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Everything posted by TorontoMelanieJolliet

  1. No. Unless she is completely uneducated. I, at one time, found a chart that outlined risks associated with oral sex. Note that the risk of passing infection is it being passed to you, not the chance of it being passed to the 'giver'. The heading on the chart is: Chance of infection being passed to you, IF your partner has the infection at that site Oral sex - with a condom. Chart says 'Not passed (or possible only in theory)' Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV Oral sex - without a barrier. 'Not passed (or possible only in theory)' HIV (Receiver) -- 'Not commonly passed' Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV (Giver) -- 'Easily Passed' HPV Herpes Syphilis This is chart I refer can be accessed by here: smartsexresource.com 'know your chances' page A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control The page cannot be linked here, you have do some searching
  2. I will consider you 'go-to' guy. When I mull this over, and understand it better, then I will no doubt have more questions. Thanks for your offer.
  3. Then how did people call me? My number was spoofed so it must have been complete, and they probably just called straight from their call logs (didn't punch number in I mean). Mine is a legit number and not voip so maybe that is why? I think that is why spoofing is such a nasty business. If my number shows up and someone researches it, it looks legit. Now I'm confused. If someone calls from a voip but spoofs a legit number then there is absolutely no way of knowing either way. OMgoodness, Summer. Can you say 'can of worms'? I'm really confused now...and boy...I dont know what to think now
  4. Easy...they DO call. People get their panties in a bunch when they don't recognize a number and that number calls and calls. Their curiousity gets the better of them because they cannot simply block or ignore this strange number, they have to take action! I had my number spoofed before. I found out because people started calling me in the middle of night screaming at me to stop calling them. One night it was the whole night. Before I turned my phone off I was getting weird calls and VM so I answered cuz I thought what the heck is going on here?. One guy absolutely would not tell me why "I" was calling he was just screaming, threatening to call cops etc (and he was calling from a voip number too ironically). I tried to calm him down to try to figure out what this person's (ppl spoofing my number) game was. But screaming guy would not give me any info. I thought at that point HE was the one being an idiot and was crank calling. But in morning checking VM's one guy says "your drunk. Stop calling!!" And for a few months I was getting lots of calls not on my contact list and not leaving message (this was a personal number). So now I figure I have been spoofed. Called my service provider company and she said spoofers usually use the number for limited time then move on if they don't get the results they were looking for. Except months later I am STILL getting these calls! I answered once an explained to guy about spoofing and how I am gonna wait it out cuz I'm stubborn that way. Lol then he says well you can call me any time, I told him but YOU can't answer the phone, you're supposed to block the number.!! anyways, what a hassle. Additional Comments: Most people use voip to make long (expensive) calls to friends and relatives overseas. Then the thriftiness makes more sense. And most callers to someone like me are just killing time and trying to mess with me (cuz of my profession). So the chances that it just a person trying to save themselves money is much lower than if I was, say, a building supply company. I mean that is much more likely they lean closer to side that says "hey lets mess with this __. I am just sitting in Tim's waiting for my friend to meet me and I already checked my Twitter...Let's see if I can get her address..." And if they are just being thrifty with their cell phone money, then why don't they explain that this is what they got and this how it is going to work? Upfront! I mean I easily explain how my process works..for understanding and so no one gets spooked....
