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Everything posted by TorontoMelanieJolliet

  1. I wonder if it was just an 'off-the-cuff' remark, basically saying 'don't worry about it. I do not view your many contacts and short notice for appts as a problem... because you are allowing me to have an income .. and it is much appreciated' without actually using this long-winded explanation as most girls will take the short way out instead of wasting your time trying to explain her feelings, and perhaps messing it up because she has trouble expressing herself in a proper way. Or, like me, she is lazy or gets frustrated trying to put all that into words. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. Trying to look beyond that and find some other meaning is only going to make a good thing more complicated. And perhaps create a mess. And messes (like spilled milk) are difficult to clean up. After you use a cloth to clean up the milk the rinsing required to get the milk out of the cloth is endless, and if not done thoroughly, can leave a sour smell behind.
  2. This may not be important but isn't the word 'service' a noun as well as a verb? ;) Additional Comments: I also have just realized that entertaining the acronym users has a tendency to make a girl feel like she isn't competitive enough, or should add to her already extensive experience. Almost like a manipulation, which is common in this industry. So for us girls it is a constant struggle to be true to ourselves and reaffirm our own convictions. I think that is a part that is truly undesirable about a 'menu' listing. Additional Comments: I have always had a good time when 'blah' is involved ;) lol
  3. My G-spot is only about 2 inches in... does that mean I should be glad I wasn't born male? hehehe
  4. I was having a chat with my doctor about that and that was how she suggested the vaccine. I sometimes think that having chats instead of just answering questions open you up to more solutions and preventative measures. The doctor and you can 'brainstorm' more ways to be safe Yes my doctor told me about this third shot. She said they (the manufacturers of vaccine) don't entirely believe that 2 shots is enough, and will eventually need a boost in the future and possibly leave you un-protected for a time. Whereas having the third shot on timeline will alleviate the need for a booster I would rather get the third shot on time, for safety's sake
  5. Here's a myth started (in the mainstream) by Bill Clinton. 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' A whole continent then believed that fellatio was not sex! Along with that seemed to come the belief that since it wasn't sex, then the same rules don't apply. In other words, that STI's are a risk because it's not sex! Glad his time has passed, but did we have to learn the hard way that the same rules apply to oral and well as genital sex. I mean the main generation he influenced has now started to realize (males and females) that his statement was not a declaration of distinction of physical activities but just an out and out lie to not get caught having sex with his intern
  6. I saw my doctor today and she told me about Gardasil 9 vaccine. it protects against 7 of the cancer causing strains and 2 of the strains that cause warts. She said i can get it even though I'm older. (on ob-gyn and pediatrics http://sogc.org/news_items/gardasil-9-hpv-vaccine-now-available-in-canada-2/ website it says it can be given to females 9-45) I'm getting it! But it cost almost 190$ per shot for 3 shots. *gasp* But I don't care. I've had all the vaccines and never had any problems. Besides, it's not just for me but to protect others too. I think of it like this: if someone has it and gives it to me, then I pass it on to someone who then takes up with a younger girl whose parents bought into that thinking about vaccines being 'bad', then I am partly responsible for protecting that girl !! These vaccines are not a swindle. They are way to protect everybody in our society (and outside of it). And i really don't believe that most people will have a problem with them. It's just a vocal few who get the 'voice to be heard' and then it's chicken little for all the 'believers'.
  7. Maybe they were taking a day/time off and when they saw your text (along with the many others they probably received) didn't reply because of the length of time since they received it to when they actually read it. Also when you're having a day off, any communications received (of many) make it hard to decide to reply to and who not to, so maybe, like me, they just throw it out and start a new day. You do realize how many communications a lady can get in day, right? :)
  8. I am wondering if some men ask RMT's for extras because they think RMT's are desperate enough to cross boundaries, so therefore will do it and provide a receipt for the benefit of the client, because of this post. That is a strange way to view the world and the people in it. To think that everyone has a price and everyone will service any man because of some imagined desperation. My, that is sad on so many levels.
  9. Some guys will actually book 4 or 5 girls for the same appt time with the sole intention of choosing which one they will actually show up for at the last minute. As a result 3 or 4 girls are left with a 'no-show'. The ones that say "I am here" but are not, are an enigma. I have no idea as to what their goal is in that situation. But sometimes I believe it is some kind of phishing... and their intentions may be sketchy.
