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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Cucumber, tomato and red pepper salad with berber spiced yogurt dressing, with a roasted chicken wrap. About to make dessert; banana bread.
  2. Got to love hot sauce labels .... as seen on a hot sauce store's website, apparently ... H07 54UC3 I5 G00D F0R 7H3 BR41N. Can you read it?
  3. Perhaps adding recommendations in the Montreal section (https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=153) would benefit those looking at this site wanting to venture to Montreal would be made more permanent (and easier) as people won't tend to look in the Ottawa section for a Montreal visit? Plus, recommendations do go in the appropriate cities' section. And that's not discounting the other sections ... https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=100 Posting there would certainly help convince more ladies from Montreal to use CERB over time :-) Glad you had a good time here ... !
  4. mtlbog, city-centric, yes, but great to find things to do, places to go and see, and a great foodies section.
  5. Happy Birthday Bianca! Have a great day!
  6. Also found in this sticky in the "new to this" section http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=33294 Same patterns (or just about) every year, as observed by this post (third way down) and here on another thread.
  7. Makes me want to skip them altogether. Low key movies are muuuuch better.
  8. Agreed. Advanced inquiries works wonders for me in setting up a date as both parties can do just that, line up their schedules far in advance.
  9. She also posted an ad yesterday with her shifts at ALO .... a quick glance at ads would have revealed this : https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=206957 ;-)
  10. She has positive reviews for cities she visited in Quebec (i haven't seen her myself), and is quite active in Montreal. Knowing where to look, one could easily find the information.
  11. As a reference, It's been brought up in another thread ("oil or lotion") where coconut oil might be a good lube (there's posts in there to that effect) that a rare few may be allergic (contact dermatitis).
  12. There are several Asian massage spas downtown, but personally i'd pick either spots of ALO mentioned. Several ladies provide great massage (sheila comes to mind at the booth location). There are several well known indy's (that come to mind) downtown that provide massage; Breathtaking Vivian, Michaella's Caress as well as Kathryn Bardot. You can look at their ads or contact the ladies to check. Hope this helps
  13. [U]Source[/U]: [url]http://globalnews.ca/news/1796393/seeking-arrangement-is-it-a-form-of-prostitution/[/url] by Aalia Adams MONTREAL â?? The growing trend known as â??seeking arrangementâ?? has become more and more popular, especially among students. Here in Montreal, McGill University ranked second on the websiteâ??s list of top 20 fastest growing sugar baby schools. The site promises to hook-up wealthy men â?? or sugar daddies â?? with younger women known as sugar babies. Spokesperson for Seeking Arrangement Brook Urick insists, itâ??s simply the future of dating. Global News met with a 24-year-old who claims to be a sugar baby. â??Isabelleâ?? would not reveal her real name and Global News could not verify any of what she told us. She said sheâ??s a student at Université de Montréal and she was recently having trouble making ends meet. â??Itâ??s a way to go to school and not stress too much and focus on my studies,â? she explained. â??I donâ??t have to work 20 hours, so thatâ??s the reason.â? Her 45-year-old benefactor has been supporting her financially for the past five months. â??Heâ??s paying for the place where I live, and if I need things like a laptop for school, he will buy me one.â? Isabelle claims they see each other twice a month and have not had sex, yet. â??I really thought I would but I donâ??t know, he just wants to take his time and doesnâ??t want to make it feel like itâ??s an arrangement.â? Isabelleâ??s situation may just be an exception. Dating expert Frank Kermit has met with a number clients who used to be sugar babies and sugar daddies. He told Global News â??the majority of people who get involved in this want sex and thatâ??s what it comes down to.â? He doesnâ??t consider the arrangement very different from prostitution. â??Thereâ??s still expectations, thereâ??s still an exchange but itâ??s considered a little bit easier on peopleâ??s souls to get involved in this manner.â? According to McGill ethics professor Margaret Somerville, arrangements that trade company for cash, devalue our real human connections. â??Itâ??s a terrible loss for individuals and itâ??s a terrible loss for society,â? Somerville said. â??Iâ??m really hopeful that the younger generation will re-think this and come back with a different approach to it.â? Seeking Arrangement insists itâ??s just a dating website that helps people like Isabelle find someone whoâ??s willing to help out, in exchange for companionship and romance. An option for some, but morally questionable to others.
  14. Thursday's (a phonecall) and Friday's (an email) to let me know i'm being transferred downtown Montreal. It'll be a 15 minutes walk in a staring line down the street in a straight line to get to work (about 20 minutes through the tunnels of the underground city if the weather's bad). Not so sure the way back from that new workplace will be that straight after stopping for happy hour lol.
