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Posts posted by Athos

  1. it certainly isn't necessary, but a nice gesture. I voted for fruit.


    I used to have a regular and would often see her over lunch hour, or just after lunch. There was a really nice deli near her incall, so it became part of our rendezvous that I would stop by and pick up lunch for the two of us. We'd play, have lunch in bed, play some more.


    A very nice way to spend an afternoon.

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  2. What a great question but what a difficult question to answer. If I understand the Nordic model at all it is just as crazy as the existing laws. Presently prostitution is legal but virtually everything that allows it to happen is illegal. The Nordic model would make prostitution legal but make it an illegal service to purchase? How crazy is that??????


    However, my continued participation would probably be based on the same things that have guided me over the past three years. Technically every time I visited a lady at her hotel or home I was breaking the bawdy house laws but that did not deter me. For the most part my eventual meeting with a lady only happened after significant prior communications so that at least for me there was always a comfort level, and I cannot see that changing. I would not be concerned if I followed the same same process that I was going to be involved in any sort of a "sting" operation.


    For ladies I wonder how much more of their time would be taken with texts and emails in order to give clients that sense of ease. I know many ladies already do that but I wonder for them if that will now just add on one additional "chore" too do that will be required in order to do business.


    Like I say a tough question to answer and right now it's all just thinking out loud.


    I think my answer is pretty much the same. I'd likely want to wait and see what sort of "enforcement" strategy police come up with. but I suspect it will be virtually the same as the current one: a focus on street prostitution, clients of underage providers, and situations where there are disturbances/violence/drugs involved. The police simply don't have the resources to go on a blitz of "clients" across all levels of the business.


    I expect that if the Nordic model were introduced, I'd be a little more hesitant about trying a new provider, and would likely stick to ladies I know and/or whose reputations speak for themselves. But in reality, that is pretty much what I already do.



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  3. I make a dish in which you cook chicken in the frying pan with olive oil and white wine. When the chicken is done you then stir rice into the reduced pan drippings. so good. If there is left-over I've been known to eat the rice out of the pan with my fingers. If just frying chicken directly, I've occasionally taken bread, and wiped up the drippings with it and eaten it. So good. disgusting habits, but really, really yummy.



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  4. I think this can be easily interpreted in both the ways expressed in the above posts. As haggling and disrespectful, and as a good and beneficial arrangement for both parties.


    Part of the issue is how often you are seeing the lady now. If you tend to see her twice a month, then maybe the guaranteed commitment to 4 times a month would be seen as beneficial and worth the trade-off in terms of the addition time she would be investing. You also need to be careful of not taking advantage of that extra time i.e. not expecting the level of service that might go with a 2 hour appointment, suddenly being squeezed into the 90 minutes.


    There is lots to discuss, so i would suggest having an open and frank discussion. You could preface that discussion by saying that you respect her decision either way, and that regardless of the outcome you'll still want to book with her. Take that pressure out of the equation. If you propose this and your continued patronage is seen as a bargaining chip (i.e. if we can't come to an agreement I may have to stop seeing you) then it would, it seems to me quickly become a bad situation.


    I've had arrangements like this in the past. And if approached properly, can be very beneficial to both parties. But it does need to be approached from positions of trust and respect. When I've had these arrangements though, the effort was to ensure that, while there was a certain "retainer", that as close as possible market rates for services were respected. where I have had a "special rate" structure, it was sometimes on much longer multi-hour dates, with shorter dates still at the usual rate.


    To be totally honest, though, I'd probably just pre-book the 4 appointments, and pay each time. There are lots of things that can go wrong with this. She gets sick, or has an emergency and isn't available. You can't make it because something comes up and you expect a new time, but she can't fit you in, but also feels she held time for you so is reluctant to now forego other clients in order for you to get your time. Even though you prepaid, if you reschedule to another time she is potentially losing income. These sorts of things can make make for bad feelings.



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  5. forgiveness is a two way street. The other person also needs to be accepting of forgiveness. In other words, take some responsibility for what they did, and be willing to acknowledge the affect of their actions on you. If they can't do that, then it is very hard to forgive unconditionally.


    when it is possible, though, i think forgiveness should always be sought. Both the opportunity to be forgiven, but also the opportunity to extend forgiveness. My father and I had a very strained relationship. When he was dying of cancer, we had an opportunity to sit and talk, over long periods of time, in ways we never had when he was healthy. We both had a chance to really get to know each other again, in a different way. We both came to understanding and forgiveness, and the fact that we were able to do that before he passed is something I treasure to this day.

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  6. being indecisive often just means taking time to think about something, rather than rushing to judgement. And yes, sometimes that means not being able to decide, precisely because the world is rarely black and white. If more people took the time to reflect, perhaps the world would be a little bit better off.



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  7. OK reluctantly I will say this,


    I love our community, and I am forever giving praise to all that contribute.

    The down side is, when we over look someone:(

    When I made my 2000 post, I never had one person congratulate me:( I feel that something so simple can actually make a person feel low. Like all my efforts have gone unnoticed by anyone here:( I felt invisible and unimportant to CERB:(

    I felt very sad for days, even now as I type this:(


    I am far to humble to give a hint, or suggest that another would start one. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT NOW! I was a bit hurt that for all the love that is shared here, no one even noticed I made my 2000+ so far:(

    So, I voted for NO, does not impact us:(



    You have been a hugely important member of this community, and I for one, am mortified that we allowed your accomplishment to be overlooked.


    But your post is also a very important reminder, that the proliferation of "milestones" and congratulatory posts/threads, can have the effect of making people who have made important contributions, feel left out and excluded.


    You have always been, for me at least, a true CERB goddess, and a wonderfully sensitive, genuine, and honest member of this board. Your contributions have been so very important.


    Much love to you. And definitely hugs and kisses.





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  8. Last time I used an agency they didn't even ask for my name. Just a phone number in case they needed to reach me. The phone person seemed rather perplexed when I asked if they wanted my name.


    It seems to me that agencies tend to operate at a much higher level of "anonymity" with very little information often being exchanged.


    I recognize, however, that I rarely use agencies, so my experience could be very unrepresentative of the practices of many agencies.

  9. Thanks everyone ... this is an amazing community. When I started down this road, I could never have imagined that such a place existed, where one could find like-minded men and women that shared common passions, and with whom you could discuss, debate, and share ideas about this lifestyle. CERB has become part of my life and the friendship of the people on this board is incredibly important to me.


    And Savannah darling ... you're my hero too. Planning a trip back to the Rock so I'll be in touch.


    Thanks again to everyone for your kind words and support.



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