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Everything posted by Taffer

  1. Interesting responses so far. Suppose it's time to interject my own thoughts. In my experience, it seems as though sex work gets a particularly large amount of limelight in regards to arguments about financial destitution. Perhaps this might have something to do with the fact that society has only recently started to recognize that women also have a sexuality, and that it isn't something to be shamed. Some people also seem to get hung up on the idea that a service provider is selling their body, but I don't think that's entirely fair. How boring/potentially terrifying would it be if an sp just laid there motionless rather than trying to provide a tailored experience for the client. As much as I understand that sex work isn't something to be ashamed of, I sometimes find myself getting hung up on it as well. I'm not even sure if it's societal conditioning, or perhaps even something biological like an innate male protective instinct towards women. There just so happens to be a woman advertising in my area at the moment, and she admits in her ad that she has never done this before, that she is embarrassed, and that she is only doing it to care for her children, and that capitalism is the root of all evil... Of course this could all be a clever ploy, but it's interesting to analyze the thoughts that go through my head when considering if I'd like to spend some time with her. My first thoughts are that I could just go in with no requests other than her company, and just keep my desires to myself, but this just doesn't make any rational sense when I think about it logically. If I'd only be willing to dole out 20-40$ to a homeless guy on the street, who is obviously suffering far more than a woman who still has a home and her kids, why in the world would I be so charitable just because she is a woman? It seems pretty unfair to the homeless guy. I have to admit to myself that these are all just rationalizations. The reality is that I find this woman sexually attractive, and if I did meet with her I'd end up trying to convince her that there is nothing to be embarrassed about her choice of trade, and I'd probably end up suggesting something fun that we could do together aside from friendly conversation. In other words I am full of crap, and if this woman is lying about this I am playing right into her hands. She must know that even saying words like that is going to scare people off who are reluctant to feel like they are taking advantage of someone. I don't think I could support that either way, I'd throw her 40$ if she were pan handling on the street, but charity is only charity when nothing is expected in return, not even polite conversation.
  2. Hmm, think it might be time to move to Halifax, almost no info on the sp's around Dartmouth and they are limited in number.
  3. Asian brands like Sagami, Okamoto. These would be the thinnest, but they are typically sold only in smaller sizes for some reason (:biggrin:), and they are made of polyurethane, so lacking flexibility. The best feeling for me so far would be Trojan Bareskins, even though they aren't the thinnest.
  4. I'm going to try and keep my personal biases out of this for now. I'd appreciate some feedback on a topic that concerns me. How would you (sp or non sp) address the desperation argument? Those who believe that no one would ever turn to sex work (let alone enjoy it), unless they are desperate?
  5. I've seen Lorena and Vicky from that "agency" (really more of a group of independents), and they were both wonderful, offering a similar girlfriend experience. Yourfrenchlady.com :)
  6. http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/ultiM%CE%B1t%CE%B5-%CF%81l%D1%94%CE%B1%D1%95%CF%85%D1%8F%D1%94-and-p%CF%85%D1%8F%CE%B5-b%CE%B5%CE%B1u%D1%82y/2849263
  7. From what I've heard talking to escorts, if you don't pay to get a top ad at Backpage it will limit your exposure. I'm not sure if the gallery view also only shows the top ads or not...
  8. For me it is pretty black and white. If they have male genitalia and they are advertising as a woman, I'd want to know what is going on between the legs. Seeing as most ads do not contain explicit/full frontal images, it would be difficult for me to discern unless informed. If I go in for a woman and find out that they still have man parts between the legs, then I won't repeat, and won't have wonderful things to say about the experience (nothing bad either, just nothing wonderful ;) ) If on the other hand they are trans and have female genitalia, then there is no reason to disclose, I'd be able to tell from the non explicit images whether they are feminine enough for me. In the end we are only paying for an sp's time and companionship, so it is really up to them what they would like to conceal and disclose, but as a general rule, the more upfront and honest you are the more happy customers you will have. There are also some dangerous individuals out there who wouldn't take to surprises the same way respectful gentleman like myself and other lyla members would, so there is an element of honesty keeping you safe.
  9. I wasn't aware there was any such thing as a burner phone available in Canada, any of the prepaid/pay as you go options I have seen require activation with your address and other info. I suppose you could offer fake info if you're inclined to do so.
  10. I'm curious what the general knowledge is on Herpes/Hsv around here, as I've been with a provider in the past who was unaware of the prevalence of it and the ease of infection, which was quite surprising. There seems to be a lot of stigma surrounding hsv particularly directed at the unlucky individuals that actually show symptoms of genital herpes (sores). People seem to think that as long as they don't show symptoms they are "clean". Some facts: 1) Herpes (type 1) is present in upwards of 80% of the adult population, it's difficult to get a precise number, for the following reason. 2) Many people who carry herpes never have a full blown outbreak, they may occasionally shed the virus/infect others, but they never have typical symptoms such as sores. This is why it's difficult to get an exact number of infected individuals, when so many are asymptomatic carriers. 3) There are 2 types of herpes, hsv 1 and hsv 2. They were once thought to be localized to different parts of the body, with hsv 1 infecting the mouth/face region, and hsv 2 infecting the genitals. We no know the 2 are very similar, and hsv 1 can present on any part of the body with mucous membranes, including the genitals. 4) Condoms are minimally effective. The virus is transferred via skin to skin contact of mucous membranes, not fluids, so condoms only protect what they cover. Hsv can often present in areas that condoms have no effect on, such as inner thighs. So there you have it, odds are you have herpes and don't even know it, even as you pass it on. Hsv 2 is significantly less common, at about 20% of the adult population, but as the 2 are so similar I personally don't think it makes much sense to be alarmed about Hsv 2 while accepting Hsv 1 as minor. I'm sure most of the wonderful providers here already know this information, but I figure it doesn't hurt to put it out there, particularly for new hobbyists.
  11. http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/xo-destiny-your-missing-out-on-something-sweet-out-calls-only/2745725
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