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Miss Jessica Lee

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Posts posted by Miss Jessica Lee

  1. It's been a long time since I hobbied in Windsor.

    Can anyone here recommend some quality Windsor providers?

    Thanks everyone.


    hmm there doesn't seem to be much activity in the Windsor recommendations ... but there are plenty of lovely providers posting here in the Windsor advertising forum:




    might I suggest you revive the section and post a recommendation of the lady you choose ;)

    • Like 1

  2. I would like to respectfully request that this thread maintain a positive vibe ...there is huge support for this movement ..... as indicated on the controversial original post ... this thread was nominated and thanked many many times!!


    please take a moment to read the new letters recently added to the site from both happy hobbyists and providers.


    They describe real life situations in which ladies have found their success and happiness through sex work, and gents have found companionship and intimacy they may not have otherwise enjoyed.


    bumping this because we seem to be going in circles here... let's keep it positive.

  3. "Comments


    Miss Jessica Lee:

    I never said your feelings "don't fucking matter" ... shockingly, that offended me. Go figure...???"


    Where exactly did I say that? My feelings aren't part of this discussion, I have taken issue with your exclusionary and stigmatizing language.


    Berlin said it, but you said I was 'finding things' to be offended at... I didn't have to look very hard. Being told that my feelings "don't fucking matter" is out of line and offensive. No question about it.


    I refuse to allow this thread to deteriorate in the way you obviously intend.


    Nobody is forcing you to view the thread, but if you do view and post please leave your negativity at the door.

  4. a lot of people say that. I've tried river, ocean, racing...everything. I just don't find it strenuous at all. it's kinda relaxing. But honestly, after a couple of hours, I had enough.

    I find kayaking more fun because you can go farther, I think.


    I'm glad you're enjoying it, though. It's nice to find new hobbies/activities


    agree ... in the kayak I can go for hours, pack some snacks and bevvy's in the dry hatch, I take my spray skirt in case it gets rough and I could be out all day. I can't see doing that on a SUP... but one major advantage to standing....at least my ass is getting a tan!

  5. I would like to respectfully request that this thread maintain a positive vibe ...there is huge support for this movement ..... as indicated on the controversial original post ... this thread was nominated and thanked many many times!!


    please take a moment to read the new letters recently added to the site from both happy hobbyists and providers.


    They describe real life situations in which ladies have found their success and happiness through sex work, and gents have found companionship and intimacy they may not have otherwise enjoyed.

  6. and that has been my point all along. That you guys couldn't see the point of the comments that were being made.


    I can't be more clear than that, and I really dislike when I see someone trying to downplay the intentions of those who commented prior to the changes on the site. I guess I was expecting some kind of statement with an apology or thank you to those who pointed out the flaws in it.


    You need to be reminded that no one is saying your intentions weren't worthy, just the execution of it was flawed enough to create debate. That alone should have gotten y'all to sit up and look it over. There was never any need to get so defensive & you all came out offensive, that's all. The only reason I am commenting, for the most part, has nothing to do with you or MFF, it is for the other readers.


    Whatever the topic, I feel that what was said or done is being misrepresented by various comments, obviously i will speak up. That is what people are used to seeing when I post lol I doubt if I will change. This is cerb, we don't expect attacks when we post, btw. i thought everyone was being very reasonable when they made their comments. Clearly, the main page was changed. There must have been validity in those comments, is all I'm saying.


    I don't see anywhere I was rude or disrespectful or offensive, or defensive in fact if you read the thread again you will see that most often many of you were complaining because I allegedly "ignored" you..... I do see some seriously catty posts from others. Like this one for example...

    Your feelings about sex work don't fucking matter


    As I'm a sex worker, my feelings about sex work DO matter, but I refused to be baited and I think that frustrated people.


    Most recently I was politely responding to a comment by another member. It wasn't directed to you or any other poster. As clearly indicated by my quoting her specific comments. Please don't respond for her.


    If the preamble satisfies you then I'm not puzzled as to why you chose to keep bringing up a conflict that has been resolved.

    • Like 2

  7. MJL, i wish you wouldn't misrepresent what the comments were. This was never about stopping the concept or bringing the entire site down.


    It was always about the front page description, which is so completely changed now that I still wonder why there was such a fight about just doing that in the first place. There wouldn't have been a message from maggies, or anyone else, if what is on it now was on it from day one.


    The last sentence is particularly offensive to everyone who took the time to point out the flaws and potential flaws of the site in the first place. If we didn't care, we'd never have bothered to say anything.