  5. But what could possibly be another layer of security when receiving calls from these services? There is nothing 'real' to go on. Nothing that even says they are in the same country as me. Seems like detective work is necessary here and the investment of my time, as time is money, is absolutely not worth it. I mean if somebody can't be a little bit real with me, then I can't be real with them. Kinda defeats the purpose. Even if i worked anonymously on the street, I could at least have a license plate and a real car. Here I would have nothing. Unwilling to give a little bit means your up to no good and if you are that doubtful that I am well versed and completely respectful of someone's need for privacy and discretion, that tells me you may have done things that have endangered someone else's privacy and need for discretion. (and I have read from a hobbyist that he will find out the real name of a sp and anything else he can before he sees her. A bit stalker-like if you ask me. But why does he feel the need? Paranoia? No excuse. Weird and stalker behaviour? Yes. Up to no good? Definitely!) Otherwise how you would be sooo aware of all the intricacies of how to keep yourself completely anonymous when dealing with an individual person who is in the same boat as you. And I won't believe that person has personally experienced an incidence of such. If that was case, why is he continuing to put himself in that situation? On the harmless side, disguising yourself in that manner just means your not serious and just wanting to waste my time with your inquiries. On the nuisance side (and perhaps a ding to my income) cost me money if you intend not to show up. On the dangerous side you do show up then log my location, share the number you used with less desirable people who then are free to call me using your reputation and do me some harm. Either way no good can come of it that I can see. PS - if i start getting irate people calling me because someone was spoofing my number, I will be sure to question you first ;)
  6. Because you CAN share, privately, in PM's, through email etc. Girls need a common place to share because this is a very isolating profession. We can't just hang out and speak in public because our incomes may be affected. And we may have to share trade secrets (like how to launder sheets for best hygiene), or helpful hints. And we are woman who have to remain mysterious. You don't want to know what kind of tampons we use, or nailpolish I'm sure. And you don't want hear our venting (which is what woman do to deal and sort things out) in public. It's not all bad dates. Geez we're girls, we talk about girly things. And because of the nature of the biz girls can't share email addy's and stuff or personal numbers or anything like that. These ladies can't be letting everyone and his mother knowing more than she sees is safe, even other providers. And PM"s are only so helpful if you seek a large range of ideas or opinions for a problem you may be having. Like how to handle 50 texts at one time etc. So having a common place to go is actually very giving of the people who provide it. So please don't bring up that argument 'oh but what about us...'. You have your's. You just don't need to demand a private locker room to talk on these boards because you can choose at anytime to not partake in hobby. And the girls most likely don't have that choice and need a safe and private place to connect, again, because this a very isolating profession, not hobby/playtime. ETA : oh and also you are not a paying customer of the board. you are only a paying a customer of the girls who pay the board (mostly). If you don't buy a coffee at tim horton's they prefer you don't use their washrooms. If you do buy a coffee then feel free to sit down and drink it, and relieve yourself after.
  7. A lot of people can say this (not directed at you specifically, just using your words). 'Tell it like it is' is according to the person saying it. I'm just saying, it may not be everybody's 'it is'. (not directed at you specifically, just using your words) This would be the reason the OP girl referenced checked other boards for the user/member, because there is alot of crossover, and some people think girls are stupid and wont realize, or their view of the member is useless because the member knows himself and his true intentions best. Same can be said if reversed. (ex. some girls think hobbyist are stupid and wont realize, so his view of her is useless because the girl knows herself and her true intentions best.) So.... that member/user can have a different persona on each board OR can carry their real self throughout the boards. Just as member/users/hobbyist check around for info on a girl, why is a girl not allowed to do the same thing without being judged and then the 'accuser' of her bad choice (see or not based on membership) and her erroneous conclusion goes on the defensive. All with the reason of saving the world from a scam or dangerous situation. (white knights for hobbyiests lol) The girls have a right to do same thing for the same reasons. We are all in the same boat here. (not directed at you specifically, just using your words) Yes very simply, move on. But I'm sure some would talk about with other members, to let them know her policy so you all don't give her business. (that is part of my peer acceptance theory..that they all agree and support each other's conclusion and info) (not directed at you specifically, just using your words) Just as some sps hold the same opinion (about sharing info) it is not all puppy dogs and rainbows. Some people have different agendas. And you can never be sure what they are. And because this is such a personal form of entertainment, things come into play that wouldn't if you were reviewing/sharing info on a meal at a restaurant. Or reviewing/sharing opinions about a movie. Also sharing good news can depend on if peer acceptance is forthcoming, so sharing is not always going to happen. Like will your peers have the same opinion? Will you look like a tool to your peers if you like a girl that others may not (maybe she's indy and you're on a board that doesnt speak well of indy's)? (not directed at you specifically, just using your words) I talked about that in my post before. And this is a different kind of service where people are more vulnerable to start off with just because of nature of the service. Understandable. But we have to admit that is not the whole reason for sharing info. Personal experiences (past, present) can greatly influence the amount of sharing taking place. And some of it is unnecessary (not directed at you specifically, just using your words) Generalizations like: all independents are flakey and lazy. And all asians are B&S? Or that all agencies must be flawless because they have a reputation to uphold? Or that a girl was bad for one reviewer she must be bad for everyone and therefore readers should not consider her (when in fact all he really wants is peer acceptance and reassurance that he is not undesirable for any reason). Those are generalizations. Stated again and again on these boards. And some boards focus more on one then the other. And because of the cross-over I'm sure people are aware of the 'themes' of each board.
