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Everything posted by Jenesis

  1. ] NEW UPLOADS NOW ONLINE!!! www.onlyjenesis.com Over 30 pics every month, 4 full videos of nudes, masturbation, squirting and toys. Available packages for past content. All starting at only $10/month Come see what is beneath all these clothes
  2. So here is the story,I was out shopping at SuperStore. I was at the cashier and using my phone to do price matching. I must have put the phone down on the conveyer belt when I went to bag and pay for my food. I left completely not even thinking about my phone. I get home and realize it is gone. I use the Find my Phone app and it is in Brooklyn. So I know it is stolen.I go to the location, knock on the door. A woman opens the door slightly, I think there was one of those locks on the door that let you open it only a little. Anyway, she kept saying her husband wasn’t home and I had such a hard time trying to communicate with her. She acted like she didn’t understand me at all, saying she didn’t understand English. She was East Indian and I couldn’t understand what she is saying. But according to another thread, I can’t ask her to repeat herself or talk slowly because then I am a racist. I’m clearly not getting anywhere. I used the App to disconnect the iPhone so it can’t be used. I leave because I was getting no where. I called the non emergency police number who are really no help at all.I go home and I am pissed. I wake up the next morning and head there at like 8am. This time the husband does open the door. And I say straight out, “give me back my fucking phone now!” Of course he goes on about not having it, get off his property, etc. I use my watch to ping my phone and doesn’t work. So now I am thinking maybe it is not there. But then I use my iPad with the app to ping the phone and sure enough, you hear it going off and it doesn’t stop until you stop it either in the app or on the phone. I guess the watch didn’t work because the phone was locked. I say give me the iPhone or I am calling the police. My daughter comes up to the house and shows them she has dialled 91 and hands me the phone, I say I am pressing the other 1. The wife comes with the phone Then it is all sorry, we though it was our phone, {i think that it what he said, again, I can’t understand half of the words they are using, but suddenly the wife understands me now even though the day before she pretended she didn’t understand English}, the phone is still binging, it is all loud and emotions are high. My daughter is walking away calling them every name in the book. I tell them they are fucking assholes for stealing the phone. I looked right at her, call her a “C” word for lying about not understanding English. Call them other names as I am walking away. They close the door and we go home with my phone. I swear, thinking back, they must have grabbed it right off the belt. Which I get it my fault for putting it down, but if they didn’t grab it, the cashier and I would have found it, when she moved the conveyer to her with the rest of the groceries. This couple was easily 40-50s years old. WTF are they going to do with a phone that needs facial recognition and locked. Someone said they can still sell it. It is a Xs so it is not that old and still has value apparently. From what others have told me. But WTF is wrong with people. I would never think of stealing like that. I don’t think about stealing at all but that is brave. Right in front of me basically. I would never have thought an older couple like that would scoop a phone like that. I am still mad and feel I shouldn’t have walked away but I should have still called the police. I did call the non emergency number again, and they said that I can still file a report but most likely, they won’t be charge because other then my word, there is no proof. And I keep location services off, so I can’t show where it was. Even though that would not make much of a difference because it doesn’t prove it was in the house. Even doing that only gets them possibly a procession charge, not actually stealing the phone. So this couple will get away with it and probably steal from someone else now. This is one of those things that will I will remember randomly in 5 years and it will still piss me off. [/rant]
  3. So I saw this on FB. Basically a guy complained because he is annoyed that parents put their kids in the front of shopping carts. And even let them stand in the big part itself He says that is where food goes and kids, dirty diapers, dirty shoes etc, should not be near where the food goesI get both sides. Parents say they have no choice. They have no other place for their kids.So what do you think?
  4. Happy Titty Tuesday. Get all the uncensored pics at www.onlyjenesis.comwww.jenesis.ch
  5. I just started looking into that type of software for clocking in/out. Being salary based, I never thought I would need it for my employees but after this, I am going to be starting it.
  6. You read it right! My Porn site is back! www.onlyjenesis.com Over 30 pics every month, 4 full videos of nudes, masturbation, squirting and toys. Available packages for past content. All starting at only $10/month Come see what is beneath all these clothes
  7. I already did up two. One for his professional file which is lighter then he one I wrote for his wife/MIL. Nothing was mentioned about his home life in the one to his wife except for the internet stuff, but only to start a timeline of the missed work. I did tell him that this was the last I was willing to do this. I don’t want to actually get involved anymore. I am still his boss and have to remain somewhat distance. Writing this email for his wife is a one off. If this keeps going and the wife doesn’t get the hint, then I have no choice but to be boss and let him go. I wish I could do more but I have to weigh the pros and cons of my business.
