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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. While living in Ottawa, i went to various spas across the city without owning a car to see people wherever they worked, no questions. Always worked for me.
  2. Mmmmmm i'm not sure i have my priorities right ..... Living in Montreal, gym membership that i go to regurlarly, trainer etc..... And no bacon in sight in my place. Sniff snif.... Might go do brownies with bacon now as a treat!!!
  3. Picked this article from twitter: Mtl police not interested in enforcing advertising ban unless its part of trafficking strategy. [url]http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/426200/prostitution-pas-d-arrestations-de-masse-en-vue-a-montreal[/url] Prostitution: pas dâ??arrestations de masse en vue à Montréal Le SPVM ne compte pas changer son plan stratégique malgré lâ??entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi La nouvelle loi sur la prostitution est entrée en vigueur ce week-end, mais ses détracteurs qui craignaient une victimisation des prostituées seront rassurés. La police de Montréal nâ??a pas lâ??intention de modifier son approche envers la prostitution de rue afin de procéder à plus dâ??arrestations. En entrevue avec Le Devoir, lâ??inspectrice-chef Johanne Paquin, responsable du dossier prostitution au Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), affirme sans détour que le « plan stratégique tient toujours la route » malgré lâ??entrée en vigueur du projet de loi C-36. Ce « plan stratégique » cible trois activités auxquelles le SPVM sâ??attaque en priorité : lâ??exploitation sexuelle des mineurs, la traite de personnes et la cohabitation problématique avec les résidants dans certaines zones sensibles. « Ã?a ne changera rien dans notre plan en tant que tel parce que, pour nous, dans notre réflexion, la prostituée est une victime », dit Mme Paquin. Il nâ??est donc pas question de sâ??attaquer plus spécifiquement aux prostituées pratiquant dans les environs dâ??écoles, de parcs, de garderies ou de lieux de culte, comme le commande maintenant la loi. Le C-36 accorde une sorte dâ??amnistie aux prostituées, mais pas lorsquâ??elles travaillent près de ces lieux, et ce, indépendamment de lâ??heure du jour ou de la nuit. Lâ??inspectrice Paquin explique quâ??elle nâ??a jamais toléré la prostitution à proximité dâ??une école le jour. Mais la nuit ? Elle laisse entendre quâ??il faudrait une plainte pour intervenir. « Ã? deux heures du matin, je ne pense pas quâ??on aurait une plainte. [â?¦] On nâ??est pas là pour interpréter la loi, mais pour lâ??appliquer quand ça répond à un certain besoin. » Mme Paquin rappelle que la loi fédérale a été concoctée dans la foulée du jugement Bedford de la Cour suprême, qui a invalidé diverses dispositions législatives au motif que celles-ci mettaient en danger la vie des prostituées. « Donc, à chaque action policière posée envers une situation prostitutionnelle, on doit garder en tête cet aspect de sécurité des personnes », explique-t-elle. Et la publicité ? Le gouvernement conservateur a rendu légale la prostitution à domicile, mais a été accusé dâ??hypocrisie parce quâ??il a criminalisé la publicité de services sexuels. Les personnes qui annoncent leurs propres services seront encore une fois exemptées, mais pas les médias (journaux, sites Internet, petites annonces, etc.) qui en seront les diffuseurs. La peine prévue peut atteindre cinq ans dâ??emprisonnement. Encore là , le SPVM ne partira pas à la chasse des petites annonces salaces demain matin. Quand on pose la question à lâ??inspectrice Paquin, elle répond par un rire. « Ã?a nous prendrait des ressources à temps plein, non-stop » pour sâ??attaquer à ce secteur qui est, selon elle, « immense ». Mme Paquin explique que le SPVM veut sâ??attaquer en priorité à la traite de personnes, des dossiers complexes qui demandent de lâ??écoute électronique et jusquâ??à , dit-elle, deux ans dâ??enquête. « Câ??est certain que les priorités sont accordées à ces aspects-là . Mais si dans le cadre de lâ??enquête on voit des proxénètes qui mettent des annonces pour vendre leurs filles, câ??est certain que ça va passer dans la machine et que des accusations vont venir avec. » Il semble que Québecor a donné la consigne de ne plus accepter ce genre dâ??annonces. Le porte-parole de lâ??entreprise nâ??a pas répondu à notre demande, mais Le Devoir a tenté de faire publier au Journal de Montréal une petite annonce vantant les mérites dâ??une « rousse généreuse et coquine pour soirées torrides à domicile ». Lâ??annonce a été refusée net par la préposée. Ce week-end, le magazine torontois Now a fait savoir quâ??il ne cesserait pas dâ??accepter ce genre dâ??annonces qui ont traditionnellement été une source appréciable de revenus.