  15. On Slate.com By David Auerbach [url]http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/10/mindgeek_porn_monopoly_its_dominance_is_a_cautionary_tale_for_other_industries.html?wpsrc=fol_tw[/url] Video sites are by far the biggest consumers of bandwidth on the Web: Netflix, YouTube, Twitch â?¦ MindGeek. Or maybe that last one doesnâ??t ring a bell? Founded in 2007 by Canadians Stephane Manos and Ouissam Youssef, MindGeek (formerly known as Manwin and Mansef) has over 100 million daily visitors and is one of the top 10 consumers of bandwidth; some reports have them in the top three. They operate nearly a hundred websites that in total consume more bandwidth than Twitter, Amazon, or Facebook. Of all top content providers, though, MindGeek has by far the most shadowy presence. Its website says they are â??pioneering the future of online trafficâ?â??but doesnâ??t say much about what they actually do with all that bandwidth. MindGeek is a porn provider. Or more accurately, the porn provider. MindGeek has become the porn monopoly, putting industry members in the paradoxical position of working for the very company that profits from the piracy of their work. The MindGeek hydra exerts so much force that people in the online-porn industry are scared to talk about it for fear of blacklisting. And MindGeekâ??s dominance should serve as a cautionary tale of the dangers of consolidating production and distribution in a single monopolistic owner. Specifically, MindGeek owns a large number of porn aggregator â??tube sitesâ? (so named because they mimic YouTubeâ??s format) such as Pornhub, YouPorn, and Redtube, which serve up huge amounts of free porn funded by ads. According to porn-industry blogger Mike South, MindGeek now owns eight of the top 10 of these aggregator sites (the exceptions being xHamster and Xvideos). These sites, whether owned by MindGeek or not, notoriously host a lot of pirated content. While each individual tube site responds to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown requests, most porn producers do not have the resources of movie studios or record labels to monitor piracy; according to adult film star Siri, MindGeekâ??s sites â??force copyright holders to jump through hoops to get our content removed.â? South told me that consequently, production of porn films is down 75 percent from where it was eight years ago, and DVD sales down 50 percent in that time. The general sentiment is that the porn business crash around 2008 was due to the rise of widescale piracy on tube sites and torrents, an increase in amateur porn, and the Great Recession. The decline has continued since then, driving down fees and causing performers to look elsewhere to make ends meet. When South started in the industry, â??I could count performers I know who did prostitution on one hand. Now I can count the performers I know who donâ??t do it on one hand.â? According to Salon, while performers working as escorts was rare and frowned upon in 2000, by the end of the decade it had become common. Adult performer Houston told Salonâ??s E. J. Dickson last year, â??If you look at the escort sites, pretty much every porn star is on there.â? The crash in the porn business provided MindGeek with the opportunity to purchase high-profile porn content producers, including big names like Brazzers (in 2010) and Digital Playground (in 2012) at discounted rates, each of which themselves operate dozens of sites. Alongside names like Hustler and Vivid, MindGeek effectively came to control a huge amount of the mainstream â??traditionalâ? porn industryâ??the Hollywood-like production scene based in Californiaâ??s San Fernando Valley, which has given us Jenna Jameson and Sasha Grey. As Adult Empire director of business development Colin Allerton told the Daily Dot, â??every major studio and star is now partnered with MindGeek or has worked for a studio that MindGeek purchased.â? Since then, industry workers have been in the difficult situation of seeing their work pirated on sites owned by the same company that pays themâ??imagine if Warner Brothers also owned the Pirate Bay. The way Siri puts it, itâ??s as though Walmart drove mom-and-pop stores out of business â??and then to top it off, went into the mom-and-pop shops and literally stole all of their products to be resold at Walmart.