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Fresh start

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Everything posted by Fresh start

  1. I heard a squirrel making a lot of noise, so I looked out the window and noticed it had babies. She was putting them in her mouth and hiding them in shrubs. Nature can be a beautiful thing, and I was lucky to witness it today.
  2. Make perfect sense following the government logic. Why it would never happen, the loss of income from the amount of tax on cigarette. Despite the long term saving on healthcare it cost.
  3. Have you ever seen home alone? Well I could of stared in it! Not 2 steps out the door and wham I'm flat on my back at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I flew so far off my deck I missed the stair and the back of my head missed any steps. All in all only my pride was hurt. Where the hell is spring and the warm weather?
  4. The only spring I've seen, is the spring in my pants;) can't want till things warm up outside!
  5. As I'm easing off a medication, after 2 long years I'm finally feeling better and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Have you ever heard old dogs can't learn new tricks. Sometimes 20 years of experience doesn't mean anything if the don't keep up to date with new methods and products to improve the quality or efficiency of things. We learn from our mistake the question "is do they?"
  7. Several years ago a close family member was on life support and was pronounced brain dead. With no chance of recovery, and after a few days coming to our sense we made the decision of taking her off life support but not before signing the release to donate any viable organs.a couple years ago a memorial was held for the families of people who donated their organs. We received a memento with listed the organs that were successfully donated, which ultimately changed 6 peoples lives. 1 life saving 6, I only hope that I can do the same if I were to pass away.
  8. I can tell you what I think or would want to do in such situation but truthfully, its impossible to say. During the heat of the moment with adrenaline and other emotions running wild its difficult. I can say I'm sorry for your SO, and I know how she must of felt at that moment. I come from an abusive house hold as well and can say even through the abuse was done a long time ago the pain can still be with us. I bet her body reacted the same way at the restaurant as it did when she was young. The anxiety and the sickness in the stomach the sudden urge to leave and escape. It's almost as if reliving the experience all over. You can't help but feel the pain these kids must feel. This does remind me of a similar situation I had recently. I was at a restaurant eating and a mother was eating with her grown up daughter. I don't know the context or even know what was the reasoning, but the mother was saying some absolutely horrible things to her daughter and was laying down a huge guilt trip. Despite the daughter tears and please to stop she continued until the daughter left crying. When the food arrived the mother had told the waitress that her daughter left her again. So when I left I stopped by the mothers table and said if she treats her daughter that way, one day she will stop seeing you and will be left alone. When I was a kid I use to think I deserved the abuse and that it was my fault. So for those of you who would stand up to and say something I thank you it give me validation that I did not deserve that. It may have effected me in negative ways but I am a stronger person today.
  9. Waiting on income tax refund. Seem like the Bigger the amount the longer it takes.
  10. I had a beaver tail today. I haven't had that in years. It was sooooo yummy!
  11. Well I have to say I'm on the fence on this one. Professional photo shoot can be very beautiful and artistic but so can a selfie. I enjoy both the spur of the moment spontaneous picture or the posed just right with perfect angle. To me a smile is still a smile. I love the full make up look just as much as the no make up look. I don't care if I can't see a face but you get brownie points if I catch a smile:)
  12. Thanks that was very informative, and I had assumed it was free. Another expense clients fail to see. I always hate the call or txt, I always think, what if she not working or worse what if she is working at her day job. So I think it great when a time or schedule is posted.
  13. Interesting cause I assumed no ad that day would mean not available that day. Then again I only recently found out that it pay to advertise. Should of known since nothing is free anymore!
  14. I honestly never noticed sponsor ads. Then again I've only ever browsed using my mobile and I use brief view.
  15. Waking up with a headache, going to work with one, getting stuck in traffic with it, coming home with the same one and now going to bed with still a slight headache. Yup it sounds like a Monday! Ugh I hate Monday, it seem like I get headaches only on Mondays.
  16. I have to say I've almost always spent my money on assets or things needed. Ei house, furniture, appliance, home improvement. I use to be fairly careless when it came to spending on others, now I've got more control. I give only to those you deserve rather than those who take my generosity for granted. I try to spend just enough to keep me happy after the bills are all paid of course. Who know what the future hold so I spend more freely on myself, than I did before.
  17. Taking a much needed nap this afternoon. Woke up face to face with my little dog, he must of squeezed himself in between my arm to sleep next to me.
  18. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=142492 Perhaps you should read this thread.
  19. Someone very kind out of the goodness of their heart turned my frown upside down:)
  20. Feeling pretty crappy and don't know why, if perhaps adjustment in medication is the cause? Hopefully things tomorrow will stabilize out.
  21. Got something stuck in my eye. If it's not better tomorrow, guess I'm stuck doing the long wait at a doctors office.
  22. For sink sometimes I can be as easy as taking the cap off the peep trap which is just a screw located on the u looking part of the pipe. Sometimes the peep trap is actually a screw on pipe for the convenience of remove able. Small repairs are one thing but actual renovation should be done to standard. Did you know insurance company can refuse payout due to non licensed work?
  23. If dealing with electrical, plumbing or structural please hire a licensed trade person in that field. Doesn't have to be a licensed company just a certified person so you know he has knowledge and should be competent. Any one of those things can cause serious damage or even harm someone when not done properly. Which can lead to doubling, tripling your expenses.
  24. Beauty is everywhere and in everything, from an object to a person actions, you just need to look. I can honestly say since me life changed so did my perception. I find beauty in the simplest things in their purest form. A genuine laugh or smile, act of kindness, selflessness. I think as human we've grown accustom to how something should look or be that we've lost sight of what actual beauty is. I know I did, and now that my eyes and mind are open I see beauty everywhere I just have to look.
  25. A hug, when it's much needed. A sense of calm and relief is almost instantaneous.
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