  8. ok so now I know that is available with an app and internet connection. And there is such thing as 'piggybacking' on your existing data plan. so now i wonder if the voip number will be the same as the cell number that i already have or does it have to be different? And if i have to still pay for a cell plan why on earth would i want to get voip? what purpose does it really serve? (just a question, please let me know any 'pros' that you can see) And now about apps: what about the phone number? Stays the same? Do they cost anything? Are they only for texting? Additional Comments: The real reason I was asking about the workings of these services is because I was trying to decide if the people who were using them to contact me were on the level. But that may not necessarily be true as I have found out what some of these services are capable of. They are not always used for good purposes. Which leaves me to wonder ... so I have decided to not accept requests from people who use those services. I was toying with the idea but ...no. Thanks for info from ppl who pm and responded
  9. I know what VOIP is but what is it? Like how do you get it on your phone? Only through the internet? So that means using data when you cannot use internet, right? Do you have to have a SIM card for it? Does your phone have to be unlocked if you do not get service from the normal wireless phone companies? Or is that when it comes to an app (unlock phone). Why would you unlock a phone and is it illegal? It sounds illegal. I have questions as to the legitimacy of these types of services but I don't know enough to ask the correct questions. Does anyone know anything?
  10. The real question seems to be "What is the purpose of these boards?" Do they exist solely as a place to research, through reviews, the safety and service of a particular provider? Are they a place to seek and obtain peer acceptance? Are they a place to rant about all that angers you in day about our society and the people/politics in it? Are they a good place to find support (of any kind) for your positions or travails? Are they solely advertising platforms? I find they are all of those things. But should they be? How much of each other do we really want to know about a person who may only be in our lives a short time? About you: If she looked you up on that other board, did she read something that may have given her pause? About your personal beliefs or something that she may have perceived as a danger or a future conflict if she dealt with you? Or was she looking for some reassurance that you, even though you are a member there, are different than what the overall mood of that board would suggest? Not about you: Why wouldn't she point out reviews about herself? Who cares where it came from. Doesn't mean she is trying to attract other members of that board. It could be used as a means to prove herself as an established sp who has been in the biz for awhile and is safe to see as she is real and serious about that biz. And not some fly-by-night, or b&s etc. Good or bad reviews can establish that much anyways. It also doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the effort and time that went into them. If she is like me, her main concern is the overall mood and message of that board. And it's an angry, nasty one. If you are a man with your own mind, who can distinguish lies from truth and ignore perhaps 'locker room' embellishments and judgements, then you are a worthy and smart man who may not adopt the mindset in an environment like that. Therefore should be safe to invite for a visit. But not all men are like that. They are like sponges who absorb all the views and feelings voiced there and act according to the collective conclusions reached by other members. (they may be newbies to the boards or young men, or even just men made bitter by their own experiences in life) I have heard that before in my life, said right to my face. But i knew what it meant, in what context, and have used it to my advantage (if you want to call it that). On the other hand it could also be used to describe a new employee approaching the end of their probation period. Or by a teacher who is trying to convey that this is a good student. Either way we all know it is condescending. But that is part of the mindset of these boards. They are set up to allow one person's judgement of other people (mostly girls) to be made public to anyone who is interested. The rest is a domino effect. Limited only by what a person is willing/not willing to say/participate in. Some people have no filters, some people have no limits. Some just have a darn bad view of life and others that it influences those limits profoundly. Terb specifically seems to 'produce' members that are disrespectful (not only of sps but of women AND people of other cultures/races AND people's place in this world). These feelings and judgements can appear in the personal dealings with a member (who is influenced by the collective mindset apparent there) when they are invited for a visit, and subsequently carry on, off-board but in person for provider. These subsequent communications can be a nuisance or a clear threat to personal safety based solely on the fact that she didn't perform or adhere to the 'standards and practices' set out by the (established) users and mindsets of that board. When experiences like that out-number the good experiences that seem to involve a certain group (like terb members) then of course, for peace of mind, safety and other things that keep providers sane and able to work at their best, the only natural conclusion is to refuse to see that group! PS - Maybe the question should be why does a board that mainly services Toronto have a cloud of nastiness hanging over it? Why do the members there (the ones that feel comfortable) feel it's ok to think the way they do..and worse... feel the need to share it? (and this goes for the lounge area also as a general discussion can contain insights not found anywhere else. Except a lot of the insights found specifically on that board are ones that show a dark side to people not found usually unless you specifically go looking for it..beyond 'locker room' talk, i mean)
  11. What is 'fixed income', 'blue chip stocks' and 'REITS' ? Whenever I've googled things like this, i cannot understand it as the industry lingo takes over and I will googling every word or acronym into eternity
