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Guest *Ste***cque**

Gabriella posted lots of good info on bait and switch but I had some questions and didn't want to hijack her thread.


Some of the ads on CERB don't give much descriptive info and it's rare to see a clear face picture so how can you be sure you're seeing who you booked? Most times you can but I ask this because a few.months back I booked an appointment with a young woman on here who claimed to be early 20's and the pictures showed straight, long, fine black hair. When I arrived at her location she had wavy hair that was a different color. She looked to be in her early 20's but I was initially thrown off a bit. We talked about her school and her plans and I regained my comfort level and we retired to a bedroom down the hall. Everything else about the encounter was normal and I had the impression she liked me. I showered and said my goodbye's and she said come see her again soon. As I turned to walk down the hallway to the elevator I heard 2 girls laughing from the room I just left. I immediately thought someone must have been in the apt while I was there. I started questioning how her hair looked different and asked myself if this was some weird bait and switch or something even more ominous. I left and personally will not see her again. It could have been her and not some bait and switch, and possibly a roommate hiding in another room for safety issues but I know I heard 2 people laughing in the room I just left.


Very weird and troubling.

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Gabriella posted lots of good info on bait and switch but I had some questions and didn't want to hijack her thread.


Some of the ads on CERB don't give much descriptive info and it's rare to see a clear face picture so how can you be sure you're seeing who you booked? Most times you can but I ask this because a few.months back I booked an appointment with a young woman on here who claimed to be early 20's and the pictures showed straight, long, fine black hair. When I arrived at her location she had wavy hair that was a different color. She looked to be in her early 20's but I was initially thrown off a bit. We talked about her school and her plans and I regained my comfort level and we retired to a bedroom down the hall. Everything else about the encounter was normal and I had the impression she liked me. I showered and said my goodbye's and she said come see her again soon. As I turned to walk down the hallway to the elevator I heard 2 girls laughing from the room I just left. I immediately thought someone must have been in the apt while I was there. I started questioning how her hair looked different and asked myself if this was some weird bait and switch or something even more ominous. I left and personally will not see her again. It could have been her and not some bait and switch, and possibly a roommate hiding in another room for safety issues but I know I heard 2 people laughing in the room I just left.


Very weird and troubling.


Quick question and quick point. Did you enjoy your encounter with the lady while you were there?

And maybe there was a second lady in the apartment, but she could have been this lady's security as you point out...someone who can phone the police if an encounter goes south.

Also, the lady may just have changed her hairstyle that's all.

Not saying there wasn't b&s, but it may not have been b&s, you may have seen the lady you booked an encounter with


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I had a situation several months ago, where I made an appointment to see a lady. She had pix in her adds and described the services she offered. I liked what I saw and the services she was offering. When I got to her incall location, it sure didn't look like the person in the picture. When I asked her about it, she said she was using her "friends" CERB account. She was very attractive, but she definitely didn't offer the services that were advertised. I did stay for the appointment, but in hindsight, I should have left once I found out about the account. If I am ever confronted with a situation like this again, I would definitely leave.

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Steve.., hair colour really...? that can happen over nigth..., even just a few hours before the encounter..., and sometimes is hard to keep posting pics all the time..., most of my pics have my old hair colour.. That doesnt make it a b n s, i have posted a few with new colour but have not really have the time to even take some new nice pics... Is not that pics are not recent...


Like RG said... Did you enjoy the time together... I thinks thats most important...


Remember also members here on CERB if they are find out to be posting fake pics they will get banned from the site,,, is part of the rules....


The face.., well we dont show it because as it has been said in may other threads..., we as providers have lives and friends and relatives that dont know and we dont want them to know.., so we need to protect our identities and like you hobbiest our privacy ;-)


Bait and Switch is a risk that unfortunately everytime you may face.., specially when meeting new providers that have not yet made a reputation for themselves.... There is steps and resources you can use to decrease the chance..., but to be honest i dont think there is exact science... Like many others have always also said before..., trust your gut and if you feel something is nit right maybe is best to stay away..., or do like many other also do... Stick to known providers..., but then again you maybe missing on new wonderful and gems to meet...

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As someone who changes their look/hairstyle/attire/etc quite often, I can attest that I sometimes feel awkward/shy about posting older pictures. For example, my hair is currently dark and medium length, but a lot of my pictures show me with short blonde hair. While I hesitate to post these pics with my ads for this very reason, it also kind of irks me; my face, body and general style are the same. The woman you see in those pictures is still ME, I just happen to have a different hairstyle for the moment. That doesn't mean I'm trying to dupe people into thinking I'm something I'm not.


Furthermore, it makes things difficult for someone like me who changes their hair often, because I almost feel trapped by the image I have posted here. I am a chameleon by nature, I don't like staying in the same style for too long. But then I have to start getting all these pro photos done every time I change my look so people don't start screaming "Bait and Switch!" or "You don't look like your pictures!"


I mean, come on. I can see if I advertised with pictures of some 21-year old with an exotic look when I was really a 35-year old with an afro; but does hairstyle really account for THAT much of your decision-making process? If she looked generally the same as in her pictures minus the hair-do, I don't think that's grounds for a B&S - that's just a woman changing her hair.

