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Bartering for sessions

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Guest O***wa**W

Anyone ever do this? Accept or offer payment in the form of goods or services instead of cash?

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Guest S**a*Q

I totally would, like for car payments, or dental work... But I've never had that opportunity. You're just taking out the middle man with money, although it would be difficult to ensure that payment is rendered in the long run I think.

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I agree Sara....I much prefer to arrange my own services because then I have control over the outcome. I was once offered a photo session and website. Nope...I am my own woman LOL

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Never asked, never offered and never would. Cash is clean and tidy and the value is known unlike any service in lieu. Plus also leaves the lady with full freedom to do as she needs.

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I would be open to bartering. But it would depend on so many things for me. How well I know the person, what's being offered and what's being asked for in return, etc. As a general rule though, yes, paying cash is the best way.

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Never asked, never offered and never would. Cash is clean and tidy and the value is known unlike any service in lieu.


I agree, I think valuation is the most difficult part when someone trades for services. More often than not one party places a higher value on their service than the other party and this can lead to an uncomfortable situation. In addition depending on the service you trade for you can often have the ongoing dilemma of warranty, product satisfaction, etc. If I were to exchange a date for a website who is responsible for updates if I am not satisfied with the functionality of the original site; is the designer obligated to make the requested changes and if so at what rate? Some updates will require more work than a new build (maybe I want a backend system) and some updates would be minimal work (changing a button or link), without an agreed upon rate and proper value on each service you can end up in some rather difficult negotiations. We often find ourselves in that situation when we have paid cash and having no record of sale can further complicate an issue.

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I agree Sara....I much prefer to arrange my own services because then I have control over the outcome. I was once offered a photo session and website. Nope...I am my own woman LOL


If I had a dollar for every time I was offerred photo sessions or websites, I'd be rich!

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OMG Kyra I love when you talk techy. Its making me re-think my Just Cash policy and how quickly I could learn to do all that stuff for you. Just kidding of course. I think we share the same view. (KIS) Keep It Simple and let the lady decide how to use the money. Cheers.

satisfied with the functionality of the original site; is the designer obligated to make the requested changes and if so at what rate? Some updates will require more work than a new build (maybe I want a backend system) and some updates would be minimal work (changing a button or link),

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I did barter once and had the advantage.


4 - floor tickets to the Police concert at Scotia Bank Place valued at $950 in return for a half hour session.


The guy worked for Capital Tickets, so I knew the tickets were real.


I had to tell one of my guests that I won them because she doesn't know what I do.


Now THAT was worth it!!!!!

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I would be open to bartering. But it would depend on so many things for me. How well I know the person, what's being offered and what's being asked for in return, etc. As a general rule though, yes, paying cash is the best way.



I second that. I have offered to barter on occasion, and I made it pretty sure what I want, and what they would get. No if ands or buts about it:razz:

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Guest s******ecan****
OK....what can I get for 2 chickens and a donkey? ;-)


My guess.......sex with 3 farm animals.

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A true bartering system is done by a group with a variety of members and a variety of services available. A value is set for each person's goods/services and then you can dip into each other members offerings for the same dollar value. If only we could do this for our services..




hmmm. they do have an entertainment section :p

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I agree, I think valuation is the most difficult part when someone trades for services. More often than not one party places a higher value on their service than the other party and this can lead to an uncomfortable situation. In addition depending on the service you trade for you can often have the ongoing dilemma of warranty, product satisfaction, etc. If I were to exchange a date for a website who is responsible for updates if I am not satisfied with the functionality of the original site; is the designer obligated to make the requested changes and if so at what rate? Some updates will require more work than a new build (maybe I want a backend system) and some updates would be minimal work (changing a button or link), without an agreed upon rate and proper value on each service you can end up in some rather difficult negotiations. We often find ourselves in that situation when we have paid cash and having no record of sale can further complicate an issue.


Can't disagree with anything here.


That's exactly why we have "money."

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Guest O***wa**W
I agree Sara....I much prefer to arrange my own services because then I have control over the outcome. I was once offered a photo session and website. Nope...I am my own woman LOL



Ug, that is one I get regularily, like once a week or so, men wanting a session in exchange for taking photos of me or writing up text for a site.

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Here is a proposal.


I offer two plane tickets to the Bahamas and hug if you can help the Habs score a goal!


ugh ... ;)

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Here is a proposal.


I offer two plane tickets to the Bahamas and hug if you can help the Habs score a goal!


ugh ... ;)


:lol:! I am in like sin, but don't like hockey or really any sports on tv for that matter. *Angie ducks and runs for the hills*

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OK....what can I get for 2 chickens and a donkey? ;-)


My guess.......sex with 3 farm animals.


Add into that a video camera and you fit right in with a whole new catagory for the web....and could make lots of money.......


Just had soda water come out of my nose...great comeback!


yup...mine was coffee

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I have a fair bit of knowledge as far as Windows, networking, file downloading, and other pc related tasks including not so above board ways to copy any rented dvds. If an sp were to need help with any of this, and were willing to barter, what I'd do is set a per hour rate, say 1 hour of my time for a half hour of hers. Payment due when She is happy with the job. I'd also keep accurate records of what I did and how long it took so she could see I wasn't running up her bill.

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Right now, I would do a guy for a new laptop, seriously! Interested? PM Me! :lol:


I mean it, this POS has just about died on me already. Give me something with 4GB Ram running windows 7 or whatever, and I will give you the time of your life!

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Right now, I would do a guy for a new laptop, seriously! Interested? PM Me! :lol:


I mean it, this POS has just about died on me already. Give me something with 4GB Ram running windows 7 or whatever, and I will give you the time of your life!


Angela: That's the way is would have to work. Just post what you need and what it's worth to you. Hum, do we need a new barter section? ;)

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Angela: That's the way is would have to work. Just post what you need and what it's worth to you. Hum, do we need a new barter section? ;)



No idea, it doesn't hurt to ask:wink:


Ok, I am looking for a P4 dual, pref quad core, min 300gb hd, 4gb ram @ 800, would love 6 gb at pref 1036, web cam included, good video card. No software needed, just the OS to boot it up.


Too bad I am on the wet coast, or I am sure some of you eastern gents could help me ;(

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Yes I did !! Paint & painting my Condo


If its something .... I want or need ..

Its to my benefit .. sure why not

Yes it depends also who it is !!

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