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I have been complemented on my appearance, or cloths, and just general personality. Just the other day, I was stopped by a gentlemen as i was walking downtown Fredericton. He wanted to compliment me on my walk! This was a new one! I blushed profusely then Thanked him.


I began to walk away, and was in deep thoughts about how unique that was. His words rang in my ear...." you have the most amazing gate I have ever seen! You gild as if you are on air! Like a fashion model or dancer."


Then of course my attention was on my gate, then started to look around at other ladies walking by. I noticed how sexy a walk can be! Or unfortunately, how unappealing some are when walking. Is it the hips? The shoulders, the length of the stride? I suppose all of the above.


Is this something that men notice? Does it cause you to become attracted? This was one of those moments that will have me paying more attention to the way I present myself when out and about. I thought it was interesting take on how beauty can be portrayed!

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You are right Sophia, the way a woman presents herself does influence us man(me anyway). The way a woman walks tells us that you have confidence.

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Guest bngfrank11

I agree. A woman's walk is one of the sexiest things. All the way from the movement of the legs to the wiggle of the butt to the swaying of the breasts to the way the hair moves.

Simply amazing. Love it!

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Sophia, I started a similar thread awhile ago.



I love the way women move and have found the sexyness doesn't come from physical attributes but much more from a level of self assurance. A confident woman is the sexiest ever! Cub

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A womans walk is an incredible turn on. The way a woman caries herself shows a lot of her personality.

I find a walk with a slight kick of the leg to straighten it when stepping forward......love it.


When you see a woman walking with bent knees it looks as if she is sulking or creeping around.

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A woman's gait (and a man's, too) can reveal a lot about them.


I walk upright, not slouched. Chest up, back stretched. When you walk standing tall like this, it's hard not to have your hips sway since your whole torso is moving in gentle undulations with each step.


I used to walk slouched a bit, always looking at the sidewalk. But a friend told me that my feet knew where the ground was, so why was I always checking? Ever since I've kept myself fully upright when walking. Much to some of my friends' dismay as I'm looking around at everything but them when we're talking. But hey... I like shiny stuff. Sue me. :-)

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very insightful sophia...and yes it is very true, we men notice these small things on a regular basis. the way women walk, eat, drink, talk, stand , sit, its all very noticable.even if a man says he doesnt see these things, his subconcious is. men can be very attentive and compassionate, intense and downright appreciative......if he is presented with the right treat!! lol

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I was once the recipient of cheers and applause when I was caught skipping down the street. (Skipping is a very fun and efficient mode of transport!)


The way we move betrays our inner experience. Do we move with wild abandon or careful purpose? Do we step lightly and with ease, or is there something dragging us down?


Conversely, here's a fun experiment to try: walk as if everything is going your way. Hold your head high and pretend that today is the best day ever. What does that feel like?


There is so much power in taking ownership of the way you move in your environment. Our perspective of the world comes not just from our minds, but our bodies, too. Have you ever tried on someone else's walk? Instant perspective change. It's really very cool.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Yes it is the way the woman walks. The sweet movement of their hips that moves the rest of their bodies. I beleive that is why BellyDancing is so much favorite of the Dance with us.I find the movement of the hips and then movement of the buns very stimulating!

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