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Epic Brain Fart Moments

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So today I had what some might call an epic brain fart moment. One of those moments that you just can't help but feel like a complete idiot immediately after but than can have a good laugh about later. I consider myself a fairly intelligent person who is normally able to figure out problems quickly, but for some reason my brain just totally bailed on me today, lol. So I was in the lunch room at work and I'm trying to open the microwave and for the life of me I just couldn't figure it out, and was about ready to start prying the door open with a knife. So I ask one of the other guys in the lunch room and he says press the button. In all fairness though there was no indicator on the button and I am use to the ones you just pull open. I felt like a complete idiot after and just about face palmed myself but I told my co-worker about it later and we both had a good laugh about it.


So now that I've shared my epic brain fart moment I'm interested to hear others epic brain farts. And this is all in good fun so don't feel shy to post :)

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Mine's not epic but does happen often ...

goes in to work at 7AM ... make a phonecall to colleague on their office phone number and asking them if they are in..



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Mine's not epic but does happen often ...

goes in to work at 7AM ... make a phonecall to colleague on their office phone number and asking them if they are in..




lol That is almost as bad as me calling my mother and asking if she's home. She doesn't own a cell phone!!

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Putting your stuff into a locker in a rush and not realizing you "didn't" lock it. You go back, see that you hadn't locked it and take a deep breath. Surprisingly, your purse, money and car keys are still there. They would call that a blonde moment.lol

Edited by Nicolette Vaughn
ANother blonde moment in a rush and made a typo.lol

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The other day I was talking to a friend about fertility issues. I am not able to get pregnant easily, would require some tweeking....anyhow...


I was trying to explain this, and said " It would take a whole team of scientist to knock me up! " With a strange look on his face, began to crack up laughing!


Ohh my..still cant believe I said that!!

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I could fill your hard drive full of brain fart storeis about myself if I could remember them all.


For your amusement I will tell you of my grand fart of brain farts. Perhaps not in mental capacity terms, but in definitely in terms of embarrassment it was the top story. On a BBS I used to frequent we had a room called "Geek of the Week" in which we told stories of social faux pas and this one won me the award.


I causally picked up a photo displayed in the room of my friend who was about 29 at the time and went back to school. She was living in student residence for awhile at the time. This photo featured a group shot and I asked who this group was. Before my friend could finish her I interrupted and said "Woah. Wow! Who is the blonde chick on the far right."


My friend replied "That's me at 18." Long pause... "Do you think I was that much better looking then than now? I was thinner then I think, what do you think?"


Still do not remember how I got out of there. The rest is a panic induced blank in my memory. For the record though she did not look that different, pretty much the same, I have no idea how i did not recognise her in the photograph.

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So a few years back I was playing Euchre, my family's favourite card game, with the family and I had another brain fart moment. Now I'll admit that I was just learning the game at the time but was not a stranger to card games or the terminology. So I was playing a round of euchre and had played a card when my partner, who was teaching me the game, said now take a good look at your hand. So quiet seriously I put down my cards and proceed to start examining my actual hand as if I were looking for a bite or cut or something. It took me about 10 seconds to realize that she meant my cards and to try and save face and pick up my cards. At that point everyone at the table started to crack up. To this day I can't play a game of euchre with my family without that story coming up, lol.

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Once I parked in a multi level parking garage and when I came out of my appointment I could not remember what level i was on. I started on what I thought was close to the level and started my walk 2 levels later I found my car. Was embarased at the time. But can't help share it because I find it quite funny now. I have never done it since. Seinfeld had done an entire episode on something like this only I did not have a goldfish or get caught for public urination.

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My cousin came over last summer for a visit. First morning here she goes and takes a shower. After she was done, she pokes her head out the door without thinking and says "where is your hair dryer"? I haven't had hair her entire life, why would I have a hair dryer????

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Yesterday the gazebo on my patio tried to blow away in a flash lighting/windstorm. I attempted to keep it from blowing away. In my mind I was a total superhero. In actual reality I was the idiot that grabed onto a solidly metal structure in a lightning storm :icon_redface:

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