  10. Motherhood and Sexuality...madonna, whore. Viewing yourself as a mother, is different from viewing yourself as a sexual being. They are in a way, compartmentalized. So when a man/boy calls a woman a MILF, they are actually mixing the two (as well as putting down motherhood and womanhood) so to expect a woman to be flattered by that term, without training her to be flattered, should not be expected. Also just because SPs use that language does not mean they completely embrace it. It is just speaking to certain men in THEIR terms. A way to market yourself to a specific group. Additional Comments: Yes!! It is to be used about a woman to another male (friend whatever) and NOT to the female. Locker room talk only!! When a young male asks me if that is what I am or tells me that is what I am, I am at a loss, always, as I don't how to deal with that....other than to try to use term in an ad to create an image for an interested person. Additional Comments: Its like this... We are in the throes of passion, intimacy seems to be the next step and then I am told that I am a MILF. My first thought it not 'oh that is so sexy', it is "What do my kid(s) have to do with this?" It's like a man being right in the moment, being primal and all :) and then she talks about his mother!! It makes you go "Huh?"
  11. I couldn't see anything in the video that would explain how/why this approach would be followed consistently and long-term. It just seemed like a feel-good public message without showing the actual reason behind it all. If there is no visible reason, how will the enforcers be motivated to continue with this plan? The part of the video where they made it clear that they will still take steps if people who see SP around issue complaints, could very well always trump the safety of an SP. I mean people who don't like it, whether around schools/daycares or not will still complain, and they will become the priority. Not the SP. I don't know about this. It still can be interpreted by each individual law enforcement officer to mean whatever they want it to, and since they are people too, they will continue to have their own agenda. Unless there is some clear motivation being purveyed to officers to keep them on track, then I can't see there being a real change, only a superficial one.
  12. But if they just have to be a mother, then isn't motherhood being put down because then the expectation is that as soon as woman has a baby, she is no longer desirable. Also that motherhood is something bad and demeaning so that being called a MIL* is supposed to be a compliment. A woman can become a mother at 18. So I don't think the original meaning was meant for young mothers. The original meaning was to make others aware that even though she is a mother that you would think would be 'done' you are surprised that she still has it going on. So usually a mother of older kids (like teenagers and of course adults) who was still desirable, was a surprise by just making men imagine wanting to be with her. MHO
  13. Sexy jeans are ones that fit your body and body type. If the jeans do stupid things (like crease in a way that is awkward looking) then do not buy/wear them! Make sure they are fitted properly and in the right way. Make sure they make you look your best. And do not buy the baggy ones... omgoodness they make your legs look short! If you want to appear taller buy slimmer legged jeans! And make sure they are not that Levi's blue.. oh .. ugh. It's too uptight "look I just bought new jeans", that's what that says. So the colour must say 'hey, i've had these jeans for awhile, and damn they look good on me' lol
  14. When I'm not working and/or don't want to answer even the people I am familiar with, I turn my phone off. Easy Peasy. And then I ignore the texts and VM that came in throughout the night. I am not required to answer when I am not working and I think most people understand that. They are just trying because they may be interested. If interested enough, they will try again. And what was said about 'handlers' is true. 'Reputable' providers who conduct their business in the same way a 'handler/manager' does, only proves that there are many ways to conduct your business and there is no one 'sign' to let you know who you are actually dealing with. So to always negate the reality of the business so that a certain message can be received by certain people, can get other people into trouble. So people should be aware and listen to all opinions/personal experiences, and realize that each has their reason for how/why they conduct their business in a certain way, and then use their own reasoning for themselves.
  15. Never wear one of those 'letter' jackets. Just ewww! And they never seem to stay clean (or wearer never cleans it). This is based on a recent experience at the laundramat. Oh my! A nice shirt, some sexy jeans, clean underwear (always) and a good cologne... damn getting hot just thinking about it ;)
  16. I would find it hard to believe, with all the different plans available now, that calling vs texting has anything to do with cost. I accept only phone calls for initial communications and I find that most calls take less than 2 minutes. The 'over communicators' will take 5 minutes or more. So you can probably imagine how much text time they would use up. I have personally never met a 'over communicator'. For me, I find texting to be too time consuming. It can take over 30 minutes to finish a text conversation vs 2 minutes (or less) for a phone call. Plus I usually need my hands to do other things in the time it takes to text for a 30 minute conversation, and that can make me late for more important things. Yes that can mean missing phone calls, but I have no patience for 30 minute text conversations that go nowhere. And sometimes, people who are persistent and patient are the ones I really enjoy most as it seems we were meant to be lol Also, like already mentioned, I can be more open in my discussions in a phone call. Texting some specifics can seem blunt and demeaning, but when communicating with a person (through voice) I can feel their intentions may not be blunt but just inquisitive.
