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Ottawa radio Station changed their name from "HOT 89.9" to "HO 89.9"!!

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ok so I thought I mis-heard it at first on the radio a couple days back when the jingle for a local Ottawa pop station came on and instead of saying "the new HOT 89.9!" said ...drum roll....


"the NEW HO 89.9!!"


at first i thought I mis-heard it..or that they chenged their name to "haute" and I wasn't hearing the word properly....


this evening I passed a sign in my neighborhood on a bus-shelter just the same as the one in the article linked below in the ottawa Citizen, you can bet I'm pissed, my son LOVES that station and loves pop music but I am boycotting this station and sending them a letter in the morning...what a sick idea for a contest ..."help us find out T and you get 10, 000$! oh we hate our new name! please help!"


puh lease!! if you ask me, these people already need help if they're going to bleep out every use of the word "hoe" in their songs but take on the title for their STATION's NAME just for the sake of a contest!


they even have a morning show that USED to be called the morning HOT tub....guess what its called now? "the Morning HO tub"!! W....T....F???????


here is the link to the article, it was also a main story on the local evening news on CTV last night.


I'm disgusted, anyone with me please send your thoughts to them as well as I will be sending in my two cents in the morning!



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I never liked that station, it's not just because of the music they play, but I have always found then to be extremely insensitive. This now proves my point! Hopefully the CRTC will deal with them quickly, of course this all started 6 days ago, so I am curious to see what their response will be. What a disaster of a station that place is...I'll stick to punk rock thank you very much!

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definitely....I always used to flip between 88.5 and 89.9 because they were close on the dial and I hate lots of commercials during short drives...now I'll definitely deal with the commercials instead of this garbage.

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I also watched the local late news on this subject. Poor taste and I agree. Never listen to the station, sorry when they 1st started I don't know the morning lady's name, but I really despised her laugh, it sounded horrible 1st thing in the am.


I might enjoy 106.9 what used to be the "The Bear" now " Virgin" or of course "Chez" 106.1, and once in a while "Live" 88.5.

But I find they all have way to many commercials


I'm with Annessa, I hate the commercials, so more often I plug in my Ipod and listen to non stop music, and f the commercials and radio stations.

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Guest Ou**or**n

First - very nice to see our opinionated Annessa back with more frequent postings! *cheers*


Second - I completely agree. I found out about this over the weekend when my daughter told me. I thought she was mis-hearing things until I read about the fuss in the papers yesterday. I'd boycott the station but I'm an iPod kinda guy (technically an iPhone) and I keep forgetting radio exists.


The whole degenerating use of that word pisses me off. I hear it used to describe someone when the have done something deceptive or immoral. More than once people have hear me lecture "actually, if you think about it, real sex workers are both honest in their business and provide a specific service for a price without any lies or deception".


I too will be giving them my two cents today.

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Guest f***2f***

Just shows you how insignificant these people are...I never heard about any of this lol. And I guess that's why they are doing it they want to get people talking. I listen to Virgin or Chez.


While we're on this subject it pisses me off this whole Tiger thing too. Hello people get over it and let the man play golf. North American society....totally fucked up when it comes to sex and attitudes.....cheez!!!!

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I had to roll my eyes when I saw this last night on CTV news. This promotion is absolutely juvenile. They tried to target a younger audience age, but I think it's even offensive to 12 year olds.


The station rep who appeared in the interview was a redneck moron. I hope they get boo'd off the stage. I'm surprised the CRTC hasn't done anything.

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Unfortunately, I'm not. The CRTC, imho, rarely gets it 'right'. They do what is best for the people that squeak the loudest, not always the correct or right. Just look at this whole local TV issue (and I'm still not sure who is in the right there)... but that's just my opinion.


But yes, I beleive this whole contest is in poor taste to say the least.


I'm surprised the CRTC hasn't done anything.
Edited by bucken
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It is in really poor taste, agreed. I hate commercials too - that's why I listen to XM radio. My car has XM and since the 3-month free trial period ended 12 months ago I've never been charged for XM and I'm still receiving it. Can't beat that deal!

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totally wrong way to go about changing their name, I really thought I was hearing things tooI have no idea how they thought it would target a certain crowd...like what age range????? cause I know at 14-19/20yrs old I never touched a radio, its was all CD's, MP3s, MP3player, etc. So Im still confused as to who their target is???

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wow, is an understatement. I think and if you havent done so already complain to the manager, the crtc, and also maybe someone higher up in politics.


Totally insensitive of them to do that, and morally reprehensible

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This is a publicity stunt that is apparently working as people are talking about it. Even bad pub can be good pub...if that is their goal.




Three words "Live Life Live" I rarely listen to any other music station.