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Furthermore, it makes things difficult for someone like me who changes their hair often, because I almost feel trapped by the image I have posted here. I am a chameleon by nature, I don't like staying in the same style for too long. But then I have to start getting all these pro photos done every time I change my look so people don't start screaming "Bait and Switch!" or "You don't look like your pictures!"


This situation can easily be addressed in your ads. I know I do when I change my style whether it's be the length or when I go from a deep dark red (like in my pictures) to a more strawberry blonde type of red... You can also mention it on your website.


I know and understand that a lot of people do not always read ads or websites fully but at least you have something to fall back on if you are ever accused of B&S because of your hair.


Also inform your gentleman when he is making an appointment. This way you will avoid any potential and maybe unpleasant reaction from him. As always, communication is key.


Could you imagine having to go through a new professional photoshoot every time we make a change? That would be insanely expensive and time consuming!

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I wasn't so concerned with the change in hair color and style, although it did throw me for a second as that was just about the only identifiable feature, other than she appeared slim laying on the bed in her posted pic. She didn't seem slim in person, more athletic.

I enjoyed myself and wouldn't have even posted this except knowing someone else was there was disconcerting. Is this common for someone to be in another bedroom? I really wouldn't have thought so and would have declined had I known in advance. It got me thinking afterwards if they pulled some sort of swap and had a good laugh after I left. I won't be seeing her again, not because she may have changed her hairstyle :), but because there was someone in the apt with her unbeknownst to me.

Changing your look can be a good thing and not concerning in and of itself. Just don't have someone hiding under the bed or in the other room when I'm there. Adjoining hotel rooms doesn't seem as invasive as being in the other room of an apt and not advising the client. It gets our radar up, at least it does mine.

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If the lady has another lady in the apartment for her safety and security (which btw is one possible method ladies could use to protect themselves) it would completely defeat the purpose of having that person there if you were told she was there.

Some guys have concerns about b&s, revealing personal information to a companion through verification/screening, and so on. But the ladies have even bigger concerns, their safety. They are being alone intimately with a man they don't know. They just want to make sure their safety and security is ensured that's all.

From reading your posts, I'm guessing that this is what the second lady was there for. And how would you have reacted if you knew someone else was in the apartment when you showed up. The only way I can see a lady using a second person in her apartment for security, is if that person is there discretely


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Guest realnicehat

I could be wrong on this but isn't it common for some ladies to share a workspace and on occasion for them to be in the suite at the same time? I seem to recall reading numerous reviews that went something like "while I was there to see "X" I also got to meet "Y" and she was....." Maybe it's an agency thing?


Steve's concern about someone else being there without his knowledge is quite fair. While I doubt that anything odd was going on I think we can all recall a situation where we thought we were alone but weren't. It is quite unsettling.


It was the B&S thread that got him thinking about this situation so that is how he presented it but I feel like Steve buried the lead. From his later post it is pretty clear the second girl was the bigger concern. I think if I were walking away from an incall and heard the unexpected laughter of a couple of ladies I would be a little put off and confused myself.


I'm not for a second saying providers don't have a right to protect themselves in whatever way they feel works for them, I just sympathize with Mr McQueen.


Nobody laughs at Bullitt!

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Well no one is laughing at Steve. Just trying to show another perspective, that because there is another lady in an apartment discretely it isn't necessarily a case of b&s, but may just be a case of the lady's safety and security. And while some ladies would introduce the second person in the apartment, other ladies may feel it is better to keep the second person discrete, not only because of safety, but it would make the client more relaxed



Oooppps my bad about the laughing and yes I agree, the ladies shouldn't have laughed after Steve left, that did show a definite lack of courtesy on their part

Edited by r__m__g_uy

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My thoughts are that this thread has two things going on.


One is those that represent themselves differently then what you see in person.


The other is those that share an in call location with others.


Others have already spoken on the first matter.


I will address my personal experience with those that share an in call location. First, if you are hosting, you will never see this. Unless of course you have a "friend in the closet" that so many providers talk about. When two or more ladies share a location, there are times that a call comes in. What does the other lady do? Most will leave and go away for the call. However, there are times that they cannot leave and instead of hiding, will be there when you enter. Hopefully the lady you are seeing will let you know ahead of time. However, there are those that feel they cannot do a call without someone being close by. It is unfortunate, but it does happen.


So, if you realize that someone was there while seeing a lady, at the end of the day, does it really matter? Did you enjoy your time? Were you satisfied?


I am sorry you met someone who truly does not understand discretion. To hear two ladies laughing as you leave is never acceptable. Just understand that sometimes there is a reason why this happens that is out of your control.


If I am sharing an in call, I will always let my gent know ahead of time. That way there are no surprises.


