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why don't more men cut the grass?

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I've always shaved for as long as I can remember, just looks better to me, not only do I shave down there, but my head and chest as well, and If i had arms long enough to reach my back I'd do that too lol...

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Why Lee...Chicken????

Just use this




and have this song playing while you do the "surgery" LOL








how about "like a Surgeon, cutting for the very first time"



Additional Comments:

Desmond Morris explains it this way:

" By the end of the twentieth century ... it was back in a big way, with a whole variety of different styles.This new trend began because of a change in swimsuit fashions. The lower line of beachwear was cut higher and higher (to make the legs look longer) and this resulted in a few stray pubic hairs emerging on either side of the now very narrow strip of cloth between the legs. These hairs looked ugly and were quickly trimmed away. This 'concealment' trimming set in motion an increasingly drastic reduction in pubic hair. More and more extreme styles appeared until, eventually, complete removal of every single hair became the ultimate quest of the fashionable."

More about the removal of female pubic hair from Morris, who traces it back as far as the ancient Egyptians:





Thankyou for that interesting history.


I find it quite interesting how what "looks sexy" changes over time. I have access to the playboy pictorials from the 1950 to today and there have been some big changes.


For my own nether regions, I've been trimming it, but think my wife might notice if I did so very drastically.

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While I most certainly enjoy and prefer manscaping and ladyscaping, it is not a mood killer at all. Myself, I have been mostly shaven since the mid 80's as it is much more convenient.


Oh and Lee, it's ok to be afraid. lol


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Speaking for myself personally I did not used to do the manscaping thing but once I started I can not see going back. Not only does it look better it feels so much better.


Since I prefer that a lady be very trimmed or shaved I think the least I can do is reciprocate.

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I do minimal trim but to be honest my hands shake when I go near my wanker with a weed wacker....but I now do have 1 volunteer to trim me up with a Flo Bee ;)


Don't want this to happen....



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Here I was having a blonde moment when I was scanning this section and saw the title of this thread and actually thought it was about green grass! Haha! It's because I had to mow my lawn yesteray ( hate doing it) and I usually have hired help for this. Anyways, yes I like when men mow the lawn both ways!!! I'm all for manscaping. Just makes for better technique.

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I've tried trimming before but it was terribly uncomfortable. For this reason I am reluctant to try it again.


With regards to how SPs react to hair, I don't mean to speak for the wonderful CERB ladies, but these are professional women and I would expect them to react the same whether a man was trimmed or not. It's about the connection, the romance, the intimacy. Most of which, I would hope, would come from personality compatibility and not from appearances.


I also find a trimmed woman sexy, however if they are more on the hairy side, I have no problem with that. May be a little hypocritical, but I'm comfortable with whatever she has to offer. I'd expect the same of her as what I offer: clean, friendly and tons of sexy!!

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I dove into this thread with enthusiasm, hoping for some insight into why my husband seems to have simply stopped mowing the lawn.

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