  12. Which came the first the chicken or the egg? Girls won't advertise unless there is a market. Guys don't want a sausage fest.. so who blinks first? What does it take to be the greatest (board)? Ask any girl on here ... then ask other girls. Everybody has their market and their preference for an information type and source. To get the girls to come first, they have to educate themselves on the ins and outs of advertising on this board. It's very tricky. And delicate. It involves learning how to communicate in a extremely discrete way and punishment will ensue if done incorrectly. For girls who charge a lot for their time, they may have more free time or experience to teach themselves in a timely manner. For girls just learning how to do it, they may not have the time to invest. It's not as easy as it looks. And if too much time is invested without the proper reward, then it becomes more of a hindrance then a help. And sometimes trying to get recommendations etc is a slippery slope as it involves begging (feels like begging) and time during or after an appt to ask (request) someone speak about them on a board so they can become authentic. Alot of guys don't speak about their experience, never have, never will. So..no recommendations etc, no extra bookings..no reward. Also this is already set up to service Ottawa mainly so how can any other girls hope to break in?
  13. Turn off - receiving threats from a person who requests an extremely unsafe and undesirable behaviour that he expects should be offered because of my choice of income and therefore my place in this world. Threats that he will change his number and book an appt so he can get what he wants or that i deserve to be tricked into it because he just thinks it is his duty to put me in my place. (as my rejection, coming from someone like me, just shouldn't be allowed and hurt his ego i'm sure) Therefore I have to take special measures now to ensure that he doesn't cross my path. Oh yay! I'm sure he would be happy to know that he is putting me on high alert. Happy to know he had a lasting impression. That REALLY turns me off
  14. I didn't read in original post that she was getting bad reviews. I read that she has had it with ppl who frequent that board. Crude or not, my experience with terb guys is they carry that 'attitude' and hateful opinions outside of board matters in other words in their personal dealings with girls. I have been thinking about advertising there but their absolute hatred of all girls independent is almost scary. Would I be opening a whole new can of worms by putting myself back on their radar? Or can I hope to attract lurkers only? (I don't care about reviews but personal safety issues are my concern when it comes to that board) So making assumptions is never the answer. Everybody has their own reasons. Assumptions have a habit of becoming 'fact' and if you know not of what you speak, you mess it up for the ppl who the assumptions are about
  15. I just wanted to clarify the meaning of the towel. It is not meant to be catty. These two careers are totally different. When in a club, a girl will sit on her towel for sanitary reasons. Talking to client is meant to be the 'selling' time, advertising time if you will. When talking to a client, sometimes a girl will need to use the washroom, or, they have agreed to go for a dance, but the dancer wants to use the washroom before they start, then she will just leave her towel there, and if another girl comes along the towel should be enough to let her know not to move in as she is still trying to get him to dance, or she is going to take him to the back in a minute. So if she has invested time (with no compensation, mind you), she doesn't want that lost to some girl who only just says "c'mon hun, i play with your **** in the back" (that would be the opportunist or the ruthless girl who ignores etiquette). So it not catty at all. If you have to leave for minute and leave your towel behind (as a sign and also because it is just easier) other girls can just wait until you have finished either talking to him or dancing with him. Not hard to do. And when all the girls understand that, then we have respect for each others hard work, as we know all that can be involved. Additional Comments: Note: I am not feeling un-special. And I don't want to fight. When I see words on the screen, and it doesn't matter who says them, time after time, when I see that they may sound good, don't always work in practice, then I can be tempted to want to make a point about them. I am not creating a network as the people I seem to associate with in person are nowhere near these forums. Am I trying to do that here? Well I was going to try...but honestly..I just don't fit in. And am misunderstood a lot of the time as I seem to be unable to choose words that can be clearly understood by a mass of people. This is becoming another learning experience for me. I will take it and discover a way to make my success (as I am on my way without the help of forums) increase, in a way that works when you are on your own. So graduallly.... The school of hard knocks I guess it could be called lol
  16. The other day someone text me and told me 'it' was between me and this other girl. He named the other girl in the text. My natural feeling was I was hearing something I shouldn't be hearing. But also a safety issue seemed to be breached. If I had been a unscrupulous girl, having her name would have put her on my radar, where before I didn't know she existed. And I also think that if the other girl knew he was using her name to me, she might have felt a slight violation. I told him he shouldn't be using other girls names to other girls and why. But I also couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to get us to compete so he could save some money and/or get more bang for his buck. Anyways, I told him I think she should win this one, because it occurred to me that he could also have a problem with discretion and I don't need that to mess up my day/business. Etiquette (would other sp's do this and feel the same way) or just common courtesy? Or both. I guess it depends on the instincts of the sp. Is there a code that says we should do our best to protect each other if the need arises?
