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Posts posted by katie

  1. Gentlemen/Lovers,

     My Name Is Katie....AKA-(Country Girl Katie)
    I'm A Mature,Curvy (With Curves),(Part-Time)Service Provider.Having Long Brunette Hair,Dark Brown Eyes,And Soft Skin. I'm Easy Going And Down To Earth Gal. Enjoy Snuggle & Cuddle,And Conversing With My Special Friends.Making It An Experience Not Just An Encounter. Taking Pleasure Providing Non-Rushed GF€ Companionship,Naturally Establishing Relationships/Connections. Partaking In Massage,Touch.Having You Feeling Comfortable/At Ease.Our Time Together Is Always Well Spent,(Non-Rushed) Session.Providing Discret,Clean,And Relaxed Atmosphere. Having The Utmost Respect For My Special Friends.Cleanliness And Discretion Is Highly Assured And Expected.Fetish Friendly.Showers Are Available For Your Convenience. 


    InCalls (Private Location-Private Parking Available-Downtown Moncton)
    Outcalls (Available To Established Friends)  

    **Please Note**(For Your Discretion) If Im Unable To Respond Right Way (Approx 30 mins), I Won't Resond Back, Unless I Have Your Permission,(I'm Not Ignoring You) I Would Never Want To Cause A Situation,On Your Part.If You Wish A Response Back (Please, Say "Respond Back").Otherwise,Your More Than Welcome,To Keep Trying To Contact Me (Within Reason).

    -**Text** Is Preferred Method Of Contact

    -Voice Call Is Needed,To Confirm Our Time Together 

    Email- [email protected]
    Contact Number (506)871-8869


        Thank-You In Advance

       Cheers **Katie** xoxo's 👄



  2. Gentlemen/Lovers,

     My Name Is Katie....AKA-(Country Girl Katie)
    I'm A Mature,Curvy (With Curves),(Part-Time)Service Provider.Having Long Brunette Hair,Dark Brown Eyes,And Soft Skin. I Love To Laugh,Joke,Snuggle & Cuddle,And Converse With My Special Friends.Making It An Experience Not Just An Encounter.Catering To Selected,Respectful Gentlemen. 

    Taking Pleasure Engaging In Fine Companionship,Conversing, Establishing Relationships/Connections. Partaking In Massage And Touch.Naturally Having You Feeling Comfortable And At Ease.Our Time Together Is Always Well Spent,(Non-Rushed) Dates.Providing A Clean,Relaxed Atmosphere.Always Having The Utmost Respect For My Special Friends.Cleanliness And Discretion Is Highly Assured And Expect The Same In Return.Fetish Friendly.Showers Are Available For Your Convenience. 


    InCalls (Private Location-Parking Available-Downtown Moncton)
    Outcalls (Available To Established Friends)  

    **Please Note**(For Your Discretion) If Im Unable To Respond Right Way (Approx 30 mins), I Won't Resond Back, Unless I Have Your Permission,(I'm Not Ignoring You) I Would Never Want To Cause A Situation,On Your Part.If You Wish A Response Back (Please, Say "Respond Back").Otherwise,Your More Than Welcome,To Keep Trying To Contact Me (Within Reason).

    -Text Is Preferred Method Of Contact

    -Voice Call Is Needed,To Confirm Our Time Together 

    Email- [email protected]
    Contact Number (506)871-8869


        Thank-You In Advance

       Cheers **Katie** xoxo's 👄



  3. 29 minutes ago, TorontoMelanieJolliet said:

    The dilemma of life-like sex dolls

    Excerpt from story:

    Canadian border officers have seized dozens of sex dolls with child-like dimensions and features — an emerging trend child welfare advocates fear could fuel exploitation of real children.

    Records obtained by CBC News under access to information law show the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) intercepted at least 42 child-like dolls designed explicitly for sex between January 2016 and August 2018, seizing them as illegal child pornography.

    Border officers in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Hamilton and Quebec have come across dozens of these child dolls and reproductions of child-like body parts, such as chests and pelvic areas. Of those documented seizures, 30 took place in Quebec.

    Officials estimate the dolls they seized can range in value from $50 each to nearly $8,000.


    OMFG, I never knew these existed. What is this word coming too... I have a Place for these kinds of people... Which is 6.......F€€T Under.. No exceptions ... I feel sick to my stomach.. Omg..!!! 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2

  4. 20 minutes ago, drlove said:

    Great post, Katie. It’s wise to establish boundaries and keep them in place. When I meet someone new, I may offer a few insights on myself to start a conversation, but generally I’ll take my cue from the lady I’m seeing. I’m always careful not to venture into areas that may be considered personal or inappropriate, as I want whom I’m seeing to feel comfortable. The only exception is someone I’ve been seeing for 12+ years... she’s like an old friend, so we do discuss aspects of our personal lives, but only because we’ve known each other for so long, and some boundaries break down naturally over time...

