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Posts posted by Athos

  1. If you use your head, and do some research, one can usually weed out the BP ads that are fakes or scammers. In my area there tends to not really be much other than BP for SPs to advertise. So locally, I have my one regular SP that I have seen for years. When I travel, I rely on lyla. It's an approach that has worked well for me. As a result, i really have no need for BP.

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  2. I agree with all that has been said here. It isn't just Halifax though, as there are other areas of the country where it would be wonderful if ladies (and clients) participated more actively. But, having spend nearly a year away from the board, and occasionally venturing to other sites, I can certainly confirm what an incredible and unique place this is.



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  3. Discretion on both sides needs to be respected. I think every lady I've seen on a regular basis knows my real name and where I work. They could reach me easily and with little effort. That is an element of trust, and was earned. Having said that, I've never been particularly interested in knowing the real identities of the women I see, although I do know some details about their real lives, which they have chosen to share.


    I would be very hesitant to give my name to someone I had never met before (although I have done it a few times, in part because of their presence and profile on this board made me feel I could trust them). As I said, that trust is earned through the development of an ongoing intimate business relationship. This is precisely why there are verification processes and references for initial meetings.

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  4. Hello everyone,


    I actually feel quite nervous posting this. Which I must confess seems rather strange.


    This is Porthos, returning back to this wonderful community after nearly a year away. Yes, it is true, you never can really leave.


    It feels wonderful returning, and while I may not be as active as I once was, I'm looking forward to sharing in the fellowship and friendship of lyla (I'm going to have some trouble getting used to the new name).


    I've spent the last few days lurking. Glad to see many familiar faces. Surprised and saddened to seem some that are missing. Reading Tom's (theliquor's) final thread left me with tears in my eyes, and I regret not being here during his final postings.


    Anyway, enough rambling. As you can see, I've retired Porthos. I decided that perhaps a different musketeer was in order. So Athos it is. for those who know their Alexandra Dumas, they can speculate as to the reasons for the change.


    Cheers everyone, it is good to be back. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my many friends here, and making many new friends.



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  5. Well, all things come to an end. I've enjoyed my time here, but lately have been feeling a bit disconnected from the community. In short, things in my life have been moving me away from this place, and for the most part, those are good developments.


    I have many friends here, and I will miss you all. Some of you know how to contact me, and I'd be glad to hear from you from time to time.


    I've asked Mod to deactivate my account, so this will be the last you hear from me.


    All the best my friends.

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  6. Well, I wish I could achieve it. I don't feel great attachment to things, but others in my family do. As a result, even purging becomes a lengthy process of taking eveyrthing out of every box, reminiscing abouther it, considering it, deciding about whether it stays or goes. As a result the process is so time consuming, that we never bloody finish it. Be ruthless and be quick. Make a decision within the first few seconds of something being in your hand. It's like pulling a bandaid off. It needs to be done quickly.


    Even better ... hire someone with no sentimentality or attachment to your things. As a general rule, I also agree with the "if I haven't used it/worn it in the past year, then it should go" philosophy.



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  7. I agree with much that has been said in this very important thread. It certainly is very much a societal issue. And I do get quite depressed when I consider the amount of sexism and racism that still exists in the world.


    At the same time, it is important to keep in mind the tremendous progress that has been made. The human rights revolution has been real, and while it is incomplete, I would like to believe, it is irreversible. As long as people of good faith and integrity, like those on this board, continue to make their views known and resist bigotry when they encounter it, the world will continue to become a more tolerant and inclusive place. This may be a bit naive, but it is what I choose to believe and how I choose to live.


    To the original point, though, it is everyone who needs to mind what they say. I remember seeing a provider several times, and each time was quite fabulous. On the third visit, for whatever reason, she shared some fairly racist opinions with me. I was shocked and up to then had no idea she held these beliefs. Needless to say, I didn't book her again, but it was extremely awkward and uncomfortable. I did tell her why, and she was shocked. Had she not said something, I would have undoubtedly continued seeing her.



  8. +1 for authentic. I fully recognize that "authentic" is itself variable. But in general, I enjoy the time in a session that involves conversing and getting to know the person. If the lady's personality has not been accurately portrayed before hand then the experience is not as enjoyable. I'm drawn to ads that seem to provide insight into the individual.


    Of course, I fully expect that any advertising may include a certain degree of exaggeration. After all, that is marketing, but in general truth in advertising is generally a good strategy.

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  9. e-mail is always my preferred option for contact. In fact, if a lady only has a phone number and not an e-mail option, I'll likely not contact her. I realize that this problably isn't fair, and it is not intended as any sort of reflection on the provider. It is simply how I like to make contact.


    Whichever option is chosen, there are advantages and disadvantages. At the end of the day, you simply need to decide which method suits you and your preferred way of doing business. I rather doubt it will greatly affect demand for services.



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  10. Very interesting thread...what strikes me the most is to read about how the men miss their SP when she retires. I imagine myself being in that situation that I would also dearly miss someone I have seen regularly for so long....it's very thought provoking.


    I had a long time regular who I saw at least one a month, often more frequently for several years. She retired a couple of years ago and while we exchanged a couple of messages early on life has taken us in different directions. Our relationship very intimate, and very professional. I certainly wasn't in love with her, nor had any illusions about the boundaries of our relationship, but I benefitted tremendously from knowing her. From time to time I miss her deeply.


    I tend to be a repeat sort of client. When you find someone with whom you click, why not!!

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