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Anonymity and False Pretense

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Guest ***s

Hello everyone,


I've been having a wonderful experience being part of cerb, a wonderful community of open-minded people that share a common vision about sharing and physical intimacy. I feel safe, and among friends.


In this business, as with any service enterprise, it is impossible to please everyone ... all the time.


I focus my energies on making an encounter with me more than a mere physical experience.


I want my clients to feel connected to me ... as I want to be connected to them.

This takes some time ... and it takes communication. Thats why when someone is with me, we take our time to enjoy a glass of wine, some bite size delish tastes and talk about what we like, what we love and what we aren't so fussy about.


But as has been noted on another thread, the business of being a Provider has been slow this summer unlike any in recent memory. That's not anyone's fault, it's just the way things are, which makes my recent commitment to all of you -- about the service level I provide and that you can expect -- that much more important. I am at my best when I give of myself, including my attention, my body and my word.


So, I need your help to understand why there are Haters who hide behind anonymity and false pretense; people that seem to thrive on hurting those of us Providers trying to fulfill your fantasies!


I and all the other Providers here on cerb are real people; we offer ourselves to you Hobbiests for mutual satisfaction and benefit. Not more and certainly not less.


So, to those of you who insist on hating, your veil of anonymity speaks volumes. If you had, or are having a problem with me, please PLEASE address me directly, by PM or email, and let's see if WE can work out YOUR issue. Good communication is where it all starts. Poor or no communication only leaves YOU frustrated because I am here, now, wanting to help, if possible.


My question is this ... have other SPs experienced an unhappy client whose efforts to complain may have unfairly damaged the SPs business?


And if so ... what did you do about it ... how did you respond?


Thank you, and remember, 'Tess' is quintessentially yours.




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I have never had the pleasure with you Tess, I am sorry that I have not, you seem sincere and that is a huge quality. I have met with various girls and many have complimented me as being "a real nice guy" and for thaqt I am proud. My thing is that I have the utmost respect for women and I do not hate anybody, maybe I am just too nice for my own good. I would never ever try and force myself or an action on anybody a firm believer that no means no.

I believe that there are too many men on this site and in this hobby that do not respect women, they are a means to their own sexual gratification and want to achieve that at all costs. I get more satisfaction in giving O's than recieving O's. There are many people out there that like to play games such as making dates and not keeping them and that goes for both male and female. I think the females are pushed by possible greed, the fact that they hate men and the fact that they might be trying to set guys up for robberies. The males likewise hate women, are too shy to go through with a committment, are just trying to have fun in their own weird way or or just plain afraid of the opposite sex and get along better with the palm sisters.


Just my 2 cents I hope other people respond and good Hobbying to you.

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If you are referring to negative posts about SPs on other boards, unfortunately that is the risk we take. Hiding behind anonymous handles, some people can be very cruel, which is why I tend to stick to CERB and not patronize those sites.


I think most people take things with a grain of salt. If you have glowing recos on CERB and then someone on another board makes some deragatory comment, you have to consider the source.


If you truly believe you are providing good service and have good clientele, what more can you do.


I know some Sps who over the years had things said about them which were non-complimentary. There's that balance between responding with clarification and "thou protest too much".


Which is why I believe an SP has to be a little thick skinned to weather those storms.


Hang in there Tess, and just do your best!!!

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Hello Tess

Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of your company, but after viewing your profile and website, I see I'm going to have to make a second trip to Ottawa now.

Remember, it takes very little character to hide behind anonimity and sling hateful comments.

But I did have the enjoyment of seeing your profile, and in a few months, I now think a trip to Ottawa is in the works.


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First of all, you have shown nothing but class and charm, and are a wonderful lady, don't ever let anyone tell you or treat you any differently.


I did see a string of posts on another 'site', that took a number of backhanded swipes at not only SP's, but a few hobbyists as well....the only thing in common was all the people insulted were members on CERB.


I did want to chime into the string of posts, but in the end I figured if I had said anything, I would have been accused of a shill review of you, and would only have made the masses even more out of control.


Suffice it to say, it is obvious many do not agree with the sense of community us members on CERB share with each other........so the next best thing to do if you do not understand something or belong to it, is ridicule it....this is what those folks 'over there' are trying to do....


Like Angela said, most other boards are populated by ill mannered folk, who cannot do anything but insult people, and act like a bunch of mental midget neanderthals, who are still caught in the stone ages.


My take, Tess, is you cannot make things right with these people no matter what or how hard you try......not only are they cowards that hide shamelessly behind anonymity, but they are people that can never be made happy, no matter what you do.....they just want to be miserable at whatever expense and bring the rest of us down with them....NO THANKS !!!


