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Posts posted by Athos

  1. We were discussing over exaggerating height for the ladies, which prompted this side discussion...


    Men: Do you prefer women to be shorter than you, taller than you or the same height? And why?


    Women: same for you!


    For me personally, height isn't a factor. I don't care if they are taller or shorter or the same height. I am a very tall woman myself (5'9") and well over 6' when in heels -- so on the EXTREMELY rare instance where I find myself in the arms of a man who is taller than me with heels on, I do get a little extra tingly in the bathing suit area. But that's simply because it's so rare!!!!


    Looking forward to responses!!!


    Funny ... I have no recollection of you being taller than me. I think I was mesmerized by other features besides your height.

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  2. Perhaps this question warrants its own thread, but I will post it here...


    Of the men who "dislike" when a woman is taller... Can I ask why?


    I'm not particularly tall. 5'6", although I like to deceive myself that I'm 5'7". So many women are taller than me, particularly when greeting me in heels. It's never bothered me particularly. I think when there is a big difference in height it can make kissing somewhat more awkward. But hey, that's just a bit of a challenge that is fun to work on.



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  3. there can be a difference between orgasm and ejaculation. It is quite possible to still have an orgasm (or orgasmic experience) without actually ejaculating.


    At the end of the day, as long as everyone is enjoying themselves, there really isn't anything to be concerned about. Lots of different ways to experience pleasure.



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  4. At the end of the day, if a client doesn't like a lady's preferred method of communication, or response times, they should simply move on. There are lots of providers, and lots of different business models. If a lady has a particular model, and it works for her, well that really is the end of it. I assume if it wasn't working for her, she would change it.



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  5. I generally prefer e-mail as the initial mechanism of communication and contact. Texts are too short for initial introductions.


    Having said that, I fully expect that at some point there will be phone communication with the lady. The fact that I usually book well in advance, means that waiting a few days for a reply to an e-mail isn't a problem.


    At the end of the day, i'll use whatever method of communication the lady prefers. it is, after all, her business.



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  6. I'd be more concerned about debt financing this hobby than with the paper trail. If you are one of those people that can pay their card off monthly, then it might be a nice convenience. I would only use a card with someone I trusted and had seen many times.

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  7. I've given many different gifts. Often I bring champagne or snacks to a rendez-vous. With one regular I always brought lunch from our favourite deli-bakery. I don't really consider these as "gifts" as such, but rather small tokens/expressions that make the date more fun and enjoyable.


    In terms of bigger gifts ... clothing while out shopping, gift certificates for lingerie and jewelry come to mind.

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