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Annessa, you have a good point along with your article. I can see a lot of angry people out there. What about the children that listen to that radio station. As this radio station is geared for a younger audience. Can you imagine all the kids saying the new ho. I have the xm radio and the curse and swear on some of the stations. But they do not dare to say welcome to ho street. As I heard the station say on my way to work. I have a question. Who thought of this? It is past April fools day and we want a normal name. LOL, too funny.:butt::butt::butt:


Additional Comments:

I just heard on the same radio. It is a contest. They lost their T and they are still trying to find it. Still done in bad taste. Who ever thought of this be careful next time. XoXo Peachy/Val.

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This little stunt really dosent surpise me, as they are trying to top a super saturated local radio market.


I stopped listenting to the radio years ago, and just play CDs. now, most of what you hear on the radio is garbage anyways.


I think people should boycott Ho 89.9 along with there advertisers, that shuold send a strong messsage to the station, that the pople wont stand for an offensive name change just to try and grab ratings and publicity.

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I also listen to the teen kids interviewed, stating that Santa says "Ho Ho Ho", and Leon's Furniture "Ho Ho Ho" the payments? Another perspective I guess, and I'm not saying it good to do so.


This is a publicity stunt that is apparently working as people are talking about it. Even bad pub can be good pub...if that is their goal.




Three words "Live Life Live" I rarely listen to any other music station.

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I mostly listen to Chez 106. I don't listen to 89.9, but I agree, it's very distasteful. I know my sister usually has it on in her car and my 8 year neice listens to it. I'll have to let her know because I'm sure she doesn't want her exposed to that.


Thanks for alerting us.

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Additional Comments:

I just heard on the same radio. It is a contest. They lost their T and they are still trying to find it. Still done in bad taste. Who ever thought of this be careful next time. XoXo Peachy/Val.


oh no I'm fully aware that it is a contest and that the name-change is temporary until they "find their missing T". I just dont find it funny...theres so many people on Facebook groups trying to shut the stations contest down saying "aw comonnn guys! its a joke! hahaha...you got suckered!"


you can bet I had a mouthfull to give those guys...Its not a funny joke by any means and certainly ther are way more ideas for contests out there than something that stupid

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Here's the thing guys, it was a very effective way to catch your attention. The fact that you guys are actually pissed about it just proved it worked.


I do agree that it is juvenile, but at the same time, when was the last time a newspaper wrote an article about a contest a radio station was having.? For free at that?

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Isn't this the radio station that only plays music that use that word in everysong to begin with?


Or every female singer on that radio station tries to exemply the stereotype of the offending word. ( no not all but it's a general truth)


A friend at work was telling me that his 3 yr old knows the lyrics to sexy bitch by Akon, I asked him where would she have heard that song and le viola caught him red handed, the ho 88.9


Monkey see, monkey do


please take this with a lil grain of salt. I think the promotion is tasteless

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I listen to the radio every day, most of the day....but never that station. Mostly Live 88.5 but some Virgin or Chez....but that new guy on Chez, COSMO, oh my God, I think I might have to shoot him! Where did they find him? He's so boring....I can't handle him!


Any publicity is good publicity.

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I also listen to the teen kids interviewed, stating that Santa says "Ho Ho Ho", and Leon's Furniture "Ho Ho Ho" the payments? Another perspective I guess, and I'm not saying it good to do so.


Oh, no, let's not pick on Santa. Hasn't he been around just as long as the world's oldest profession.


Okay, Pete, where's the picture of Santa with a naughty girl on his lap?

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Guest f***2f***
Oh, no, let's not pick on Santa. Hasn't he been around just as long as the world's oldest profession.


Okay, Pete, where's the picture of Santa with a naughty girl on his lap?


ahem I am the official CERB librarian and here he is.....ha ha



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ahem I am the official CERB librarian and here he is.....ha ha





That you are! You always "cum" through for us, dontcha?

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I had to roll my eyes when I saw this last night on CTV news. This promotion is absolutely juvenile. They tried to target a younger audience age, but I think it's even offensive to 12 year olds.


The station rep who appeared in the interview was a redneck moron. I hope they get boo'd off the stage. I'm surprised the CRTC hasn't done anything.


That station is garbage and very juvenille as you said. While they are targetting a younger group of people, they are not setting a good example for the youngins'. That's why I always watch the news on t.v. before I go to work and have an ipod to listen to in the car. I don't need to listen to their crap before I'm even awake. I remember listening to this station a few years ago while driving down the 416 on my way to Toronto. One of the DJs called up her old boyfriend while on the air and pretended to be pregnant with his love child. WTF?? They got a kick out of doing this to some poor unsuspecting guy she had gone out with years ago. After listening to all of that, i turned off the radio and drove all the way to Kingston in peace and quiet. If you brought up this topic 10 years ago, I probably would have thought this contest would be a cool idea. Now it's stupid even thinking about it.

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