  4. I have met Ms.Samantha twice on previous visits back to Ottawa during the fall. Samantha has a real, nice, warm and genuine personality which makes time fly, yet stand still. And i've found it was easy to have conversations about common interests, as it seem to have had several.
  5. This come in a bit tardy, as i saw Camille early in October. I had met Miss Camille at a gathering in Montreal the month before, and we had a chance to chat a little bit, a conversation which prompted me to contact her a little bit after that. What struck me in meeting Camille aside her being full of energy is her quick wit, charm, and sharp sense of humour. I remember moments when we both laughed almost histerically! Time flew extremely quickly in her company. One can find her information through here: http://www.indycompanion.com or her own website.
  6. I've met with Sophie a few times since having settled properly in my new digs in Montreal, back in august. She's wonderful company to be around and we've had some great conversations going (and still do when we meet); she's one that can put you at ease walking in the door. She has been a member here since july, for those looking to get in touch with her.
  7. Food, drinks, music, good company, chit chat, and a pretty good evening is basically what is at these gatherings. Keep an eye out for an announcement for the next one in 2015 by whomever's going to lead it.
  8. Have you tried contacting her? She may not have had time to do updates.
  9. You've beat me here .... :icon_wink: Being located in Montreal (and in Ottawa yesterday for that), my involvement was somewhat limited to doing things from a distance (i'm saying i had the easy job of the lot for this event). Having been in town a couple of weeks ago, maybe back in October, when i visited the venue before things went into full swing, that the brunt of the work was born by Loneskater's and Alexandria's shoulders. I've seen what was put in in terms of efforts and major investment, both in time and money, over the past few days, including yesterday, to make this happen. Cleaning, decorating, changing lightbulbs etc..... And Murphy was at work; what could go wrong in a building like this did go wrong. My vantage point was particular this time around; I helped organized but was also a spectator to the organisation (if that makes sense). I know, as i'm sure all of you are, that none of us organizers are in this to make money, just to bring members of the community together for a good time. As a sidetone, I've also gotten feedback from our performers overnight; they've enjoyed doing their numbers for us and stayed a little bit with us afterwards. Lengthy note, i know, just to tip my hat to my colleagues.
  10. Mister T


    mmmmmm belgian fries..... Addenddum ... Actually i know a few spots here in Montreal that serve those
  11. Oooorrr as it seems you really want to attend last minute, look at ALO's post to get a ticket. I'm pretty darn sure everyone that is set to come wont miss their chance to be there.
  12. Baked triple chocolate brownies this afternoon (even got a fancy tin for it) ... I got a sugar rush just smelling them.
  13. And that is just ONE ticket, to whom that chance ?!!
  14. How did you guess??? mmmm the old love-hate relationship thingie. Don't blame me though :icon_eek: Last time i didn't bring goodies, many reminded me those were a requirement :icon_eek:
  15. What can i say, dear sir? I'm a cheap date :icon_lol: .... It'll be nice to be back in Ottawa for the evening to see everyone. I also spotted the last of my supply items on my way back to my place earlier tonight; it would not be a Christmas party without a tin of home baked goodies ... and of course some Christmas presents to draw as door prizes.
  16. I've seen "Lady of the night" in various literary sources (can't remember which at the moment). Given not all is done at night, it feels out of place and seems funny (to me at least). Retinue is one i have seen as well. Its use goes back to old french (middle french) - as a source meaning to retain ... a group of retainers or attendants depending of context. I think it has uses dating back to middle english too.
  17. A short walk Downtown Montreal turned into Shopping for gifts for a certain Christmas Party.... There were a few good specials going on till today, so I already got great Christmas-y picked up.
  18. Maybe not in a tie, but tied-up perhaps? hehe Just be glad it's not a combo Halloween-Christmas party, as i might show up in a dress, stockings an a wig :icon_eek:
  19. Good answer Bianca... And you always look wonderful at these parties ;-) I for one will be sure to dress up casually... Tie or no tie, that'll be the question.
  20. Dress casual. Limo ride's starting and return point will be downtown.
  21. Gents, don't forget to get your ticket for the Christmas social! As always, its a great way to get reacquainted with old friends, but also to make new ones. We have many lovely ladies for which it'll their first social, so come in great numbers to make them feel welcomed!
  22. Happy birthday Lexy! Have a wonderful day!
  23. It's all about the time of day you visit. Ex. weekends daytime don't expect many people but past 6 or 7 pm there are people. More so at 8pm and beyond on weekdays. In fact, there's a dozen of us right now in Chat.
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