    Thanks ;).... It's just something I've started with, and keep doing. I'm not saying that I'm a Sticky Ass.. With convo... as I'm not.. I'm conspired a bit "Chatty" lmao..... A person doesn't need to know too much, to have a great Conversation & Companionship.. Just go with the Flow.. ;) 

    .  😘

    And yes... After serveral years.. Things do change.. For the better of course.. ;)

    • Like 2

  5. 4 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

      It's not really confusion but more the type of material I rather avoid.

    I agree totally!!! I've never really came across something Ike this, And it's my 1st time clicking a link to "Something like that" ... I just don't know.. Eww.. And Sinful!!!

    Does this mean something .. Maybe.. On the other end.. Or ... 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

        I know there several hundreds of pictures of her from different sources.

    Anyway, It's not about the girl on the picture, but more about the woman(or man) behind the ad.

     I'm certainly not taking one for the team for this one.

         Take care of yourself.

    Very True Greenteal... but some gents will still try to book .. Anyways... ..... WTF... What kind of site is that ?? 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

       The same pics were used in an other ad under the name "Hanna". But the young woman on the picture is an internet model who uses the name Danni Meow.

       The ad mentions the pictures are "100% real". While technically not untrue, it's simply not the pics of the provider behind the ad. Best case scenario is someone in the same age group and body type. Worst case is someone asking for donations in exchange of the privilege of chewing your own food.


    I really don't know what to think  Greenteal, I'm getting her pics + more.. On a "Whole Bunch" of different areas on the Web.. And some of the Areas are not good ones.. I'm going to try and copy this  one here... BTW.. I feel a bit sick to my belly .. Now.. Here is it.. Let me know if the Link works for you .. 

    1st one down below.. 2nd one .. Hold on.. Didn't work 



  8. 5 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

      I agree my examples were not the best. But I think most, including yourself, got my point.

    I don't shame people for what they do for a living. But in some trades, looks, hygiene and a good personality will make of break a career.

    And when some of it either debatable or ridiculously exaggerated, we got a right to express it.

      No hard feelings 🙂

    Of course, there's no hard feelings.. No worries. All are just stating their own opinions, no harm in that. Let's just pretend.. It's a bit like Dr.Phil... All in fun :)

    • Like 1

  9. 7 hours ago, Katherine said:

    @drlove Sorry I have not figured out how to do quotes under your post.

     Your idea on total honesty on both parts, ladies and gentlemen is a very nice one . I have met with you, socialized with you and spoken with you here many times. You were very upfront with your information and honest the time we met. You did everything the way it was done in the old days.  I know your name, and I suspect you remember mine as well.

    It’s sorry to say that many gentleman currently try to give as little information to us as possible and still see us. I have seen a gentleman for  quite a few years. He was given to me by another well-known lady .  She vouched for his integrity , and the fact he always showed her a good time. She was absolutely correct . He books me for

    4-5 hours , takes  me to dinner someplace nice . Very intelligent conversations and wants to treat me the very best he can . I enjoy my time with him. He even has me call him when I return home .

    Get ready , after several years I don’t even know his real first name. Neither did the lady who referred him. I always feel bad , maybe that’s not the right word . He treats me like a queen but can’t tell me his name. 

    The point to this long  post is this. Gentleman want us to be totally honest about our age and present honest pictures. Agreed but  will you soon be weighing us. ( joke) 

    Most who visit want the really nice GFE experience.  Anyone who visits me gets the best I have to give.  The people who return have drawn me in with honest conversation and share a bit of their life . That’s what I need to connect to a person and if I don’t you won’t have a good time because I’m suspicious and bored with secret agents. 

     This thread has gone on forever and lots of interesting dialogue. I’m a realist though and I don’t see transparency in the near future. 🥰

    I agree.. 

