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Things that make us love our SP

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There is a special lady in Calgary I see when I have the financial resources. I won't name names because she doesn't have a presence here, and I'm not sure how she would feel about having her name mentioned in public. If you want her name, feel free to contact me, and I'll give you the information.

My friend in Calgary is not only beautiful, funny, and extremely sweet, but has a lot of class. She always brings a nice bottle of wine on our dates which we share together while we talk. She shows up in incredible looking outfits, and is usually mildly embarrassed when I tell her she looks incredible. Last time I saw her, I explained that because of my disability, seeing her was costing me approximately 3 times her donation in actual expenses (extra hotel room for caregiver, food expenses for caregiver, vehicle rental because I don't have a truck big enough for my equipment, etc. etc.) not to mention finding a hotel room in Calgary when you're in a wheelchair, is not as easy as you might think. When she heard this, she said, "I don't usually travel outside Calgary, but for you I'll make an exception to the rule, next time you want to see me, let me know and I'll come to you in Lethbridge.". I thought this was really sweet, because my financial issues are really none of her concern. As long as she is willing to travel and still wants to work, I'll probably keep going back. Especially since our dates tend to end with me physically exhausted... :-)

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Nice post, masterowls. Thanks for telling us about this.


I love it when my sp really comes. It's gratifying beyond belief when I feel I've given her pleasure, and am appreciated. I like to start off my sessions doing oral on the woman, and I find that it's so arousing to please her.


I've been having the time of my life since I started this hobby less than two years ago, and want to express my thanks again, though I've said it before, to all the incredible and beautiful women I've met. I'm having some of the best sex of my life, and I've made new friendships that I cherish. And more to come.

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As I said in the "why we love our job" thread, I really feel that we need to express the ladies that we appreciate everything they do for us. This thread is simply my way of doing that. I hope more guys would post stories about why they love being with SPs, so that if one of the ladies have a bad day, they can come here and see that some of us do actually care.

Nice post, masterowls. Thanks for telling us about this.


I love it when my sp really comes. It's gratifying beyond belief when I feel I've given her pleasure, and am appreciated. I like to start off my sessions doing oral on the woman, and I find that it's so arousing to please her.


I've been having the time of my life since I started this hobby less than two years ago, and want to express my thanks again, though I've said it before, to all the incredible and beautiful women I've met. I'm having some of the best sex of my life, and I've made new friendships that I cherish. And more to come.

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I know that sometimes it is simply the conversation that makes me love the lady I am seeing. One visit in particlar comes to mind, 6-7 weeks ago. I was seeing a special lady (you kjnow who you are), and we must have spent more than half our time talking. Needless to say, the time went a bit over and nothing was said.


When I got about half-way home (40 minute drive) I realized how much lighter I felt (no pun intended). We didn't really talk about too much substantial, but it just felt greatand I =felt really unburdened.


Needless to say I emailed the special lady to say thanks again.


And this is one of the many reasons why I love our ladies.


Thanks.... :)


Good thread MO

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I've been having the time of my life since I started this hobby less than two years ago, and want to express my thanks again, though I've said it before, to all the incredible and beautiful women I've met. I'm having some of the best sex of my life, and I've made new friendships that I cherish. And more to come.


Good comment Cato, I agree wholeheartedly....some absolutely magnificent ladies here on CERB.


For me, what I love the most, is the personal touch, the familiarity and genuine caring that develops over time with your special lady.....


It becomes a great friendship that gets better over time.....which then makes each and every subsequent session that much more passionate and enjoyable.....



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I've been at this for almost a year. Haven't seen many ladies but enough to have various experiences. My first encounter remains my favourite. Taking away all the excitement that comes with a first timer I can say with confidence that looking back I know I struck it first time up. I've seen her 7 times since and a couple back to back nights when I'm in town. She is highly regarded on this board so hard to add to her qualities but here is why I'm crazy about her (and I'll try and keep it to the top 5);

- she has the most beautiful face and is both exotic and gorgeous.

- I love our conversations. She is so smart, witty and easy to talk to.

- she seems to really enjoy our time together and I believe gets almost as much out of it as I do.

- she has an amazing body, all real, soft and great to explore and lie next to.

- she knows what to do for me and meets needs I didn't even know I had.


I can't imagine this getting better but as we've gotten to know each other over the year it really has! I get the shivers thinking about our future meetings.


I suspect many of our CERB ladies are at this level too. We are certainly a lucky bunch of guys.

