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Going To Get Alot Of Backlash But..

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Guest P**aq
Sorry but from my POV when one starts a thread' date=' it should be implied that there will be feedback and that some of that feedback will contain comments we don't agree with. The wonderful part of of a discussion forum is the vast amount of perspectives that allow us to broaden our views :)[/quote']


Very good point Meg, I was thinking the same thing. I think all the feedback on this thread has been a very interesting read! The OP should be happy to have such great feedback!


I also wonder if the shoe were on the other foot, how would a hobbyist feel about an unsolicited text, with an SP "saying hi" and he was, with his girlfriend or wife, and she saw the text and asked who was saying hi. Of course there is going to be an excange of "hellos" and "how are you doings" if there is an established relationship between the SP and hobbyist. For me, in my line of work, I try to keep a good rapport with my clients but I don't exchange texts with them, but will call and/or email them when they require my assistance.

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I am just going to leave this website I am not in the mood to debate this I did this because of my good nature and clearly it`s a problem

That'd be a shame -- I honestly hope you choose to stick around instead.


Reading back over the thread, it looks to me like most people have been pretty respectful of you when responding. It's probably no fun for you to hear the same thing ten different times, and a few of those replies showing some sharp edges. But basically I think people were just trying to answer your question best they could. I know I was.


You asked a good question, and got some honest answers. I hope you decide to stay and ask some more questions, and to help answer others.

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I am just going to leave this website I am not in the mood to debate this I did this because of my good nature and clearly it`s a problem


I concur with others on this. I think it was an honest question that maybe others wanted to ask but did have the nerve. Although you may feel you took the brunt of it, think about how you may have helped many many other people in the process. Both SP and hobbiest. It is a good thread.


Stay aboard

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In the end it's called sex work for a reason, because it's a job and we are customers and not friends.


Be pleasantly surprised when or if some one texts or emails back a social message. Twitter can make social communication easier.





Remember the quote that we are being paid to leave. If we were friends or girlfriends, there would be no compensation.


While I enjoy being an SP and have established a great rapport with new clients as well as current ones, I'm under no obligation to have contact with them outside of an appt. If I did that with everyone, I'd never get anything done.


I think people have to know their own boundaries as well as the SPs that they meet. As great as the connection may be, one has to keep it in perspective that this is what we do for a living.

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Last sunday, I got a txt like this...



" hi?????"




"why are you not responding?????"


So I woke up on Monday, my phone was on silent from 2 pm till Monday the next day.


I responded like this

" excuse me, you do not have to obsessively txt me hello, I took the day off, and was sleeping because I am human and not a robot. I was so frustrated because he wasn't the only one with "hi" there were many.


He responded many hours later, I felt like doing it back to him with ...




That same day I had one who admitted he was just txt me cause he like sexting, so I said, I sorry but no money in sexting, lol...


Occasionally my regular clients will txt a hello and I will respond with a few min of chat, but they all know I am a busy women and do not have the time to txt all day long so they keep it short and sweet.


After working all day with a phone and computer, a person can get rather tired of it and if your just txting "hello" with no booking in your mind, chances are I am not going to reply, I am just human and need time away from my phone. Once I am done for the day, so is my phone. Sophia has left the building so to say hahha.

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Man, people are weird. The subject of communicating with SPs completely aside, who on earth imagines that once any conversation gets to this point:




... that things can possibly go well? What happy outcome do they imagine is going to transpire from there?


And the icing on the cake, following that with:


"why are you not responding?????"

... uh, maybe because you've just been filling my phone with dickish, petulant texts?



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And some guys have the nerve to complain when they are with an sp who does answer texts in the midst of their appointment.


hellooooo guy is why they do this lol

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Last sunday, I got a txt like this...



" hi?????"




"why are you not responding?????"


A similar thing happened to me recently last week when I was away. This is someone ( not a cerb member) who dropped off the face of the earth for 2 months after meeting me every week.. I don't demand an explanation when a client disappears for a while. That's their business. I don't ask questions. Life happens. Nor would I ever cold contact someone.


He reappears..


Day 1:


Morning: "Hello?"


Afternoon: Hello?


1 hour later: Are you there?


Repeat everyday for 5 days (3 x a day) when I didn't even have my phone turned on.


Day 5


Morning: Hello?


Afternoon: Hello? Are you pissed at me?


Late afternoon: Hello? Where are you? I DEMAND an explanation!


According to him, I don't have a life or I could have been out of town, been sick or worse, dead. I suppose I'm not entitled to be any of those things. lol. And that's when I changed my phone number.... Goodbye.

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Communicating with an SP is in its basic form a pretty simple thing.... one would think it would be pretty hard to fool up. In most of the cases you have an interested client trying to connect an interested service provider.... seems like a match made in heaven... what could possibly go wrong... lololol.


Well in my experience it more closely resembles a mind field overgrown with beautiful flowers.... in our eagerness to run and pick the flowers clients tend to run right in without stopping to read the signs or get a map.


Making it worse... us guys are pretty self centered so we don't stop to think that maybe just maybe we are not the only guy trying to contact the wonderful lady.... what do you mean she has a life outside of her profession.... you mean she is not just sitting by the phone waiting for my call... lolol... yea no doubt about it... we could do a better job of respecting the needs of the wonderful ladies that we want to meet.


We need to remember to stop and think before we send that second text.... we need to relax and not get mad because she did not reply... lol... in most cases it just means she is not available... it's not a personal statement... she's not being mean or blowing you off. Remember she is running a business why the fuck would she want to piss off a client :).


This should go without saying guys but I will say it anyway.... when we are drinking we don't always make the best decisions or communicate effectively.


General rules for us clients:

- Send a message if you don't get a reply don't take it personal just move along.

-Read the ladies ad and website to see how she likes to be contacted and what her availability is. Follow the instructions... it is your map through the mind field.

- Read her posts and website for clues about her personal interests related to ongoing contact with clients... some like it and encourage it others have no interest.

-Don't be a asshole....be polite... and just to be clear I can tell you with 100% certainty that sending her a picture of your cock will not enhance the communication process.

- Keep your expectations realistic... for the ladies this is their business and you are one of their many clients. Yes most of them are passionate about and enjoy what they do... yes they enjoy the company of the men they meet and connections they make... they will make you feel like you are the Centre of their world for the time you are with them but THIS IS THEIR JOB not their whole life.


Now all that said.... for the wonderful SP's:

- Remember we are just mere men lol... we love your attention and are infatuated by your sexy beauty.... you impact our judgment and cause us to do things that we should know better to have done.... not making an excuse here just stating a fact.

- Help us by being as clear as possible about what your expectations are around ongoing contact...Yes we should know enough to not expect you to be at our beck and call.. but every SP is unique and the more you make it clear what your expectations are the better we will be in walking that mind field.


Just my opinion

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Late afternoon: Hello? Where are you? I DEMAND an explanation!

Heehee! "I demand." Great strategy there.


Do you think that's ever actually worked for him?


Dick: "Where are you?"

Jane: *silence*

Dick: "I DEMAND an explanation!"

Jane: "Oh, well in that case, since you're demanding... the answer is..."


I doubt it. I certainly hope not. What was I saying before? People are weird.


(Also kinda reminds me of "

" from A Few Good Men.)
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