  17. But how do you know that there exists people who murder for pleasure? We don't know that. Hence never being able to find out what is truly in the mind of a serial killer (for instance). They keep trying to get inside a mind like that but fail. Murder could be done to gain power or respect or have control. It could be done for revenge. It could be done to hide other intentions/actions. It could be done for curiosity as a person may have been so isolated from others as to let their personal thoughts take over without an outside influences to set a norm or even occupy their minds with other things? That doesn't mean 'evil'. And to say for sure that their are people who have no emotion or remorse is an assumption. If you are facing the rest of your life in jail (no doubt horrible thought to accept) why would you show emotion? And why would show remorse if you know there is not a damn way you could ever correct your action. Remorse doesn't help people you've hurt. And it won't keep you out of jail, you still have to pay. And emotions...why show emotions when you know that also will solve nothing? You will have to steel yourself against what is ahead in order to survive it. And what if your action was a reaction and you still have to pay? Why would you show remorse when it was you or them? Why would you show emotion? That would only please the people looking for justice. Why would you want to be further humiliated and imprisoned by the pleasure of those who want to see you suffer? I think that more evil exists in individuals who don't commit heinous crimes that those that do.
  18. But you have to be special to have contact and access to info that can keep you safer. If you are isolated from other sp's then what?
  19. LOL yes sometimes I take pride in the fact that I was extremely successful in adding to my blocked lists. It makes me feel like I have been productive! lol Go figure...its the optimist in me. Always look on the bright side kinda thing :)
  20. But how do (some) men factor into her conclusion about "a part of him" and it makes him feel good to give a piece of himself. And that it represents certain aspects of himself? Do you think that might be a truth? Or is it just an advertisement for herself?
  21. Perhaps, because his desires are based on getting around his physical restrictions, he should accept that there will be difficulties when inquiring, and it doesn't matter if a girl does or doesn't accept menu inquiries. Either he has to be creative (which I guess that is what he was looking for here, I hope, and not just waiting for ladies to change their procedures so he can be accommodated) or just learn to not want what he can't have. Essentially he has a disability and people with disabilities always have to approach each situation with their own spin. To expect girls who are for the most part dealing with healthy and virile males, the thought that they must try to ascertain whether each inquiry that demands that much detail is actually someone who has actual restrictions is a bit much to ask for. So the accommodating must be done by the seeker and not the girls. You must be creative and find a different way to communicate for your situation. Remember... you can be viewed as someone who is not serious because past experience of girls is something you cannot deny (Once bitten, twice shy). One suggestion: if this is so important to you to find a specific girl who will follow your specific instructions to a 'T', without actually seeing them in person to discuss WHILE paying for their time (in a session, that has the possibility to be directed by you, or a paid coffee date) then take out an ad, with specifics and wait for a response
  22. When I was dancer there were common 'rules' that we all lived by. I called it 'stripper etiquette'. Like when a girl leaves her towel (the one she sits on) on a chair when she was sitting with a customer to go take care of whatever, then it is in bad form for another girl to go over and try to talk to/hustle that customer. Does such etiquette exist in this industry? Of course there are always opportunists who ignore these 'understandings' but for the most part, does there seem to be across the board 'rules' that escorts/companions all seem to follow? Just wondering. Since this is more of an isolating career I don't know if girls have set up for themselves rules to live by or do they even bother because contact with others is very minimal to non-existent
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