â? Itâ??s a tough time to be a mom-and-pop porn shop. Even content producers that MindGeek owns have trouble getting their movies off MindGeekâ??s tube sites. The result has been a vampiric ecosystem: MindGeekâ??s producers make porn films mostly for the sake of being uploaded on to MindGeekâ??s free tube sites, with lower returns for the producers but higher returns for MindGeek, which makes money off of the tube ads that does not go to anyone involved in the production side. Porn industry workers do not have many options available. Actress Tasha Reign told ABC, â??I kinda have to shoot for [MindGeek] because they own almost everything.â? This total industry dominance has had the effect of silencing performers against criticizing Manwin; people like South and Siri, who have openly condemned MindGeekâ??s monopoly and power, are extremely rare. When asked, most refuse to talk about piracy, worrying that MindGeek will blacklist them. Since MindGeek-owned companies provide huge amounts of advertising to Adult Video News and other industry news sites, they wield a great deal of influence over trade publications and events as well. MindGeek itself has something of a checkered past. In 2009, with the company still under founders Manos and Youssef, the Secret Service seized $6.4 million from bank accounts controlled by MindGeek, leading its assets to be sold to German tech investor Fabian Thylman, who changed the company name to Manwin. In April 2011, Manwin quietly secured a $362 million loan from Wall Street firm Colbeck Capital, founded by former Goldman Sachs employees Jason Colodne and Jason Beckman. (Goldman Sachs distanced themselves from the two.) Colbeckâ??s funds were in turn secured from other firms including the troubled Fortress Capital, masking the Manwin association. Having used the loan to continue to acquire tube sites and content producers, Thylman was then extradited from Belgium to Germany in 2012 for tax evasion on Manwinâ??s profits. In late 2013, Thylman was bought out by current CEO Ferras Antoon and COO David Tassillo, longtime players within the company, who now control operations from Montreal. With its business orienting toward optimizing views and links on its tube sites, MindGeek has sought to expand into â??cleanerâ? areas of Internet business and portray itself as your average high-energy startup. It is uncertain whether this strategy will work, since the facade remains fairly transparent. As one GlassDoor user wrote, â??If you're interested in the â??Content Formatterâ?? job, just be aware you're basically a glorified child porn screener, and you will be watching disgusting videos all day.â? Because of the taboo surrounding pornography, especially in America, no antitrust actions are going to be taken against MindGeek any time soon, nor has much attention been paid to the increasing bind that industry workers find themselves in as a single corporate behemoth gobbles up companies. With shrinking competition, de facto sanctioned piracy, and falling pay rates, industry blogger Lux Alptraum told Mademanâ??s Grant Stoddard that if MindGeek goes down, â??it could take most of the porn industry with it.â? As content-provider companies like Netflix and Amazon move into the content-production business, MindGeek provides a glimpse of how the alignment of incentives can change. The distributor doesnâ??t necessarily need to make content that generates adequate money for the content producers, as long as it generates money somehow. None of these other companies will shift to the free ad-based model that MindGeekâ??s tube sites use, but a company like Netflix may end up in a position of far greater strength if it comes to control a primary means of distributionâ??especially if itâ??s one cheaper than cableâ??and movie studios and networks may end up having to cut deals with Netflix rather than the other way around. Right now content producers have tremendous influence with Netflix because Netflix needs their content, but should that balance of power change, Netflix will be in the position of power, which is why HBO and others are racing to get into the online streaming business. As for the porn industry, will anyone survive? South said that vertical sites catering to specific fetishes such as Kink.com are far more immune to MindGeekâ??s vampirism (â??There are riches in niches,â? he says), and South hopes that Google will eventually crack down on tube sites in general and derank them for mass piracy, shaking MindGeekâ??s lock on the industry. Still, MindGeekâ??s tremendous success is an unnerving indication of the degree to which centralized commodification can suck the life out of an entire industry.
  16. Homemade curry chicken soup. It's on the stove right now and it smeeeeels nice!
  17. Just spoke to a good friend and colleague (last we worked together was about 10 years ago) and we MAY become colleagues again!
