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Spring is in the Air!

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Ahhhh.....Spring is in the air!...even tho in the capital its cooled down a liiiiitle bit. I was filled with happiness strangely enough at our first thundershower last night.


my favorite part about spring is the smell of rain. I let my windows open and huddle under covers if its cool and take a nice deep breath through my nose...I jus love it!


whats your favorite part about Spring?

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The color of green. It's the color of life, of rebirth.


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Being in Winterpeg my favorite part about spring is the beautiful women that live here start shedding parka's, scarves and boots. Like butterflies emerging from their cacoons :)



Mr Green

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Guest Ou**or**n

I'm always happy seeing the leaves coming back on the trees, the world seems so drab without them.

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Well, well,


Spring brings a lot in my mind. My first thought when I read this thread, Anessa, was the sight of the blue crocus raising from the snow and from the brownish grass. The fresh blue reflexion on the dull color, make me hope for the best.


May I say also, that when I see short skirts and some skin under the sun, that my heart ibegins to be "lifted", well super lift.

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Snow is gone, days getting longer and warmer, Ice is leaving off the lake, Walleyes are spawning. Trout are in shallow waters. Leaves are coming out. Deer and all other animals are having their babies. Time to put the boat in the water. Wonderful Winnipeg cottager friends comeing back to start a new season on the lake. Love spring

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Me, it is the sound of the birds in the morning and evenings. Brings back memories....

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A little along the same lines as Emily. I love that the sun feels warm on the skin. Even if the air is a little cool you can sit on the deck with a sweater and start to feel the warmth. So nice.

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Spring has sprung, the flowers cum out of the ground to bloom and play in the sun, trying to get fully erected like below,



Leaves on a tree start to bud, looking like labia, oh yes spring is here...the smell of outdoors, the plant life, the greenery...



The mornings and evenings are misty and wet, I love the mornings when the grass is slippery and wet...oh yes I love spring..



Yes I like these little noise makers in the morning birched out top of my roof and trees chirping their little fucking heads off..I love spring time..


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Ahhhh.....Spring is in the air!...even tho in the capital its cooled down a liiiiitle bit. I was filled with happiness strangely enough at our first thundershower last night.


my favorite part about spring is the smell of rain. I let my windows open and huddle under covers if its cool and take a nice deep breath through my nose...I jus love it!


whats your favorite part about Spring?



Annessa, this is my type of Thunder shower and I love the smell of rain too





Additional Comments:

Just found this picture it is a Pink Lady Slipper...kinda cool looking scrotum on a plant eh?


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Seeing (and driving!) vintage muscle cars that have been stored away all winter!


I'm with ya on that one! vrooom! /drool ;-)

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whats your favorite part about Spring?


Giddy, horny women who stop at nothing to get satisfied :bddog: Nothing like the sound of Spring giggles and squeaky beds :wink:


Oh, and the tulip festival. It's also nice this time of year. :razz:

(As a budding photog, I have 5000 pix of over 70 varieties of tulips - with my portfolio continuing to grow :) )


Last, but Not Least... Hockey Play-offs start! Go PENGUINS GO!!!!! :grin:

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Spring means I wake early to the sounds of the birds in the morning. I have my bird feeder full, the bird bath also and I get my camera ready for some nice early morning photos. There is only the warm sun on my face as I walk and looking at the lovely ladies of Ottawa.

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Good topic, Annessa!

For me it's the appearance of ultrafit roller-bladers in their skintight minishorts. Does it for me every time. That swaying movement is hypnotizing.

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move over to the west coast, where it has been spring for a few months now, and soon to be summer :lol: I better duck, then run for cover :p


*crumples up a paper ball and throws it at Angela* lol


our winters here in Ottawa are brutal....can't blame us for gettin a weeee bit excited, lol ;-)

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*crumples up a paper ball and throws it at Angela* lol


our winters here in Ottawa are brutal....can't blame us for gettin a weeee bit excited, lol ;-)


I hear you, no wonder you all tend to get cabin fever! I was like that when I lived up North, in Whitehorse YT, winters seemed never ending!

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I loooooove the spring...the anticipation of all the awesome summer days to come...I live for summer! Just some quotes to get everyone in the Spring mood! Enjoy!


The first day of spring was once the time for taking the young virgins into the fields, there in dalliance to set an example in fertility for nature to follow. Now we just set the clocks an hour ahead and change the oil in the crankcase. .E.B. White, "Hot Weather," One Man's Meat, 1944


The naked earth is warm with Spring,

And with green grass and bursting trees

Leans to the sun's kiss glorying,

And quivers in the sunny breeze.

.Julian Grenfell <............thats's HOT!:-P


Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" .Robin Williams


It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! .Mark Twain


Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. .Doug Larson


Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men. .Chinese Proverb


April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. .William Shakespeare


Yesterday the twig was brown and bare;

To-day the glint of green is there;

Tomorrow will be leaflets spare;

I know no thing so wondrous fair,

No miracle so strangely rare.

I wonder what will next be there!

.L.H. Bailey


Julie :grin:

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I'm not exactly a naturist or anything, but today I was working outside and the sound of the birds was very nice. The air was crisp and a little chilly, but the sun was beating down and the birds were happy.

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