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Everything posted by fr33yay0

  1. If you give the doctors kickback, they'll recommend it :) just the way life works.
  2. Tonight, I am making Chicken stuffed with Broc/Chedar, potatoes and bacon wrapped shrimp. This new healthy eating is a huge step for me.... but using the BBQ makes it fun!
  3. I agree! lol if that pole could talk... 40 years.... 40 freaking years.
  4. What a way to end the chapter! Blown high stick call on the goal... then we get one taken back because of a whistle happy zebra. Ahh.. we didn't even lose to a better team! We had the better tendy and more shots.... but ohh well that's how life rolls! Good luck to the habs in the next round, even tho I will most likely be cheering for whomever they play. Cheers!
  5. The site provider by law is required to verify the authenticity of anything requested by outside users. It happens quite often (maybe not in this inner circle of career's), but it does happen often. A simple, concise and direct message should get them to contact the site content individuals. :)
  6. It's been a great debate none the less... Lots of pertinent information on both sides if you ask me.
  7. Dam that sucks.... red flag for sure! :(
  8. I completely agree with you Mid, Maybe I was a bit to indirect with my previous comments. What I meant to say is: from a person on the other side of the table whether my name be Eric, John or James has no bearing on the outcome of the situation. Maybe it does when it comes to background checks and other information that you like to collect. But not from my end, if I chose to see a lady; whether her name be Mary, Janice or Melaine again doesn't matter for my outcome (Although it might be a bit selfish). I understand that for certain people it's quite important... point taken. My issue is privacy; my real name can be linked to many article on the internet that are career/work related. That being said, everything is done with an alternate name and I haven't had any issues. I do however understand that the rate of crime/unnecessary voilence is greater for a service provider than a person like myself. I just don't understand why many individuals choose to say that privacy is something that's taken with a higher regard then safety of the service provider. If you are a true person who enjoy's the hobby the provider's safety will always be your top priority. Just my two cents...
  9. I understand the fact of providing some other items... but not my real name. I have seen plenty of girls and never once used my real name. I'm not starting the debate of your safety over my privacy again... but it's a two way street. Honestly, it's not a huge deal for a real name. Other things can be done to accomplish what is required.
  10. That's easy to mask.... anyone on VOIP can mask any number. I wouldn't worry about, as long as it says no outboud calls from your phone, you're fine.
  11. 1. Unnecessary moaning... 2. Inappropriate comments...
  12. Great post!!! :) Thanks for that Moody... I feel the exact way.
  13. I love doggy, but standing up while she's bent into the bed. :)
  14. As a person who uses the hobby, I would rather use an independent service. I have done both to a degree, but like my last post said... I need to speak to the lady and make sure this is what I want first. (Not to offend anyone), but it's like getting to know the person you are donating too... if for example I am donating 10 penny's... I can almost be sure that those 10 penny's will be used in which ever way the SP wants. Other way around, I'll donate 10 penny's as the SP can get what? 4-5 of them? and the rest goes elsewhere. I just don't like the feeling.
  15. Terrible ending to a great run.... freaking laafs played pretty well, but then again of course they would. Now the sens no longer control their faith... We need BOS/PITS/WASH to lose lose lose.
  16. Golf, Soccer... Ugh.
  17. I sent ya a PM. I have dealt with it before and I am bilingual. :) let me know.
  18. Thanks for the replies everyone, this again proves why this site is so amazing. :) I have been researching for a while now... so I guess when I reach out to my next adventure of kisses I will be sure to speak about certain items ahead of time. Cheers all! :)
  19. We better win tonight against DET or we are DONZZZZZZZO and I will need an SP to make me UNSAD.
  20. You might be correct on that one...its day and night for me. But again, could be the SPs I am choosing.
  21. Thanks for the quick replies... I understand for point (1)... maybe a quick blurb before hand is better. I am not talking about domination, or play, etc... I am strictly speaking on a flow level. Meaning, I like to be kissed here and do that, then I can kiss you after you kiss me, etc... instead of the good old "ok, what do you want baby?". I would rather not think about it...and just do it. Maybe I haven't found chemistry yet. Thanks for the thread of (2). I will keep looking... As for (3), maybe it was confusing of a question. I guess I had never researched the pros and cons of each... and always had a WAY BETTER time at the independent level. I was just curious as to why it was like that? But maybe no one can answer that except me... Cheers, C
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