I think that you should be proud that you have over 8 pages of positive reviews, with almost 14,000 views......surely that speaks volumes of your professionalism and following by your family on CERB


Cheers to you Tess and all the wonderful women on CERB............


As always my $.02 Cdn !!!



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Good comments from all.

Tess, it seems to me you have a stellar reputation on here. Don't let negative thinkers undermine you.

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Guest ***s
I did want to chime into the string of posts, but in the end I figured if I had said anything, I would have been accused of a shill review of you, and would only have made the masses even more out of control.


....My point exactly ... I'm afraid I've faded -ever so slightly- on some "To-do" radars.


We all know how much of an impact negativity can have on ones business <even if they are stories that some feel the need to write so they can feel better in the end> ... but in fact .... all I know is during each and every single encounter I've EVER experienced, it was as enjoyable as we both wanted and made it to be and hopefully a memorable to most.


I think that you should be proud that you have over 8 pages of positive reviews, with almost 14,000 views......surely that speaks volumes of your professionalism and following by your family on CERB

Thank you so much. That made me feel better and very kind of you to take the time to write such nice things.


....even more so .... for making me notice my views! wow! but its 17,4000 and not 14000 HAHA ... ;) sorry but it's just essential I gloat from time to time


***side note

I've been meaning to ask.... why the 777... Boeing pilot perhaps?


I appreciate and value your time & expressions,







Additional Comments:


Hang in there Tess, and just do your best!!!




Your words always go unnoticed and give me my usual sense of "Ah ... she's looking out for me again .... " I can always count on you and when I read your posts - I just think of that beautiful smile and ... well ... I smile! ;)

Thanks A.

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Fortunately, Tess, the majority if clients agree with you that the sp/client interaction is a positive win win experience that benefits both parties.


I am often puzzled by the level of hostility and hatred some board members have for the very women who provide these sorts of services, and also wonder why that they think having such an antagonistic approach is going to get them great results. They must be very unhappy people, even after an appt!! Why are they even doing it if at the end of the day they are so miserable?


Many review boards are created with good intentions: pass along information about sps who offer an exceptional session, and warn about ones who false advertise with too many surprises on arrival. Instead, they evolved into a bunch of bullies who try to threaten and intimidate with their status, from bullying for a discount under threat of a bad review to not doing their homework when seeing an sp then trashing her afterwards because she doesn't provide what they are looking for. Toss in a coule of ex-bfs doing the same trashing, along with the ones who wanted to be bfs but got rejected, AND the would be clients who are refused service altogether, and you have some venom waiting to be spit out in some sort of action of revenge.


It's a lot like high school, or elementary school, and the bestest thing about that is that their impact (if you decide to leave school) is minimal on your business. It is possible to successfully discredit a brand new sp with no credibility, but simply impossible to do that to an established provider with a wealth of recommendations and a great repuation. Just aint happening.


And the best revenge is living well, imo. For every one of that kind of idiot, there are a 1000 out there waiting to drop in and see you, and are going to be pretty damn happy about what you have to offer.

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***side note

I've been meaning to ask.... why the 777... Boeing pilot perhaps?


I appreciate and value your time & expressions,





Hi Tess


Correct !, my current 'ride' is a 777 Manufactured by Boeing, I have also flown the 727, 737, and 767, and ONE airbus the A330........


Glad you keep smiling, you certainly have a beautiful one !!

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Guest s******ecan****


So, I need your help to understand why there are Haters who hide behind anonymity and false pretense; people that seem to thrive on hurting those of us Providers trying to fulfill your fantasies!


I and all the other Providers here on cerb are real people; we offer ourselves to you Hobbiests for mutual satisfaction and benefit. Not more and certainly not less.


So, to those of you who insist on hating, your veil of anonymity speaks volumes. If you had, or are having a problem with me, please PLEASE address me directly, by PM or email, and let's see if WE can work out YOUR issue.





Never underestimate the willingness of some people to just be plain nasty in their dealings. There is little you can do about these types as they have issues that they need to be working on. As to your request that they email or PM you directly most wouldn't have the guts which is why they prefer to snipe and lash out from behind a mask of anonymity. They would likely quiver like jello if they had to confront an assertive lady face to face.


Before I found CERB I used to lurk on a board from our famous city of Montreal. It was not pretty. The flame wars and nastiness there kept me from getting active in the hobby. I didn't feel I could trust the reviews either way as rumours spread about people using reviews to settle scores or as leverage for discounts.


Lets all be thankful to our community here and keep in mind it only works because we are all committed to making it work for our mutual benefit.

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