Again, I am sorry this happened to you.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Yes, my post did have an additional concern other than bait and switch. It was the combination of seeing someone who didn't resemble her posted photo combined with another person being in the room without my knowledge that got my radar up afterward that something may have been going on, possibly bait and switch. If it was, it wasn't the typical B & S that most people recognize as wrong. She was attractive but it still got me thinking, was this not the person I booked? Was she someone younger? Yikes! I need to know what i'm getting into when I partake in this hobby and anything odd gets my radar up. Maybe it's just me being extra vigilant. That is my nature.


On the point about another lady being there for security, I'm not suggesting any lady forgo her safety procedures for my comfort level. Just let me know and I will make my decision, or don't let me hear you both afterwards laughing and realize someone was there. Ignorance is bliss. Knowing this I likely will only book an incall at a hotel in the future.


Thanks for your comments and sorry about posting 2 concerns in the same post.

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Guest webothscore



No worries about two concerns in the same thread. Your comments from your experience are genuine and you needed to get the story in one thread. Meghan simply pointed that out because she is sharp and it helps others articulate their responses to you. Unexpected noises can be unsettling for a guy's performance, so knowing beforehand would have been better. The laughing part wasn't cool for obvious reasons. Her own friend's might have lost a regular client for this SP. Maybe there wasn't any ill intent from the ladies, but sometimes people (not you) don't think the whole thing through. I hope your next experience is more comfortable.

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So it does sound like you were all the way out the door, door closed and locked behind you, before you heard what appeared to you, from all the way outside, two different people laughing.


What I am sensing tho from this is you are also assuming that the sps were making a joke at your expense and laughing at you and about you. What you are missing is that there is a very good chance that once the door closed behind you, you were not the topic of conversation or humour.


If the hair was a concern, you could have simply asked her about it. Oh, your pics showed very long black hair. Give her a chance to come up with a reason for the difference, and you can also say it was a reason for your choice. Many guys love long hair, and specific styles of hair, it is a valid reason for asking.


I think that if everything went well in the session, and the 2nd person (you assume) was not intrusive or noticeable before and during and even at the point of exit, that this is the best possible way that someone can share their space and/or be working with a safety person at the same time. I think, to the point of you being actually outside, they (if there were really 2 people) did everything they could to reassure you of both privacy and discretion. You didn't see a 2nd person, and she didn't see you, both of you have retained your privacy in other words.


There seems to be a small move for sps to tell clients that they have another person in the suite when they arrive, particularly another sp, for the reason of safetly. It might even be that there is no other person there, but the sp with a first time client wants him to think she has backup close by in case he gets any ideas. The reality is that some sps in some places see more bad date types of guys, and sometimes we get reports that there are people out there targeting sps. Even if it is not physical harm, there are some guys who deliberately make appointments in order to steal from sps.


So for those sps, and some of us as well, a huge red flag to me is a new caller asking am I alone. I'd rather they don't ask, because I have to ask myself then, why does he want to know that?? I also am likely to turn down someone who sounds either overly paranoid (the sort who assumes someone is hiding in the closet or bathroom, very annoying), or up to something. We just don't take the chance on a new client, in other words, especially when, as even your story shows, you entered, enjoyed and left without being any the wiser about the 2nd sp.


It was only after the fact it became an issue, and even then, imo, it isn't an issue.

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I can almost guarantee that 80% or more not only have someone there for their safety, but also share the incall as well as want them to stay there for her safety, of course! If after your session you heard someone else, it really is not a big deal in my opinion. No one interrupted, walked in, or worse: at least it was girls not a man, as I have heard multiple times from people that has happened! Quite simple: alot of girls change their looks, look more slim or curvy in person, you may be a bit paranoid in my opinion as it is cerb and if she was b n s it would be reported by numerous people and she would be banned. Next time see a girl with reco's and you will not be so worried. The girl I used to share with said she is 23 and she is really 30 and lied about a lot of other things that I woll not share atm and still got reco's but in this case I do not see anything malicious in her part. I would just not repeat and not stress over it. Tons of amazing SP's out ther for you to enjoy!:)

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Thanks for the advice. I did not assume the SP and her friend were laughing at my expense. For all I know they could have been laughing about how smokin' hot I was compared to other hobbyists. :)

It simply did not occur to me that someone else could be in the apartment with them while a client was visiting. Maybe I'm just being too vigilant with my privacy and this really isn't a concern to anyone else.

Anyway, I don't want to continue a discussion about your safety protocols as these should be kept secret. As stated before, I will stick to hotels incalls, unless I really know the person and feel comfortable about them and their incall location. MsManda comes to mind.

Movin' on. I've got a new dilemma to post shortly about SP's and constantly changing there nail color. WTF!

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I would like to point out that NOT all girls have someone else there. I am realizing now that I guess many do, but the people saying how many girls do are just guessing. I do not know of any girl who keeps another person there for safety.


My incall has another room, and I keep that door shut in order to keep the cat in there.


Girls saying that almost all girls have another person there could only cause people to suspect that there is another person in my spare room, which is not true. If someone asked me to open that door, I would decline, as it's not their business to see into that bedroom (it might not be clean, it might smell like cat litter, etc). But that doesn't mean there is a person in there.


If you do keep another person there for your safety, that is totally fine, but please do not state that most girls do this - I think that is simply untrue.

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