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Is It Just Me (Or Am I Up Too Early) But Isn't This Kinda Tasteless

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It's nothing new. My uncle Roy had a set of three monkeys that he played with as a kid (he was born in 1938) that had the faces of Hitler, Tojo and Mussolini. They were still in pretty good shape when they were thrown out when my grandmother died in 1965... probably would have been worth a fortune now.


We have vilified the enemy for centuries, made them seem trivial whether in children's toys, music, literature or in movies. It will continue to go on long after we all are dust.

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Guest s******ecan****

Personally I think its hilarious. Sorry I can't feel any empathy for two sadistic mass murderers, they surrendered their human dignity of their own free will long before these guys objectified them into dog toys.

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As for tasteless, don't agree. These were mean, nasty, murdering SOB's. Might be considered tasteless if it were someone a little bit more to be admired like Mother Theresa or the Queen. With the 911 anniversary of tomorrow, I'm sure there would be a lineup to take a whack at there dolls.

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That makes me sick. It trivializes the people who died because of them. *shakes head* People being what they are I can't say it surprises me though, we seek to change what we can't understand I guess.

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There's such a thing as being gracious in victory.


Dehumanizing people and making them playthings for animals is what these men did - and for it we judged them evil. I'm not sure how this makes us any better.

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Guest s******ecan****
There's such a thing as being gracious in victory.


Dehumanizing people and making them playthings for animals is what these men did - and for it we judged them evil. I'm not sure how this makes us any better.



Well I guess the difference is these guys made toys in their image, whereas the other two actually committed crimes against humanity and mass murder....


....just sayin

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I tend to agree its more funny than tasteless, and I agree with OD that its nothing new. In the US, OBL is going to be most hated character until someone tries to outdo him. At the gun club where I shoot, the second most popular target is OBL in silouette holding an AK-47.


I dont have any trouble with it ... these guys are as bad as they get, with Khaddafi not far behind. Screw 'em ... forever!

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Tasteless? Yes. American? Yes. All too often, to my chagrin, these two go together. (Looking for an icon that expresses shaking your head in disappointed sadness.)

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Tasteless? Yes. American? Yes. All too often, to my chagrin, these two go together. (Looking for an icon that expresses shaking your head in disappointed sadness.)



Why? Are you an American?

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I would never own these as I do feel that they make light of the people Bin Laden and Hussein murdered (not just Americans, but people the world over, including in their homelands). Having said that, I do defend their creators right to make them and people's right to buy them if they choose. Freedom is one of the fundamental ideals that our holds dear and freedom is something that both Bin Laden and Hussein (as well as Khadaffi) hated. There's a certain irony there.

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Why? Are you an American?


According to my passport, yes, I am. And when there is a quiz, April Dawn, you'll pass with flying colours. :)

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I guess, just so close to the anniversary of 9/11, a toy (saw the ad on tv yesterday morning first time, very early morning btw) of Saddam and Bin Laden just stikes me as tasteless. And kinda making light of the horrendous evil both these people did

But on the same note, why not "toys" of not only Khadafi, but Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Hitler etc etc etc

Sorry, now I'm awake, a few coffees in me, it still stikes me as tasteless

But that's me


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why not "toys" of not only Khadafi, but Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Hitler etc etc etc




Those tastless toys are coming out next week and no one is supposed to know yet! :)

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The only viewpoint I have is distinctly American and, down here, stuff like this is no big deal ... in fact, I could see the OBL version, along with Qwerty's excellent joke, to be on the Leno, Letterman or Conan late night shows. But that's just the viewpoint or someone in the U.S. (me) and this is a Canadian board, so I definitely defer to your sensibilities. Also, the timing of this around the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is unfortunate.


According to my passport, yes, I am.


Thanks. Funny that you'd refer to your passport. I think you can get that changed if its bothersome to you.

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Thanks. Funny that you'd refer to your passport. I think you can get that changed if its bothersome to you.



Thank you for the suggestion regarding my passport. In keeping with the CERB spirit one presumes this was given in the spirit of friendly help.


Perhaps I missed the part where I indicated the origin of my passport was in any way a trouble to me.


Perhaps I should have just answered "Yes" to the question. But again, thanks for the help.



Sent from my BlackBerry 9780 using Tapatalk

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As for tasteless, don't agree. These were mean, nasty, murdering SOB's. Might be considered tasteless if it were someone a little bit more to be admired like Mother Theresa or the Queen. With the 911 anniversary of tomorrow, I'm sure there would be a lineup to take a whack at there dolls.



I would not consider Mother Theresa someone to be admired. I don't want to hijack the thread, so rather than explaining here, you can just PM me if you're curious as to why.

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I would not consider Mother Theresa someone to be admired. I don't want to hijack the thread, so rather than explaining here, you can just PM me if you're curious as to why.


Berlin -- you could start that as a new topic, although it's certainly likely to get the "fur flyin'" on cerb.

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Berlin -- you could start that as a new topic, although it's certainly likely to get the "fur flyin'" on cerb.


I have no desire to start that thread! It would just go soooooo terribly awry. It's unfortunate that most people are not aware of what Mother Theresa was really like (instructed nuns in Haiti to reuse needles until they were blunt; had upwards of $50 million in one bank account which could have been used to build a brand-new teaching hospital and yet, all her hospices were basically places where you went to die--that is if you converted to Catholiscism; openly stated that she was only doing the work she was doing in order to proselytize for the Catholic faith, etc). If anyone is interested, Christopher Hitchens has written a lot on this particular subject, as he was very vocal about her not being canonized.

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