    I'm sorry, maybe you missed it, but in the above post Jean specifically asks for the site to be taken down. That was after the changes had been made. My post is clearly a response to her, nobody else. The last sentence is a direct response to her post claiming to work for ALL sex workers.


    All due respect, cause I'm not sure what your problem is, but I wish you'd just leave this thread alone if you continue to have nothing positive to add.

  8. It doesn't matter whether we as sex workers are 'happy' or not, or whether we like our job or not -- WHAT MATTERS IS THAT WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAFETY AND SECURITY, and Bill C36 will only reinforce the same harms that sex workers have been facing for decades....


    ...Please take down the 'Happy Hooker' website. We believe in the right of ALL sex workers to safety and security, and will continue to work for ALL sex workers to live and work with safety and dignity.




    Jean McDonald

    Executive Director,

    Maggie's - Toronto Sex Workers' Action Project


    [email protected]


    Thanks for your post. I should maybe clarify our position again. As stated on the site, a happy hooker is a safe hooker. Safety is a top priority in order to maintain our happiness.


    It does matter to us that we are happy and enjoying our jobs. It matters to many of those who enjoy our services too. I'm not sure why you feel otherwise.


    The website is not coming down. If you really supported all sex workers you would support our right to speak and tell our stories.

    • Like 2

  9. some really fabulous letter submissions on the site from both ladies and gents ... keep 'em coming!






    Additional Comments:

    Some changes have been made to the preamble to clearly state we represent CONSENSUAL sex workers whatever their circumstances.


    Hope that helps to clarify our message and our movement.

    • Like 4

  10. Ah, you caught me in a gramma error, congratulations. You know exactly what I meant.


    Jessica, you refuse to discuss any of our concerns PERIOD. And that's actually why girls are upset. Wouldn't you be? When it's something as serious as this? Our public representation?


    Also, Maggie's is an advocacy group, susi represents workers and works hard for our rights. Do you think those people are trying to advocate for non-consensual workers?


    I'm completely done with this, as are many. You're successfully dividing the ranks!


    here's the issue right here. I never said I was YOUR representative. I asked those who were likeminded to jump on board.


    Believe it or not, I don't agree with many of the other groups and what they stand for. Do I insist they shut down? shut up? change their names?


    Why isn't my voice and that of the hundreds of supporters of this movement as important as yours?


    Did you happen to notice the number of thanks and nominations this thread received? I'm suggesting that indicates a great deal of support.


    Just sayin'

    • Like 1

  11. The very title of this thread inferres that this is the first time (and therein the only) happy sp "movement" aka spoken out.


    Just sayin'.


    its clear that there are hundreds of 'save the hooker' movements .... I did plenty of research and found nothing current regarding happy consensual sex workers, especially not in Canada.


    I'd love the links of any existing movements so we can collaborate ... maybe you're better at research and can provide them?


    Ladies there was never any intention to alienate or upset any sex workers. I'm not engaging in a battle here but I also don't want to be bitched out and lied about by the ladies with some strong opinions. I just wanted you to know that trouble was far from my intention. Looks like I've created a bit of a stir.... I wish the energy was focused on the real enemy though!



    Again thanks for the support in nominating my post looks like it was a winner!!

    • Like 3

  12. From what I understand that's what Jessica is trying to do. I most certainly wasn't thinking of dividing the escort classes, when I wrote my letter. I can understand the different diversities throughout escorting and the different challenges that may bring. However, not being part of any escorts rights advocates groups; I can only write through experience. My experience with escorting has generally been a good experience. I think that yes every escort has a right to say what she has to say, even some of the better off sex workers. Our right to have freedom of speech is very important and it's being threatened right now with Bill C-36. I agree that we need to stick together to see everyone have a better place. With that being said, I think it's a waste of time to be sitting here talking about logistics and pointing out points that don't even need to be applied to this particular thread. What about our freedom as women. The freedom to make our own choices and what if some women choose to be an escort. We did fight hard to gain our right to free will and choice.


    Thread pooped on, yes, it was, in my opinion. Trying to turn a good gesture into classifying or ranking the escorts or picking on the streetwalkers is pretty shitty.


    I wrote my letter out of choice to do something good. I wrote my letter so I could have a voice. I understand that there's bad out there but there is also good, in regards to escorting.


    This will be my my final comment in this thread.


    Here's my opinion. If you have had a good experience go ahead and write your letter and do what you can to help. If you would like to help any part of the sex industry go ahead and help. Just don't try to discourage people from having their voice.