  8. Ok so the update First, I am glad I didn’t just fire him out right and I am glad that I talked with him. The internet problems where true. I believe that. The problem with working at home apparently is two women who consistently ask for things during the day. Since the pandemic, his MIL moved in so that she can be cared for as she is elderly and they did not want her in LTC. I get that. He is the only one to go outside, unless it is for their daily walk. So he has to do all the shopping, and anything else dealing with outside the home. He had to arrange the entire move of his MIL on his own. Only his brother was allowed to help move. There was a list of other things he gave examples of. Like cleaning out the garage and small home repairs and renos to make wife and MIL happy. They would insist that he do this during the day when they are awake and would keep saying that he can do his work ”later” as in doing it in the evening. Which his says he tries to do but by the end of the day he is exhausted. I get his issue, but of course I need work done when I need it done. He says he is going to have a talk with his wife and tell her his job is now on the line. He wants me to actually email him about it so he can show it to his wife. Which I would have done anyway for record keeping, but hopefully it works. So the plan; We are coming up with a check-in reporting system. Something like a punch clock but different to accommodate our business. He is creating a dedicated office space where he can close the door and let the women know that means do not disturb for any reason other then death or fire. He is going to train the receptionist with the basics and she is going to obtain proper education to learn everything properly. She is interested in the field. For all employees, yearly salary increases are based on a performance review. Not just given because it is the end of the year. Weekly progress reports will now be required which will be given in in-person meetings weekly when the pandemic is over. For now it will be remote over zoom and email. For him, we will be doing bi-weekly reviews until I am sure we have his remote working under control. His yearly performance review is in April. I have explained that one more missed deadline will mean he doesn’t even make to that yearly review. He understand and accepts this. It is hard because I understand his problem. He understands my position. I don’t want to fire him, he doesn’t want to lose his job. We work well together. When we are working. It just seems like the women in his life need to stop taking advantage of him and me. I am not paying him to move MIL into the house. I know to some this may sound like I went soft on him. And maybe I did, but I feel for him. And I need him still until my receptionist, who will have a new title soon, is able to take over the job. Which won’t be for awhile. So I hope he is able to seriously convey to his wife how serious this is. If I have to, I will fire him and outsource temporarily. Anyway, I wish I knew if he hobbies. I would gift him a session with a woman of his choosing. He really sounds like he needs it.
  9. Well today is the big talk, Wish me luck. Thanks to all who have responded. I will come back and update with all the things I am going to change.
  10. You read it right! My Porn site is back! www.onlyjenesis.com Over 30 pics every month, 4 full videos of nudes, masturbation, squirting and toys. Available packages for past content. All starting at only $10/month Come see what is beneath all these clothes
  11. As most people know, I own a mainstream business outside of the escort industry. I am having some trouble with an employee since the pandemic hit and I don’t really know what to do about it. Well I do, but I am having a hard time with it and I guess I am looking for other options. So here is the story, When the pandemic hit, we went totally remote. It was pretty easy for me based on my line of work. I saw an upswing in contracts and it was good. Everyone was able to get onboard with the work and zoom and all the stuff I changed to remote working except one employee. Which made no sense really because we are all tech savvy, we need to be, but this employee took awhile to get with program, often siting internet issues. Modem this, speed that, blah, blah, blah. Finally they get all that fixed. No more issues. Then we go back to the office part time, things are ok, but on days that this employee is not in the office, work is not getting done. Deadlines are not being met. To counter this, I changed all deadline dates to correspond with that employees in-office days. COVId numbers started rising again, so I went back to total remote working a few weeks ago and this employee has now gone back to missing deadlines. Saying they are working on it, but often have not being able to be reached. If they are available, it is at the end of the day and then the famous line is “First thing in the morning, I will finish.” I often don’t get the work until 5 minutes before the end of the next day, not in the morning and the last two times, it as been the morning but the day after. This employee handles a niche part of our business. Something that was actually created just for them. Something I can do without in the business personally but we have clients now that will need this maintained. Which I can learn the basics, but if something major happens, I can’t do anything. I would have to hire out. I’m already struggling with keeping our reception since I am not renewing my office lease. We have all been successful at remote working, I am transitioning to total remote working from now on. It saves me money in the long run and I find all the other employees actually work better. My basement will become the new ”office” for filing, etc and I can host meetings at home if need be once the pandemic is over. So I won’t be needing our receptionist any longer. I am trying to find them a new position to keep them employed with me. But this part- time slacking, pain in my butt is going to completely slack off now and I know it. I don’t want to be an ass and fire this person right after Christmas, during a pandemic and when there is no new help from the government except regular EI now. I mean CERB was not as much as their salary but it was more then EI I believe. Is there a way to motivate an employee that maybe I am missing? Remote work has really changed the employee/employer dynamic. Some of the usual techniques don’t seem to be working. Anyone got an idea so I don’t have to this person?