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Guest S***e



Clearly, this lovely lady has gone and continues to go above and beyond the call of duty as she is warm, kind, compassionate, accomodating and caring. I'm very glad to see that you are in good hands of this wonderful companion. I tend to gravitate towards those ladies who are overtly friendly, empathetic, good-natured and warm first and foremost with whom I can converse openly. Body type and physical characteristics are secondary, yet clean/hygienic conditions must prevail and do with those ladies I see on a regular basis. I'm always amazed by those ladies who can read me quite accurately on any given day. It goes beyond chemistry.

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Clearly, this lovely lady has gone and continues to go above and beyond the call of duty as she is warm, kind, compassionate, accomodating and caring. I'm very glad to see that you are in good hands of this wonderful companion. I tend to gravitate towards those ladies who are overtly friendly, empathetic, good-natured and warm first and foremost with whom I can converse openly. Body type and physical characteristics are secondary, yet clean/hygienic conditions must prevail and do with those ladies I see on a regular basis. I'm always amazed by those ladies who can read me quite accurately on any given day. It goes beyond chemistry.

This particular lady definitely does occupy a special place in my heart. She is everything you say, and much much more.

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hey there,


I am pretty much in the same situation as masterowls. I am also in a wheelchair. it is very hard for me to travel. when I had got together with a wonderful sp, she travlled 4 hours one-way, to be with me. she was truly wonderful, to me.

she is coming back to be with me on my birthday, and I cannot wait. I am truly hourned that she is in my life. know her has really opened up my life.........

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Guest s******ecan****
I've been at this for almost a year. Haven't seen many ladies but enough to have various experiences. My first encounter remains my favourite. Taking away all the excitement that comes with a first timer I can say with confidence that looking back I know I struck it first time up. I've seen her 7 times since and a couple back to back nights when I'm in town. She is highly regarded on this board so hard to add to her qualities but here is why I'm crazy about her (and I'll try and keep it to the top 5);

- she has the most beautiful face and is both exotic and gorgeous.

- I love our conversations. She is so smart, witty and easy to talk to.

- she seems to really enjoy our time together and I believe gets almost as much out of it as I do.

- she has an amazing body, all real, soft and great to explore and lie next to.

- she knows what to do for me and meets needs I didn't even know I had.


I can't imagine this getting better but as we've gotten to know each other over the year it really has! I get the shivers thinking about our future meetings.


I suspect many of our CERB ladies are at this level too. We are certainly a lucky bunch of guys.

Posted via Mobile Device



Sounds like you struck gold! Great post thanks for sharing.

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Things that make us love our SP:

Is the question,so my answers....

a) A special bond and special friendship a special lady.

b) A great communicator, even when apart, by texting,pm's and emails by just flirting with each other, but telling "how it really is"

c) A passionate lover, that can make you feel so wanted and so loved and so desired in that time period of an hour or two.

d) A sexual goddess partner (of course in your own mind) that knows how to really find your needs and desires and does fulfill them during your time together.

e) And I would always be there in her need, should she be calling.


I always cherished my times with ladies I've seen over my time, the memories and the future is so bright when you are enjoying chemistry with ladies that make you want them more.


Thanks lovely ladies:D

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Perhaps the biggest thing I can say is that some of the women I have met here treat me better than many women you might meet dating. I have noticed that more than one lady on CERB say that many of the men they've met here have treated them better than men in social situations as well. It goes both ways. And as we;ve seen from the stories shared by masterowls and Big Al there are some women here with huge hearts. It's often just worth it to be treated with respect and courtesy.

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Thanks Scott. Yeh I feel very fortunate.


Sounds like you struck gold! Great post thanks for sharing.

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Thanks Scott. Yeh I feel very fortunate.



I think those of us that have found a special SP, who understands our needs, makes us laugh, or otherwise makes us feel special are all extremely lucky. I think we owe it to other friends in the hobby to make sure they know there is a special girl out there waiting to be found. Also make sure those we consider special are aware that they offer something unique. Encourage them to keep doing it.

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Great points. I'm sure she knows how special I think she is, but it never hurts to reinforce.

Also make sure those we consider special are aware that they offer something unique.

