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Miss Jessica Lee

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Miss Jessica Lee

  1. you know what's super awesome?



    there is finally a subsection for "fun" threads that are completely not industry related ...


    I get that some of you love them but they were really clogging up the discussion section and some of us only come here to the "general discussions" area for discussions (go figure lol) ... and they were becoming increasingly difficult to find!!


    Thanks to whoever thought of that!! :D

    • Like 3

  2. maybe not an ideal solution for everyone, but I have a Mi-Fi device that allows me a wi-fi connection wherever I am. I've had to use it in airports, on trains, on the side of the road, and I use it in hotels who charge for their wi-fi like Westin.


    It can't compete with free, but at least I can freely browse whatever sites I wish. The internet can't hide from me :D



    • Like 1

  3. the easiest way to avoid after-hours bs is to simply not answer your phone. I don't book via text unless it's someone I know, and although I have an outgoing message, I have my phone set not to accept incoming voicemails.


    I post in my ads that generic ("what's up?" type) or rude messages will probably be ignored, and that's often what I do. I don't engage at all with those people, trying to educate them or train them in etiquette isn't fun for me.


    Turn offs for me are people who


    try to tell me how to run my business

    tell me I don't advertise enough (if I'm booked why advertise??)

    cancel last minute or no show

    have a sense of entitlement

    take 17 emails to book an hour visit

    • Like 3

  4. Are there any ladies that would be willing to sell a pair of their worn panties?


    Just meet up, slide them off, and part ways?




    absolutely there is. Be polite in your message and if you have participated in the hobby before maybe providing a reference so the lady knows your legit and your request is genuine is a good idea. Be prepared to pay her for her time and of course her panties :p


    best of luck xo

  5. I helped a lady who was out of gas today ... ran to the gas station with my gerry can and got her enough gas to get her where she was going....


    just because....she was stuck ... and I have been helped on the road by some super awesome people this winter...

    • Like 3

  6. Jessica is on twitter and of course industry related boards like this one which are a form of social media ... and I post fairly honestly. I have a ton of fun with twitter, it's great for networking, industry news, and marketing.


    But in my personal life I don't use any social media at all. No facebook, no twitter, no LinkedIn, no Vine... nothing.


    When I started in the biz I decided I would only have one online persona to avoid any overlap or chance of someone recognizing me. Maybe when I retire I will feel differently, but for now this feels safer for me.

    • Like 2

  7. I heard Valerie Scott say that under the Nordic Model the law can compel an sp to testify against customers, and if she doesn't then she goes to jail. So the idea of sps being decriminalized is a myth.


    well legal loophole non-expert here .....


    what if the lady has signed a non-disclosure agreement? Would she be legally bound NOT to testify?


    Doctors and Priests are often able to refuse to provide confidential information about their private conversations ... why not us?

    • Like 1

  8. when I've stayed in smaller, boutique style hotels with awkward lobby entrances ... or large hotels with a huge lobby and confusing entrances I always give clear directions to the elevator.


    For example, "walk in straight ahead past desk turn left to elevator" ... or ... "walk in and head towards front desk turn right just before it and elevators are down the hall"


    ...for both his comfort and my own. It's a couple of extra keystrokes and it keeps him from looking awkward, uncomfortable, or like he doesn't belong, plus it ensures he makes it to my door :)

    • Like 2

  9. I think each person knows if they are being judgmental or just not comfortable with the situation for many reasons like the ones Nat mentioned above, although I don't know her, she has actually shown not to judge others, I like her wouldn't feel comfortable either for pretty much same reasons so we can't/shouldn't assume why people do or don't do certain things and try to know their point of view on certain topics.


    you completely misunderstood, or you haven't read all the comments.


    saying you wouldn't do it is one thing.... saying it's completely disrespectful is quite another. People should do what they want ... but keep one's opinions on other's behaviour to oneself ...

    • Like 5

  10. During my 20 years (or so) in this business I've seen a serious increase in vulgarity and a major decrease in sensitivity both in advertising and support and unity (amongst the ladies).


    When advertising was in newspapers and phone books there were guidelines to what could and could not be posted, I'd assume it's because the companies had a say over the end result because they had an image to uphold. ANY kind of nudity was a NO-NO, describing ANY kind of sexual services (especially for money) was a NO-NO.


    I still use print advertising in some remote cities and those are still the rules. They're very strict, they allow no vulgar language and no website links.


    When I started in the biz everyone was 'hard core' ... almost every ad claimed the provider was the dirtiest, the wettest, the hottest, the horniest .... so I became sweet petite jessica. Worked like a charm :p

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  11. far as I know those terms (except for SF/SS??) are accepted across Canada and in other parts of the world.


    Sex Professionals work across the globe, having a uniquely Canadian set of acronyms would be confusing IMO.


    I don't find anything degrading about the terms you've mentioned, and they are fairly self explanatory or easily google searched.


    Don't fix it if it ain't broke!



    • Like 6

  12. Mowing - if you have the right attachment on your lawn mower it will pick up the debris.


    Rollerblading or biking?


    sooooo strange .... that was going to be my next one!!

    biking ... but I only got my blades last year and I'm still shaky on them :)



    baby blue or navy blue?

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  13. I don't ask questions and I don't judge when I attend a gentleman's home ... but it's often quite evident if I'm in a room where a lady usually sleeps. I know sometimes I've seen attached gents and they have hosted my visit in a spare room. Whatever is more comfortable for them is fine... as long as it's clean.


    I have only once been contacted by a lady who was aware of my visit to her home, and that was not through any error on my part. He didn't delete his phone history afterwards. For shame!


    I am hardly the one to judge one of my gentlemen friends as vulgar or disrespectful towards their SO. Apart from what he chooses to share with me, their relationship is off limits. He's paying me enough to mind my own business.

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