  12. A little late but I hope everyone on Lyla had a wonderful Christmas full of love and happiness. And really good food. I know I gained 20lbs yesterday. LOL A little late but I hope everyone on Lyla had a wonderful Christmas full of love and happiness. And really good food. I know I gained 20lbs yesterday. LOL
  13. You said share positivity and this was the biggest I could come up with. Sharing a warm wish with someone who is usually on the opposite side of the table with you. We may have different opinions but we have respect for each other and this was a way to show it. Besides, we all know, I like a little Shock factor. LOL.
  14. I’ll wish @Greenteal a very happy holidays and look forward to more debates with you in the new year.
  15. I am voting for @EmilyRushton because her contribution in that interview was so good.
  16. Amazing interview and I agree 1000% I have also never had a bad date and screening is the reason why. This is not to say anything against women who don't screen. We all work differently. I wish that every lady could screen the same way.
  17. This can be frustrating for sure. Especially when you are an understanding gentleman who doesn’t want to push or pry. Something we appreciate. So how do you navigate this? Very carefully. First, reviews are your friend. Search for them. Second, put out ISOs. Asking others if they have seen the person. Sometimes you won’t find a review but a guy will tell you if he has seen her. Remember when posting an ISO, to be respectful with what you are looking for. Which I don’t think will be a problem for you. Third, politely ask the lady. “I see you say safe services only, can I respectfully confirm this with you? I’m against BBFS and don’t want that, but I do like ****. Is that something on your safe services list as in CBJ only or is this something you provide? Again, I mean you no disrespect, I am just hoping for clarification. Thank you for your time, looking forward to your response.” Something like that would not bother me. If it bothers the provider, you simply apologize and move on. It would not be a match anyway. Lastly, and it sucks. Trail and error. And when you find a good girl who does the services you like, then show some loyalty and stick with her. You can change it up as well of course but making your own list of go-to girls will help in the future. Keep up with their ads as some may have to change numbers or names like I did. Hopefully these tips will help. It is not foolproof but it is something. LOL. Also remember what some of these girls have said. Because you will find some ladies who will refuse to see you, some who will not reply, some who may tell you off. You can only do what is best for you while being as respectful as possible. That is really the only thing any of us can do. Goodluck.
  18. Great Interview @waterat Really great read. I know I am glad that we met on here!!!! You truly are a good client and guys should follow your advice.
  19. There are two camps on this. Those for and those opposed and I honestly don’t see that changing. Even with positive threads on the matter. I screen but at the same time, I totally understand guys who don’t want to screen. And to be honest; they are well within their rights. What the focus should be is how to post about things you don’t agree with it. Because if that was done, half of the threads on TERB about this topic, wouldn’t even be a topic. If a guy does not like “insert whatever here” about an escort, the proper thing to do is move on quietly. Period. End stop. It is that move on quietly part that some guys have issue with. So how to address that problem would be nice. Now I have a suggestion and it may get me many disliking me but I think a topic of how, where and when to report bad dates would be a good topic or good question to ask when interviewing sex workers or if we are taking about education. I get ladies are annoyed by time wasters, but it is not helping our screen cause when ladies are outing full phone numbers on Twitter because a guy asked if she was GFE\PSE before booking. That is not time wasting. So something to help address that and other things related to screening in interviews would be good, but something strictly about “educating” clients about screening I don’t think will work as well. It will just be considered “telling clients what to do” over educating. If that makes sense.
  20. I think you should look for a piece mod software (not to be confused with a moderator for the board) that will allow for reporting a post to hide it for moderation. Basically it works like this: Set the amount of reports needed. Then when 2,3,4 people report the same post, it is hidden from the board except for admins. Who can then review it. It helps because it gets people involved in reporting which is needed. It will help the admins because this is a large board and admins and mods can’t be online 24/7 in every forum. I know from a previous board (not industry related) that Invision had a mod like this 2 years ago. If you need help, PM me, I have experience with this boards software.
  21. It may seem like more are saying no to this service because of the pandemic. There is not much to be done other than looking for the right lady that fits what you are looking for. But I don't think it is end of DATY, just maybe a break from it for some.
  22. Looks like a scam. I would avoid. Anything that is a hyperlink that is NOT going to her personal website, or a site like this for review checking, I would avoid.
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