    Just thought we all needed to read this again. Some really good points made here. Thanks again for the overwhelming support xo

  13. ugh .. the plug in that was purchased to enable form submission is not cooperating and there is a call in to tech support ... if you're trying to submit a letter and are unsuccessful please try again tomorrow ... I'm getting it fixed as fast as I can.


    As far as I know the forms submission function is now working on the website ... so get typing!


    Thanks again for all the support!

  14. [url]http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/11/sex-workers-could-be-forced-to-risk-their-lives-if-prostitution-bill-passes-escort-service-owner-says/[/url]

    TORONTO â?? If you work for Jillian Hollander, she says, you will be eligible for educational bursaries, RRSP matching, and discounts on plastic surgery if you need a confidence boost.

    But working for Ms. Hollander would mean becoming a sex worker. She owns and runs Cupidâ??s Escorts, Torontoâ??s biggest, employing 40 prostitutes.

    In laymanâ??s terms sheâ??s a pimp; Ms. Hollander describes herself as a madame. The prostitution industry described by the Conservative government and supporters of its Bill C-36 during parliamentary hearings this week, she says, is not the prostitution industry she works in.

    â??I run a high-end introduction service,â? says Ms. Hollander (and no, thatâ??s not her real name). â??I screen the clients and set up dates. I encourage the women to pursue their education by providing bursary programs. I encourage them to think about their futures by doing RRSP matching, and I have plastic surgery discounts for those that want to feel a bit better about themselves. I ensure their security, I take care of their marketing, and make sure theyâ??re treated with the respect that they deserve.â?

    If Bill C-36, the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, is passed, Ms. Hollanderâ??s company will be in violation of the law for selling sexual services and advertising those services on the Internet.

    â??My headâ??s been spinning for the past two weeks as I come to the realization of how this will affect me,â? says Ms. Hollander. â??I find it ridiculous that the Conservatives want to create laws for us without even consulting us and how we feel.â?

    The Supreme Court struck down Canadaâ??s old prostitution law last December, saying it exposed sex workers to undue risks that constituted a violation of their basic Charter right to security of the person. The Conservatives responded with a new bill that creates new offences for clients and pimps, but does not generally criminalize prostitutes themselves â?? except if they communicate to sell their services in a public place where children might be.

    During this weekâ??s hearings in Ottawa, witnesses were deeply divided by those who see sex workers as victims, and those who see them as women in charge of their own destiny. The Harper government, though, revealed no ambiguity. Mary Ann Dewey-Plante, spokesman for Justice Minister Peter MacKay, said this week Bill C-36 â??â??will protect vulnerable Canadians and our communities from this inherently dangerous activity.â?

    â??No one takes the time to delve deep and understand,â? says Leigh, one of the escorts working for Ms. Hollander. â??The Tories have only talked to the people that support them. They havenâ??t talked to us.â?

    Ms. Hollander bought Cupidâ??s Escorts when she was 26. She started researching the escort industry after she discovered her boyfriend used one, found an agency for sale, and then decided to buy Cupidâ??s â??â??for about the price of a mid-range car.â??â??

    â??The majority of people donâ??t understand what sex work is all about,â? she says. â??People tend to think that most of us are abused and come from bad families. I came from an upper-middle class family in the suburbs of Toronto. I was given every privilege imaginable.â?

    â??If Bill C-36 is introduced as law, Iâ??m out of a job. My employees will all be out of a job. Theyâ??ll have to find black market agencies to work for and theyâ??ll risk their lives if the clients are criminalized. Our society will become more repressed. Screening makes women safe. Screening stops women from meeting another Robert Pickton.â?

    Leigh says she sees couples and even single women, but mostly she sees people in need of not only sex but understanding.

    â??Half the time Iâ??m a therapist. They talk about their jobs, their lives, their kids. Theyâ??re looking for a companion. We donâ??t always have sex the first time and it progresses from there. If this stuff were more well known then it wouldnâ??t be scary.â?

    She got into the industry when her partner, Jay, lost his job, their debt was over $30,000, and they needed income.

    â??I knew someone in the industry and spoke to her for six months until I understood the industry, then I started interviewing with agencies,â? she says. â??Weâ??re swingers, so itâ??s an easier transition. Most men wouldnâ??t be comfortable with this.â?

    Jay now works at Cupidâ??s as a driver, chauffeuring escorts between appointments.

    â??The word I hear people use the most often is empowerment,â? Jay says of how the women he drives describe their experiences working in the sex industry.

