anyone know if this is the real deal
  10. If I had a bad experience I just say. " I saw her." Don't even need to say PM for details and I always get private messages. And as for having to respond to multiple messages I write one generic description and copy and paste to each pm. If it was a bait and switch or dangerous situation it goes public ally in that section. It is interesting that we have a public post of a bad experience here and a reco for the same lady under the reco section from...I think June. But to my point..opinions, right or wrong, are all a matter of perspective.
  11. REALLY curious. Is she natural or enhanced. I got exited when I saw 33b but her galleries look like 33 D with enhancements. Could be a super padded push up bra. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hope she returns. Have you guys seen Vanessa's pics on their website. She looks Devine. Check it out.... Additional Comments: I'm always busting peoples balls for this and I went and forgot... here her link: http://bodylanguageent.ca/index.php?page=detail&noportefolio=124
  13. Oh really. The ad on lyla said 3 4 and 5th. I should call
  14. Got busy and didn't check in for a week and I miss a girl like Sasha from body language. I would've been all over that. Dam. Agencies rarely send girls with her stats. She was right up alley. Anyone see her??? I hope she comes back.
  15. Good to know, I'm visiting soon....
  16. Hey there, I am visiting from Toronto soon and am looking for advice on agencies. I've been there before and have had success with the agency scene but its been a while. I'm partial to spinners. Just looking for few suggested agencies that are known for real pics, and high standards. Price is not much of an issue. I would also like to know which ones to avoid if possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanking you in advance, Splitz
  17. Hey there, I am visiting from Halifax soon and am looking for advice on agencies. I've been there before and have had success with the agency scene but its been a while. I'm partial to spinners. Just looking for few suggested agencies that are known for real pics, and high standards. Price is not much of an issue. I would also like to know which ones to avoid as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanking you in advance, Splitz
  18. I Think I should go see Nikki Ménage some time. See her ads now and then. She is right up my ally. Any one have any info? Love those pics: http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/nikki-petite-discreetsexy-blonde-barbie-alifax-ottie/1643684
  19. I'm not touching this one with a n.i.n.e inch pole!!!! No punn intended..wink, wink!
  20. They often don't answer till after 12noon I have found. Did you end up getting a hold?
  21. I hear what you're saying as Asians are rumoured to run smaller than Caucasians (males included;). However, I can say first hand after more encounters with vipotg than all of my fingers and toes that their C has never been less than a C, if anything larger. I only remember personally one advertised less than a C. She was advertised as a B and she was definitely that. I remember another thread about this actually. How they always advertising (like for years) almost they exact same stats. So when I hear "Bcup" from them I'm left to believe they ain't kidding. And as I love B cups it caught my attention.
  22. it comes up empty because she is on the newbrunswick bp section. But yeah, if you want people to take the time to respond copy and paste the link so they don't have to go searching... Additional Comments: it comes up empty because she is on the newbrunswick bp section. But yeah, if you want people to take the time to respond copy and paste the link so they don't have to go searching...
  23. Same phone # Additional Comments: No one said B cups were rare! What I said was that advertising something other than a C cup is rare for VIPOTG!
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