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booking form ... your thoughts?

If required to complete a booking form for initial contact, are you:  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. If required to complete a booking form for initial contact, are you:

    • more likely to complete the booking process
    • less likely to complete the booking process
    • indifferent, if I want to see her I'll jump through whatever hoops she provides

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How do you feel about completing a booking form for initial contact with a provider?


I find I'm asking the same questions repeatedly of gentlemen who fail to provide basic information with their initial contact, like their location, and I thought I might add a basic booking form to my website.


For example, I post seven locations and get emails like "lets get together". I'm trying to reduce the volume of emails while at the same time obtain all the necessary information I require.


Are you less likely to book, more likely to book, or indifferent to the process?


Basic questions asked would be first name, email, location, preferred date, preferred time of day, and duration of encounter.


Really appreciate your input cerbites, this will help me provide a better service and more prompt responses to inquiries.

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As long as it is quick and easy to complete, it shouldn't be a problem.


I agree, I would be indifferent, but I wouldn't say I would jump through any hoops to see the SP.


The examples you've given wouldn't be a problem for anyone I wouldn't imagine.

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Doesn't seem unreasonable to me, this is the type of information that I think should be included in any request for a session. It is common to see this type of form if you are contacting a SP through her website, I actually find a form simpler to fill out than writing an email.

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Guest S*rca****sid

I don't see a problem with using a form, especially for an initial contact. It's probably the simplest way for any potential client to provide the necessary info that you require.

It's easy enough to make default that the fields are required before sending. Many other professional services do this also.

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Personally, I don't like them much. I prefer to be able to put an introductory email together on my own, and to arrange it and add bits as I see fit. The form seems... impersonal.


I hear what you say about not getting the information you want, or just getting one-line mails, but.... you could always use that as screening :) I believe many ladies do.

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If there is a lady who I am interested in seeing and she has a booking form, then yes I'll

fill it out. If I'm not comfortable providing personal info to her then I'm not going to be comfortable seeing her for an encounter anyway

Filling out such a form aside from the usual screening/verification and booking functions also lets the lady know you are serious about seeing her and not a "tire kicker"


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Personally, I don't like them much. I prefer to be able to put an introductory email together on my own, and to arrange it and add bits as I see fit. The form seems... impersonal.


I hear what you say about not getting the information you want, or just getting one-line mails, but.... you could always use that as screening :) I believe many ladies do.


...and it can be a helpful screening tool indeed. I am wondering if the booking form might also accomplish that.


I just don't want to screen out the good guys in my attempts to be efficient ;)


I think I might add it as an option, and include a text box for personalization and special notes. I might not make it mandatory at this time... and see how much it gets used.

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I should add I do agree with Phaedrus, I like composing an email

But a potential client could look at the booking form and see what information the lady

wants and include it in his email


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Most of the forms I have seen have an area where you can add a message and give more detailed information as you see fit...no different than sending an email, but the lady is guaranteed to get the information she requires. And yes, if you aren't serious enough to fill out the form....than how serious are you about really seeing the lady.

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I don't mind a form with basic questions. I actually prefer when the contact me section has a few answers to keep in mind when initiating a contact.


But there is one instance of an SP who has a questionnaire that is fairly long. She is well reviewed, but I just am not comfortable giving her that much information about myself.

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Guest *l**e

Personally, I can be pretty lazy some days. There are times I would just out the for, and other times I would just move on to another lady.

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On my site, when you use the contact option, you will be asked few easy questions. Whereas I have many options to choice from, I ask which service they are interested, scented products or not, smoker/non, age, and duration of visit, and where they seen my ad. I makes it so much easier to make a properly informed booking.

Yes, it is very time consuming to answer each question from all the inquiries. I like to get exactly they are looking for, and to answer all the questions in one shot.

I have been told that they find it easy and convenient to use, as well as, the client usually likes that I have asked him, so he can better be prepared for his date:)

At times on the spot bookings are welcomed, but if the are asking about way to much details, or doesn't know the lingo, I as them to take a peek at the site and call back.


Hope this helps?

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all this info has been very helpful thanks to all :)


I will introduce it as an option with a list of information I require should gents prefer not to use it ... and will see how it goes. cheers everyone, happy halloween!!

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I did vote less likely but hear me out please. If here were 2 ladies that I was equally interested in seeing, I would probably lean towards the less formal traditional method of booking. I think if I had to complete a form, it would feel less personal and more like the business transaction that it actually is.


I voted that way only to differentiate between formal and less formal. The third choice changes the parameters in that it mentions a girl that I definitely want to see and yes...I would do whatever it takes.


Can I vote for 2 options?


I can see a benefit for travelling SP's where I can imagine that they don't have as many established clients and that it might lighten the administrative burden for the SP. I think the administrative work for an SP with a higher %age of repeat clients would not be as much of a burden thus the benefit of the formal approach may not be as much of an issue. I am only guessing as I do not know the business side of SP'ing.


My 2 cents for what it is worth.

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Most of the forms I have seen have an area where you can add a message and give more detailed information as you see fit...no different than sending an email, but the lady is guaranteed to get the information she requires. And yes, if you aren't serious enough to fill out the form....than how serious are you about really seeing the lady.


I saw my first SP thanksgiving weekend in 1981. I long lost track of how many SPs I have seen since and in which country but I can say I have been very active. I have never filled a contact form but guess I am not serious towards business according to your comment!

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I saw my first SP thanksgiving weekend in 1981. I long lost track of how many SPs I have seen since and in which country but I can say I have been very active. I have never filled a contact form but guess I am not serious towards business according to your comment!


I appreciate you experience....mine is miniscule to yours,and no you probably aren't a tire kicker, neither am I.... I saw my first internet SP in June of this year....I had to fill out a form...thought nothing of it....advertsing has changed, method of contact has changed, the ladies have changed, and so have the clients...things change...its the way the world works..... thirty years ago SPs weren't trying to deal with anonymous men hidden behind computer screens..there was more face to face contact, decisions were easier to make, the world was a simpler, more honorable place than it is now....As far as I am concerned, anything I can do to make an SP feel better about meeting me the better...even old dogs need to learn new tricks if they are going to keep up with pack.


BTW, I will be 60 next month....and have never thought I was too old to change the way I interact with the world

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