  18. From The Economist [url]http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2015/01/institute-sexology?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/letstalkaboutsex[/url] MAKE no mistake: â??The Institute of Sexologyâ?, the latest exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London, is not about sex. It deals rather with the study of sex, an important distinction and one that the showâ??s somewhat racy subtitleâ??â??Undress Your Mindâ?â??does little to suggest. In fact visitors may well experience a tiny but undeniable moment of disappointment when they walk in to see walls of photos, documents and objects in glass cases. Once initial expectations have been adjusted there is much to learn about the scientists, doctors and anthropologists who researched and legitimised sexual behaviour over the past 150 years. Their personal courage is highlighted in a photograph of Berlinâ??s ransacked Institute of Sex Research from May 1933 and a grainy video showing the Nazi-directed burning of its archives. The Instituteâ??s founder, Magnus Hirschfeld, was a champion of sexual education, feminism and homosexual rights. The theme of collecting, archiving and accumulating everything from votives of male and female genitalia to statistics about human behaviour as a means of studying and understanding sexuality underpins the exhibition. Scattered throughout the first section are weird, wonderful and at times disturbing sexual toys, aids and artefacts, many of them gathered from the extensive collection of Henry Wellcome, the American-British industrialist whose fortune endowed the trust that bears his name. These include a remarkable bronze phallic amulet and wind chime replete with the hind legs and tail of a horse dating from between 100BC and 400AD, a series of 19th-century steel-plated serrated penis rings designed to prevent masturbation and loss of sperm through nocturnal emissions, and an early 20th-century vibrator made of brass, steel and rubber that comes with hair-raising accessories such as discs, balls and spikes. Elsewhere a recreation of Sigmund Freudâ??s desk contains a letter he wrote to a worried parent in 1935 that demonstrates just how open-minded he was for his time. â??I gather from your letter that your son is homosexual,â? he writes. â??Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be considered a disease.â? In the same room visitors find out about Marie Stopesâ??s abhorrence of psychoanalysis and her firm belief in eugenics, but above all her enlightened understanding that a womanâ??s economic emancipation and personal fulfilment were intimately connected to her ability to control her maternity and engage in intercourse just for the pleasure of it. â??Tentâ? is a room devoted to Margaret Meadâ??s and Bronislaw Malinowskiâ??s sojourns in Samoa and Trobriand and their research into cultural attitudes to sexual repression and the construction of gender roles, and â??Classroomâ? looks at the work of Alfred Kinsey and Wilhelm Reich. Dismayed by the fact that there was more scientific literature on the lives of farm animals than humans, Kinsey carried out over 18,000 interviews about sexuality with Americans of different socio-economic and racial backgrounds until his death in 1956. Reich was a controversial but influential figure who believed the rise of Nazism was a symptom of the sexual repression of the German people. One interesting pieceâ??whose audio overwhelms the gallery to an irritating degreeâ??is a 2013 film by Sharon Hayes shot at an all-womenâ??s college in Massachusetts. Under the lens of the camera and the gaze of their peers these intelligent, diverse and sexually articulate women talk about their attitudes to sex and come across variously as fragile, tough, enigmatic, shy, fey, transgressive and repressed, perfectly exemplifying the complexity and breadth of human (but in particular) female sexuality and experience that the husband-and-wife team of William Masters and Virginia Johnson discovered in their exhaustive research into the bodyâ??s physiological responses to sex in the 1960s. In the penultimate room, â??Laboratoryâ?, photos by Timothy Archibald showcase various Heath Robinson sex machines and their inventors, affectionately celebrating the ingenuity of the human spirit in all areas of life, and a film made in 1988 by Neil Bartlett and Stuart Marshall mocks Clause 28 (a local-government act that banned the promotion of homosexuality in British schools and universities under Margaret Thatcher) and is an absurd and magnificent satire. The exhibition is brought up to the present day with a series of interviews about Britainâ??s largest national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles, which was first carried out in 1990 in response to the AIDS/HIV pandemic. Twenty four years on and three surveys later it seems British society is hugely more accepting of same-sex relationships. â??The Institute of Sexologyâ? is by no means exhaustive or outrageous, but as an introduction to the men and women who brought sex and sexuality into public discourse and championed freedom of sexual expression, it is engaging, contradictory, inspiring and colourful. The Institute of Sexology is at the Wellcome Collection in London until September 20th 2015 The picture shows a collection of sexual aids, which came with instructions, from 1930s Japan.