      With the Gents I meet, it doesn't matter weather it the 1st time or Several times, I don't Except the Truth. When he tells me his 1st name, then that's what I call him by. Maybe, it isn't his Real First name, it doesn't bother me, what so ever. If he say ..Example..Joe.. Then he's Joe (to me) .. Just like I'm Katie to him. I'm not even sure if, I've ever told anyone my 1st name. (can't remember.. If so).. Nor do I expect them to ask.. I am Katie.. And that is it. I don't Discuss my Personal life very much. It's just something I don't do. Sometimes Gents may ask .. "Are you Single, Married or Boyfriend".. I just say.. "I'm sorry but I don't like to discuss my personal life. I may talk about a tiny bit.. Depends on what it is. With that being said, I don't Expect the Gents  to Talk/Discuss anything about their Personal Life. Mind you some do Talk about it. I'm Totally fine with that, if they want to talk about something in their personal life.. Then we will. That's totally his decision but I don't expect them too. I don't ask ask their age.. I can roughly tell.. The age bracket.. I'm totally fine with that too. "To me, that's all part of the Discretion.. On their part and mine". Even though both of us.. Don't know much or nothing about each other .. I think we still have "A Great Time, Conversation, Companionship, ect... " .. I don't ask.. Hope not much is asked on their part.. It's just something that I have started with, and continue doing. "I'm Katie.. He's Joe.. " we're great..  

      Just my Opinon .. Katie xoxo's 👄

    • Like 3

  10. 6 hours ago, Greenteal said:

    I agree it occasionally happens. But lets be honest. When talent agencies are scouting for new Victoria Secret models and Chippendales, Walmart is not quite their go to place. 😎

    Ohh Boys.. Here we go.. Lol. I know what your saying/trying to say Greenteal BUT...,I'm not quite sure I would put it, that way. Doesn't matter Who/What a person is.. They just could be that person. Kinda like .. Let's say, A Hot Female  Stripper, works at the strip club.. Come to find out.. She also Works in a Fast Food Restaurant in town.. She's Working at the Bar for Extra $$$ ... I think you know.. What I mean.. And yes.. I'm Just Saying.. Not trying to get into a Huge Convo.. Over it.. Funny Man .. 😘

  11. On January 2, 2019 at 4:07 AM, SussexCowboy79 said:

    After my first experience of inviting a SP (please do correct me if I’m wrong, the polite way to refer to escort or companion) I am very uneasy about inviting someone into my home after the negative experience thst happened the first time. I’m an older gentleman in my 60’s , I live alone out in the bush my eyes have began to fail me and I am no longer safely able to drive to go to the SP’s home and I wish I could but I just cannot afford to rent a motel just to be able to feel comfortable spending time chatting and enjoying the company of a beautiful SP.  That being said maybe I should just give up ? I want to be able to feel relaxed, and enjoy my time and not be worried or constantly on edge waiting for something terrible to happen. I’m a harmless old fella and just don’t want to be labeled an easy target to these dishonest SP that I have been learning about ! Any suggestions fellow members may have on how can screen a SP, types of questions to ask? Signs to look out for Red flags ect ! would really help this out fella out. Thank you in advance for reading my letter and have a wonderful evening stay safe . 

    SussexCowboy79, never give up. You will find a "Honest Sp", that those kinds of worries, won't even come to mind... I know you wil... 

      Cheers Katie xoxo's 👄

  12. 8 hours ago, TorontoMelanieJolliet said:

    Before I knew that was a thing, I would receive them. But just with the same Hi, Rates, Available? that can easily come through text. I realized there is a setting that you can say yes or no to. You can accept them and they will be sent to your email or you can say No. Since it's no better than simple texts I chose No. So since I didn't know about that option for inquiries, then of course I didn't even know to check email for inquiries.

    I never replied. I would have no idea what days or time they were talking about or what city etc. And I rarely check my email anyways. That's why I don't do email contact. I tried it buy no one will follow my instructions to guarantee them an answer 😕

    That is true, it seems that some Cant /Won't follow instructions. With that being said, I sometimes wonder if some can Even Read, Ads aren't usually, just Picture Books. 

    Text & Voice are still on top .... 

         Katie xoxo's 👄

    • Like 2

  13. 6 hours ago, Greenteal said:

        The point RG, myself others are trying to make, is that a few women have ridiculously outdated profiles.

    When a provider pushes 40 and still claims being 25, it's not very honest. No matter how fit she is and how young she feels, she's alienating clients who don't see her as a 25 yo. And at the same time, men looking for SP's late 30's won't contact her because they don't know her actual age. 

        I'm not superficial and also not looking for teens. But when someone describe herself as a university student and I end up meeting someone closer to a Walmart cashier, I'm normally not shy to call BS on her.

    But.... That University Student could be that Walmart Cashier...just sayin.. 😏 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  14. 6 minutes ago, cat said:

    I agree, it's not for booking purposes but I've spoken with several providers who have had issues where a client repeatedly tries the booking form and eventually gives up. Then at a later date resorts to using the website contact form and the discussion ensues that he had been reaching out, sometimes for months and not getting a response. It means there were missed $ opportunities. Posting a warning in your ad to not use it gets deleted and I'm just curious as to how wide spread it is. 