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I must agree with you guys 100%, that these Ladies are out of this world. They deserve our respect in more was than one. I am a newbie to this, having only seen 3 SP's so far.....Let me also mention that all the 3 beautiful Ladies were just perfect in every way. Not just thier looks, but all the way around. I cannot find anything negative to say, except that I wish I had more donations for these Ladies, as I truely feel they are totally worth it. If I had to say something negative, it would be that the time goes way to fast! Hats Off to all SP's

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Guest f***2f***

As others have said there are many ladies here who are just sweethearts and make us feel like a million bucks when we are in need of that.


Two experiences bear note:

Last year on my birthday a certain lady...spoiled the heck out of me....hung up a Happy Birthday banner, decorated the room,,,,special food,,,a birthday cake...and a present...the sex was always good with her but these little personal indicators of care just touched me deeply.


Another certain lady who is wise beyond her years, and beautiful inside and out who listens to me, calls me on my shit and is always tolerant when I text her. She's a big tease but she knows how to please.....she just got it all going...yeah you know who you are.

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I'd say that chemistry is the deciding factor for me, since you can't predict it. It's either there or it isn't, and when it is you just know. It's more than just being a regular; it's the special bond you share with someone that just can't be duplicated with someone else. Encounters with such ladies are the ones I cherish most, since I don't take anything for granted. There are also a few that have gone above and beyond - there was one special SP who took me out for lunch on her time. She definitely didn't have to do it, but she wanted to. Add to that special perks recieved along the way (give and take - it works both ways since you get out what you put in) which creates the type of rapport that is akin to a real friendship in many ways, and it makes all the difference.

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I'd say that chemistry is the deciding factor for me, since you can't predict it. It's either there or it isn't, and when it is you just know. It's more than just being a regular; it's the special bond you share with someone that just can't be duplicated with someone else. Encounters with such ladies are the ones I cherish most, since I don't take anything for granted. There are also a few that have gone above and beyond - there was one special SP who took me out for lunch on her time. She definitely didn't have to do it, but she wanted to. Add to that special perks recieved along the way (give and take - it works both ways since you get out what you put in) which creates the type of rapport that is akin to a real friendship in many ways, and it makes all the difference.


Well said, for myself I would find it difficult at this point to see somebody other than my friend in Calgary. I say this because I feel connected to her in a way that would be hard for another provider to match. As long as she is willing to travel, I really don't see any need to experiment with others, even though she has said she would not be jealous. Why mess with a good thing?

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Hot crazy insane sessions. :handjob:


Seriously though, it ranges from the intimate physical aspects to the cerebral. Every person is unique and what makes a shared moment special comes down to the two (or more) people sharing great communication, passion and intimacy, in and out of the bedroom.

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This is why we love our jobs because of gentlemen like you. You understand and respect us and we love you for that.

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This is why we love our jobs because of gentlemen like you. You understand and respect us and we love you for that.



I think you may slightly have misinterpreted the intent of the thread. It's here to show you and other SPs that some of us do have genuine affection for our service providers. By no means does this exclude service providers from participating or expressing opinions. In fact it would be nice to know the thread is having the desired effect. I know that there are days when some of you wonder why you bother working, this thread is intended as a little moral support. :-)


Additional Comments:


I think you may slightly have misinterpreted the intent of the thread. It's here to show you and other SPs that some of us do have genuine affection for our service providers. By no means does this exclude service providers from participating or expressing opinions. In fact it would be nice to know the thread is having the desired effect. I know that there are days when some of you wonder why you bother working, this thread is intended as a little moral support. :-)

Sometimes the best thing in the world is to hear, "I'm here, I care, and what you're doing Matters in my life, so don't stop."

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I think you may slightly have misinterpreted the intent of the thread. It's here to show you and other SPs that some of us do have genuine affection for our service providers. By no means does this exclude service providers from participating or expressing opinions. In fact it would be nice to know the thread is having the desired effect. I know that there are days when some of you wonder why you bother working, this thread is intended as a little moral support. :-)


Additional Comments:


Sometimes the best thing in the world is to hear, "I'm here, I care, and what you're doing Matters in my life, so don't stop."

I totally understood the intent of the thread. I just wasn't sure if it was open to SP's to comment and I was simply just saying thank you for creating a thread like this for us. It's great to see and read that we are appreciated and that you have genuine affection for the SP's.

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I totally understood the intent of the thread. I just wasn't sure if it was open to SP's to comment and I was simply just saying thank you for creating a thread like this for us. It's great to see and read that we are appreciated and that you have genuine affection for the SP's.


The thread is open to anybody with a positive story to share about the relationship between a service provider and a client. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the thread. It was kind of the whole idea of starting it.. :-)

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