  19. One of the last of it's kind in North America, a Montreal adult theater, celebrates its 100 years (along with tidbits of history on censorship). http://www.lapresse.ca/vivre/sexualite/201412/26/01-4831051-le-cinema-lamour-a-100-ans.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne=cyberpresse_B25_A-decouvrir_219_article_ECRAN1POS4
  20. A CNN piece i picked up over twitter. http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/01/us/transgender-questions-leelah/index.html?sr=tw010415thetransgenderlife330pstoryphoto
  21. I stumbled on a discussion between a journalist from Voir and two Montreal workers. It's a year old, in french, and followed the Manifesto last year that made the news. Still, the discussion is very good, and exceedingly interesting. So i thought i'd share here. Very good insights from both ladies. http://trouble.voir.ca/pourquoi-tant-de-haine/je-travaille-dans-le-sexe/
  22. Source: [url]http://www.ibtimes.com/sweden-prostitution-laws-success-overstated-sex-industry-shifts-streets-internet-1765978[/url] As more countries look to adopt Swedenâ??s model of reducing prostitution, experts warn that the Scandinavian countryâ??s success in curbing the industry may be overstated, according to a [URL="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/22/sweden-prostitution-reduction-models-success-a-myt/?page=all#pagebreak"]report by the Washington Times[/URL]. One major problem is that the government has narrowly focused its prostitution figures on streetwalkers, despite the fact that many sex workers have turned to the Internet to ply their trade. This oversight reflects a broader struggle among governments as they attempt to address a rapidly changing sex industry that has increasingly moved online. Sweden has long been celebrated for its â??Kvinnofrid,â? or protection of women, prostitution law, which has sought to curb the industry by targeting male clients and pimps rather than women. Since the lawâ??s passage in 1999, Swedenâ??s government has touted its plummeting prostitution rate, with official statistics counting only 300 prostitutes as of 2008, down from 730 in 1999. But experts say the number of sex workers in the country is actually much higher, according to the Washington Times report. Part of the discrepancy is that the governmentâ??s figures do not account for prostitution that takes place off the streets, including on the Internet. A similar drop in prostitution arrests has been seen in the U.S., with Department of Justice records showing a 50 percent drop in arrests from 1990 to 2011, when 57,345 people were arrested on prostitution-related offenses, [URL="http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/07/15/Its-Hard-Out-There-Pimpin-Digital-Age"]according to the Fiscal Times[/URL]. Though the statistics did not break down arrests between streetwalkers and online escorts, the transformation of prostitution as more sex workers turn to the Internet is seen as a major factor in the lower rate of arrests. The DOJ released its first study of the sex industry in the U.S. back in March, which polled a wide range of prostitutes and pimps across many different venues, including massage parlors, brothels and escort services. The study showed that many prostitutes prefer to make transactions over the Internet because they can charge higher rates and are at lower risk of arrest or assault. The department said it hoped the study could help law enforcement better understand the trade given the newer business models being employed by the sex industry, [URL="http://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/sex-industry-study-internet-driving-prostitution-streets-n50761"]reported NBC[/URL]. Law enforcement has slowly begun setting its sights on the booming online sex trade. The FBI conducted a high-profile sting on the Silicon Valley-based online escort site MyRedbook.com back in June. The owners of the site were charged with money laundering and facilitating prostitution. The arrests worried many sex workers, who said that they relied on the siteâ??s vetting tools to screen potential clients to ensure their safety and warned that the deeper underground the industry went, the more dangerous it was for everyone, [URL="http://money.cnn.com/2014/07/11/technology/silicon-valley-prostitution/index.html"]reported CNN[/URL]. Despite these fears, police are generally less inclined to go after prostitutes online because the costs of such operations tend to be higher than doing street prostitution roundups, according to the Fiscal Times. As law enforcement grapples with its strategy of addressing prostitution in the online age, the challenge may be compounded, as many people who would not normally consider prostitution have entered the industry because of the ease of Internet transactions. â??The Internet is augmenting the sex market by bringing in women who would not have entered the sex market without the Internet,â? said Scott Cunningham, an economist at Baylor University who conducted a survey of 700 sex workers in the United States and Canada, [URL="http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/29/the-new-prostitutes/?_r=1"]according to the New York Times[/URL]. The shift online has also shed light on an industry that has long operated in the shadows, [URL="http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21611074-how-new-technology-shaking-up-oldest-business-more-bang-your-buck"]according to the Economist[/URL], which compiled data from around the world regarding online sex work. The wealth of data available online now makes it possible to analyze the industry, which, as it turns out, operates in ways that are remarkably similar to other service industries.
  23. The hottest chilli is Smokin Ed's 'Carolina Reaper', grown by The PuckerButt Pepper Company (USA), which rates at an average of 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), according to tests conducted by Winthrop University in South Carolina, USA, throughout 2012. The Scoville Unit (SHU) scale is a method of quantifying a substance's 'spiciness', through determining the concentration of the chemical compounds responsible for the sensation, which are named capsaicinoids. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/hottest-chili Nifty reference, the scoville unit scale:
  24. Last of my tardy notes is about another lovely lady i've met in Montreal; Sophie Beauregard. We've met first back in June, on a beautiful summer day. At first meeting, once we started chatting on the couch with something to drink, i knew i was in great company. As i got to know her since, it is clear she's a bright woman, well educated (we've chatted quite a bit about science and sci-fi), and is quite an accomplished athlete; a love of sports which we have in common. Very mature, Sophie is a stunning woman that pays to get to know well over time; she would be great company at a gallery, restaurant, at a movie night, or simply to relax with.
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