    Really, If an Sp says in her Ad that the Contact Form is Disregard, LL takes it out. Interesting to know and hear. If this is something LL does do, then I'm not sure if I agree or like that. With that being said, I certainly don't want Clients to think that they are being Ingnored at all. As that wouldn't be the case for Most trying to Contact or Inquire. I do notice more BS Inquiries on the "Contact Forms"... and some will keeping trying using different Ways ect... That sort of thing just gives me a bad taste and turns me off from them..  

  15. 18 minutes ago, cat said:

    I have a question for providers and clients regarding LeoList as well. 

    Providers: Do you receive email inquiries from the contact form on LeoList? I have yet to find a provider who has but many have been told by clients who texted or used their website contact form that they initially tried to go directly thru the LL contact form but didn't receive a reply.

    Hobbyists: Have you tried to use the form and if so, did the provider respond to your email?



    Hello cat, yes, I do receive Emails Inquieries from the Contact Forms. I'm not sure how much/often the "Contact Forms" are being used, but I Personally don't like them/don't know what to think of them as of yet. With that being said, I won't Book a Session by the LL Contact Forms. I may respond back,depending but I find there a lot of "BS Inquiries..BS..trying to Book...Same person inquiring but just trying to use different emails or slightly different emails."... So, I just really don't like them and don't use it. My opinion, Texting and Calling is on my list... Emails are okay, but I still want a call to confirm.. 

       Cheers Katie xoxo's 👄  

    • Like 1

  16. On January 3, 2019 at 11:17 AM, LuvThemAll said:

    The Halifax scene is a waste of time, and money. The internet has come a full circle. You have less of a chance if being ripped off or robbed if you look for a street walker.

    At least with a street girl you see the girl for real befor you decide to meet her.

    This site is useless for giving you information about the local SP scene. Other than Halifax is a rip off.

    Toronto and Montreal seemed very different. More girls and more helpful reviews. Just save your money and take an occasional trip to Toronto or Montreal guys.

    If you cant do that then keep an eye out for the occasional street girl and decide if you want her.

    Mmm, I Disagree. Halifax, does have some Legit, Reputable Ladies. I'm not sure how you can Miss Them. "LuvThemAll", all City's have their share of "Scammers,Theifs,Bait & Switch".. so I'm sure your City isn't much different. Your a Lyla Memeber, ask questions, if no answer, ask again,Learn how to do "Homework".. Everyone has to do their own Homework. 

    "Street Walker"... Puff .. I guess if that's what you Prefer. I guess, you'll be able to buy a coffee to drink, while you "Prowl The Streets" for a "Street Walker"... 

    With all that being said... You shouldn't give up so easy.. 

    Wishing You Luck...  

            Katie xoxo's 👄

    • Like 3

  17. Gentlemen/Lovers,

     My Name Is Katie....AKA-(Country Girl Katie)
    I'm A Mature,Curvy (With Curves),(Part-Time)Service Provider.Having Long Brunette Hair,Dark Brown Eyes,And Soft Skin. I Love To Laugh,Joke,Snuggle & Cuddle,And Converse With My Special Friends.Making It An Experience Not Just An Encounter.Catering To Selected,Respectful Gentlemen. 

    Taking Pleasure Engaging In Fine Companionship,Conversing, Establishing Relationships/Connections. Partaking In Massage And Touch.Naturally Having You Feeling Comfortable And At Ease.Our Time Together Is Always Well Spent,(Non-Rushed) Dates.Providing A Clean,Relaxed Atmosphere.Always Having The Utmost Respect For My Special Friends.Cleanliness And Discretion Is Highly Assured And Expect The Same In Return.Fetish Friendly.Showers Are Available For Your Convenience. 


    InCalls (Private Location-Downtown Moncton)
    Outcalls (Available To Established Friends)  

    **Please Note**(For Your Discretion) If Im Unable To Respond Right Way (Approx 30 mins), I Won't Resond Back, Unless I Have Your Permission,(I'm Not Ignoring You) I Would Never Want To Cause A Situation,On Your Part.If You Wish A Response Back (Please, Say "Respond Back").Otherwise,Your More Than Welcome,To Keep Trying To Contact Me (Within Reason).

    -Text Is Preferred Method Of Contact

    -Voice Call Is Needed,To Confirm Our Time Together 

    Email- [email protected]
    Contact Number (506)871-8869


        Thank-You In Advance

       Cheers **Katie** xoxo's 👄


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