    â??If people could walk a mile in my shoes and see how liberating this can be,â? says Leigh. â??I used to be so stressed about money. This changed our lives. I feel more confident since Iâ??ve started in this business. Iâ??m not a victim. Itâ??s my choice and now the government is telling me I canâ??t have my choice.â?

    Jessica Lee, who works for herself in the Muskoka region north of Toronto, said sheâ??s never felt like a victim. She takes care of all her own marketing, styling, and date arrangements. She has worked in the industry for six years.

    â??Itâ??s kind of a funny story,â? Ms. Lee says about her introduction to escorting. â??I was a client before I was a provider. I was seeing this guy, and we had a pretty open relationship. One day, for his birthday, I hired an escort for a threesome. When we broke up, I got in touch with her [the escort] and asked about the industry.â?

    â??They think weâ??re all abused, and pimped out, and Iâ??m a victim that needs rescuing. Iâ??m not, Iâ??m very happyâ??
    Ms. Lee said she has a dedicated client base, and Bill C-36 wonâ??t affect her business.

    â??â??Because Iâ??m established, Iâ??m not worried. Iâ??m not going to stop being a sex worker. Itâ??s like the gun thing â?? if youâ??re going to outlaw guns whoâ??s going to carry them? Outlaws! The men who are more risk averse will stop and weâ??ll be left with the dregs of society. I feel bad for the girls on the street because thatâ??s what theyâ??re left with.â?

    Ms. Lee says she can gross between $80,000 and $130,000, depending on the year, and pays her taxes dutifully. She used to be a struggling, single parent who received assistance from the Salvation Army at Christmas. Now sheâ??s the one doing the donating.

    Ms. Hollander wonâ??t reveal her income as a madame, but says her job affords her a very comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle. She lives in a beautiful, 2,500-square-foot home in a decent neighbourhood, and travels widely and often.

    â??They think weâ??re all abused, and pimped out, and Iâ??m a victim that needs rescuing,â??â?? says Ms. Lee. â??â??Iâ??m not, Iâ??m very happy.â?

  15. ugh .. the plug in that was purchased to enable form submission is not cooperating and there is a call in to tech support ... if you're trying to submit a letter and are unsuccessful please try again tomorrow ... I'm getting it fixed as fast as I can.


    Thanks again for all the support it's been crazy overwhelming :D


    I did an interview for the National Post last week ... wish the HHC movement had been 'moving' last week as I would have mentioned it, it was published it todays edition ...here's the link for anyone interested ... good story!




    Also been asked to do a radio talk show this week ... if it is a go I will post the radio station it will be Tuesday at 8am :D


    I never stfu ..... it's a blessing and a curse lol

    • Like 5

  16. good grief.


    well first thank you for all your comments, they are appreciated. However this is a movement of LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS and if you're not like minded nobody is forcing you to be a part of it. There are many groups and movements and there is likely one out there that better suits your position.


    It's frustrating to hear so many rain on a parade when they're doing sweet fuck all themselves.


    Anyways.... back to being a happy hooker....I have been simply overwhelmed by responses to this movement to my work email address and I simply can't keep up! This is a very good thing!!! So in order to maintain momentum and bring this movement to the forefront I have invested some time and money...


    There is a seal you may place on your website to declare you are a willing, consensual sex worker. I'd like it to be recognizable across the country as the symbol of free will sex work in Canada.




    There is now a website:



    a twitter handle:



    an email address:

    [email protected]


    for those of you who would like to participate please visit the site.


    I will be asking the ladies who have already written me to please submit their letters via the website so they can specify if they would like the letter posted on the site (anonymously if they choose) and if they would like to add website and work info. Some ladies want to remain nameless and others don't.


    Keep an eye out for the "happy hobbyists" section coming soon!!


    Happy Hooking everyone!!

    • Like 8

  17. Sorry, Jess. I don't believe in advocating that one type of work is "awful" compared to another. There are "high-end" escorts who have mental health or addiction issues, just as there are street-based workers who freely choose their work.

    We don't look down upon someone working at McDonalds or bartending to get their next fix. We don't assume everyone who is a server is a drug user. Why continue to uphold these stereotypes?


    Yes, social issues such as affordable housing, accessible education, health care, etc. should be addressed but not at the expense of a group of people. We can tell our stories of how sex work has benefitted us, how this is a legitimate enployment for many, but we don't need to do so while comparing "us" to "them ".


    there is a clear and present difference between survival sex work and happy, voluntary, consensual sex work. If you choose to ignore it that's your prerogative.


    At NO POINT did I say that all street workers were survival sex workers, or that indoor workers don't have survival issues ... please DO NOT put words in my mouth.

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