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Every day we see people so immersed in their computers & cell phones and ignoring everything/everyone else.


The truth is I do that too (bad girl!) I constantly find myself doing something and at the same time being either texting or on the computer. If I go out and for some reason I leave my cell behind I feel kind of incomplete. Is amazing how some of us create a dependence on certain things.


Anyway, I heard about a video that was uploaded last year of a Thai commercial that some may have already seen but I'm posting the link as a reminder to all of us who actually have become dependant or addicted to devices ... Let's disconnect to connect and take advantage of the moments we have with our beloved ones by giving them our full attention :)


So people ... Get off your electronic devices and experience life. Ok not entirely or otherwise you'll be missed on cerb lol

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For this reason, I have been hesitating in getting an iPad. When I go somewhere, I sometimes leave the smartphone at home on purpose.

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I concur fully with unplugging, and do it all the time. I didn't even own a cell phone 'til I started this hobby, and now I leave it turned off and in the car. I walk my dogs in the country over an hour a day(sometimes several hours) and when I'm in the canoe nobody could bother me if they tried.

I highly recommend this, to those who need it, and to those who don't yet know how much they need it.

And when summer's back, there'll be a lot more outdoor reading. And no e-reader/kindle/laptop stuff either. Actual books.

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Absolutely. I refuse to get a phone that handles email for precisely this reason, and I'm quite happy to ignore my cell if I feel so inclined. It's there for my convenience, not anyone else's.


Some of the best times in my life have been when I've been living in a tent for a month or more at a time and completely remote from everything. As in, World War Three could have broken out and I wouldn't have found out for a week or two. It was awesome!

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Yeah, although I spend a lot of my time working in that industry, I'm quite behind the times -- I have a simple cell phone I don't use much, just keep for emergencies (and hobby stuff).


Although it's a bit of a mixed message since the product is itself a phone o/s, I liked this commercial on the "unplug" theme a lot when it came out:




Really do know some people like that.

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Every couple months I take a 3 or 4 day break from the internet and emails. I try and ignore texts as much as possible over this time as well. It keeps me sane as I am on my phone probably 20 hours a day (I usually don't have a solid sleep and creep on the interwebs at all hours of the night )

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It can be so hard to do this, as much as you try! When I came to Australia, I left my phone at home, figuring I'd be fine without one for my trip. Well I was asked at least twice a day for my phone number and people all looked at me like, 'Well you'd better get a phone!'. After a week of not being able to plan or do anything, I gave in and got a pre-paid cell phone while here.


I'm more addicted to the internet though. When I close my computer, I pull out my phone and check from there. My netbook died a little over a week ago and I immediately felt so closed off from the world - but I took a deep breath, relaxed, and decided to not think about it. And I went three whole days without accessing the net, go me! Ha that actually does seem like achieving something for me, I usually can't go three hours!

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I would love to be unpluged!


But with out the technologie, I will need to have a GF to have some fun! Until I find her, I will need to keep the phone on!


Playing in the dark is much more fun with a woman to feel around!!!!


It sure sucks going to the cottage without a GF! Once I find one the lakes will be a safer place for all boaters and all fish.

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So people ... Get off your electronic devices and experience life.


Well Bella, I'm taking your advice. This weekend I am going to completely unplug myself and head up to the cottage for some R&R. No cell phones, no computers, no television, no MP3 players. Just board games, cards, and vinyl. Once the cabin fever kicks in nice, I'll take stroll through the woods for some for some nature and wildlife photos. The animals are in abundance and the sunset over the lake is heavenly. It is just a shame that I do not have a companion for the weekend.

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Don't use the cell phone that much, but when I need a break I like to have some silence in my life. I turn everything off, the radio, TV and the phone. Nothing like having the whole house to ones self in total silence, very therapeutic.

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I turn everything off, the radio, TV and the phone. Nothing like having the whole house to ones self in total silence, very therapeutic.


That sounds amazing, I love total silence and to curl up in a warm blanket with a great book.

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I have noticed incresingly nice young couples sitting in restaurants and bars instant messaging people while ignoring the person they are sitting with.


This was really apparent on my last vacation. So here we are in paridise and there is nothing better to do that send messages to friends!? I found that rather sad, we should take every opportunitly to enjoy each others company and be present with out friends and loved ones.


I always leave my computer and phone at home while travelling especially and do my best to pay attention to the person in front of me.

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I have noticed incresingly nice young couples sitting in restaurants and bars instant messaging people while ignoring the person they are sitting with.


This was really apparent on my last vacation. So here we are in paridise and there is nothing better to do that send messages to friends!? I found that rather sad, we should take every opportunitly to enjoy each others company and be present with out friends and loved ones.

These people make me wonder what they could possibly be "talking"(texting) about, since they never look up from the damn phone. I thought you'd have to actually do something to have something to talk about.

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This morning I woke up in a strange mood after a bit of figuring out what was wrong I realised I was too disconnected from myself so took an hour for real 'me time', no tv, no computer, no phone. Closed my eyes and got in touch with myself, feels so awesome that I will do it every day ... highly recommended ppl :)

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I tried to spend more then one day without anything...but it's too hard.I am young, so I always grew up with technology, even when I was travelling I was checking my emails, Cerb, FB 2 times a day. I am hook to it...and honestly I am fine with it

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I tried to spend more then one day without anything...but it's too hard.I am young, so I always grew up with technology, even when I was travelling I was checking my emails, Cerb, FB 2 times a day. I am hook to it...and honestly I am fine with it


Good or bad, I live and breath technology too.

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Took me a while to see the dude in the background...


Oh, yeah, Malika, you definitely have some guy genes. God bless 'em every one!

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This morning I woke up in a strange mood after a bit of figuring out what was wrong I realised I was too disconnected from myself so took an hour for real 'me time', no tv, no computer, no phone. Closed my eyes and got in touch with myself, feels so awesome that I will do it every day ... highly recommended ppl :)

Posted via Mobile Device


Well said Isabella. Technology is suppossed to be a tool, not a crutch. Although . . . didn't you tease me a little when you found out I went so long before breaking down and getting a cell phone lol

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Malika, did you just call me/us old?? kidding :) I don't think it has anything to do with age tho. Some young ppl never (for personal choice) were so into techie stuff, some older people who did not even grow up with that are on it 24/7.


but it's too hard.I am young, so I always grew up with technology


As for you my friend ... ME??? I don't remember that. Ha ha, no seriously yes I did but hey only because I believe extremes are not good.


. Although . . . didn't you tease me a little when you found out I went so long before breaking down and getting a cell phone lol

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Closed my eyes and got in touch with myself, feels so awesome that I will do it every day ... highly recommended ppl :)

Posted via Mobile Device


Sometimes I leave my eyes open when I get 'in touch' with myself.

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Not so hard:) I unplug a few hours each day and completely when I leave town on vacations. I think everyone needs to break away from their lives even if it's just for mins or an hour or two a day :)

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During the summer when I go away in the weekends, reception is pretty bad for celphones.., and I don't have cable or any other way to access the internet... having bad reception gets frustrating... so I just decide to be away from the phone I would only check it once in a while for urgent matters.. and i have to admit that feels good sometimes to be unplugged.

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