  17. Instead of saying to the lady "do you do....?" Why not just say what it is you are interested in and asking if she would be interested in accommodating you? And if that is just too much like asking for a 'menu' why not just state your interests and see how she takes the conversation. .... Now that I think about it, sometimes just yammering on about what interests you can be viewed as just wasting time instead of you being taken seriously about your preferences. I guess there are sometimes you will just have to except what a lady interprets to be the best experience, with maybe not a total fulfillment of your wishes. Until you find your gem ;)
  18. Okay I have been reading here and putting this new understanding into practical use. When I turn a corner from a complete stop a light for slipping around comes on my dash controls. Then the car moves really slowly (like I said first post) and I can't seem to find any traction. When I turn traction control off, then i can get my car to move (after that complete stop) much easier. Driving straight seems to be fine and the dash light for slipping doesn't come on. Stopping is alright unless someone in front of me has not notified me that they will be stopping or turning in appropriate time. (in that case I think it's just my ABS kicking in. and I learned from Canada's Worst Driver that you must not lift your foot from the brake, but continue braking until stopped) So starting up again from a complete stop, even going straight, seems to be the problem when my traction control is on. If it's off, then I can get going, sometimes a bit of sliding but nothing that can't be managed.
  19. My car has traction control. I can turn it off if I want. I think I understand the basic function of it, but find it useless. Why is that? Isn't that supposed to be some kind of a safety feature? I find when the traction control kicks in I move veerrrryyyy sslllloooowwwlllyyy. (that's slowly with more feelling :) I suppose that would be alright to wait until my tires have a good grip before I start to move except it must suck for the people who have to drive behind me. I have started to put hazards on when this happens so people forgive me. What is it supposed to do that can be helpful or safer than not having traction control? Other that doing donuts in a parking lot, which is fun, but maybe not necessarily safe. (did you know you can do donuts with the traction control on?)
  20. For a woman you will be hanging out with, what is it you like about them? Like cleanliness. We all like cleanliness but to what extent do you prefer? Are you a slight germ-a-phobe? OCD? Just like clean and fresh, as everyone does? This includes surroundings. Do you appreciate or ignore surroundings? Do you like the girl next door? Or a girly-girl? A Tom-boy who can talk cars with you? Or just a well put together, down-to-earth, natural girl? Remember this is not about finding a wife or a girlfriend, just a woman you like to hang with. Feel free to go off topic and talk about things I have not thought of.
  21. I was a dancer for many years. Had many requests for those parties. So did a lot of girls I worked with. Promise of big money. Lots of people attending.... Never been worth the time. Ask any dancer who has tried it once .... because that is all it takes to find out it is not worth it. Just a wasted night for you and alot of apologizing from the guy who 'hired' you. (I use 'hired' loosely because they will not pay up front and if you ask them who is paying for this you can find out they are only counting on the others to reach into their pockets... without actually asking them...and that only puts the other attendees on the spot... and you look like a fool begging to be paid.... and you have wasted a night on nonsense.)
  22. Except I didn't say anything about taking housekeeping. I was just relating my experiences with housekeeping and do not disturb signs... I was not making any excuses... just relating. Sorry won't happen again, I don't want to anyone to misunderstand as I don't really explain my whole feelings all the way through. I just comment. Again sorry and excuse me PS I don't take a days worth appts, so far in advance, and all these problems are things that I don't have to worry about. And there sure are alot of things to worry about. Was just wondering how that worked. It seems too much for me. So I will just read and keep myself quiet. I don't have the words to deal like others seem to so easily do. Kudos to them. Editing reason: add more to clarify that I rarely even book appts so these are not excuses from me just comments. I don't run my business with excuses. And these situations wouldn't happen to me just simply because because I rarely book appts. Usually same day is all. So please don't think I am shoddy and make excuses for things. I hardly even come across these situations so I couldn't possibly find a need to make an excuse. I'm done :)
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