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Hello Ladies and Gents....


Just a friendly reminder that if you are sick - keep it to yourself!

'Tis the season and all that for coughs and colds.

I have seen a couple of fellas who mid way through our date showed symptoms of having a cold. I notice when you sniff sniff.....it's sort of hard to hide. Lol

I know you want to have a sexy party....but maybe just have a solo one before seeing a lady....k?

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I could not agree more Dorinda. And remember that it works both ways. If a SP or hobbyist feels those cold/flu symptoms approaching then be preventative and do not make appointments. Keep those pesky little microbes to yourself rather than pass them along to others.


Stay healthy and play safe!

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While I agree a cold is best kept to yourself, cocaine users, allergy sufferers and guys like me who's nose has been broken several times could show signs of sniffing or breathing difficulties.


Personally, while laying on my stomach during massage sessions, I find my nasal passage gets clogged causing either drainage or stuffiness.


Having said that and being aware of my condition, I always do what I need to to try and fix that problem before I am planning a visit. Nasal sprays and the likes provide temporary relief so I can breathe as heavy as the session requires!


Stay healthy.

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allergy sufferers and guys like me who's nose has been broken several times could show signs of sniffing or breathing difficulties.


I agree 110%! I had my nose broken twice many, many years ago and still to this day I have issues with my nasal passages. A runny nose, sniffling, etc. are all part of my everyday life thanks to two separate issues from when I was younger.

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I occasionally suffer from allergies and have had a leaky nose from them time to time, even though it's not a virus, I take these days off as doing a body slide with a drippy nose does not mix well with my oils. I've never been tempted to just mix it in or taking the towel to wipe dribbles. I've been told it's fine by a few, but thinking that's probably not sexy to most. ;)

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... doing a body slide with a drippy nose does not mix well with my oils. I've never been tempted to just mix it in or taking the towel to wipe dribbles...


Is it just me or did she actually just make snot sound sexy???? ;-)

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Just my little preventative plug for the season.


Mind you, its getting a bit late now, October or November are the best times for getting one.


I too am impressed by how the ladies of this Board can make snot sexy!



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But the lady can always come and find a willing guy willing to play doctor and rub Vicks on her chest

Seriously, if a bug is coming on, contact the lady or gentleman as the case may be and postpone

If allergies, take an antihistamine, I find they look after my summer sniffles and such


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I had my nose broken twice many, many years ago thanks to two separate issues from when I was younger.


Hey Steve;


I got my broken nose (more than once) from talking when I should have been listening. Later in life I learned to keep an arms length away, and now that I am older, I just try to finally keep it zipped, lol!


Have a good day and remember to duck.

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I would have to agree ...as soon as I am face down on that bed everything flows to the face lol no pun intended lol....


Best. Mental. Image. Ever.




Why did my pants just get so tight?


Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using Tapatalk

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