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Everything posted by ladyluck

  1. I worked there year's ago and quit because I had the flu and was home in bed and Belinda was going to fine me 100.00 plus give me 2 weeks off the schedule. I told her I quit. Went in to pick up my paycheck which she'd taken 75% of it towards an avon order off it. I freaked screamed at her told her to make me a proper cheque and shove her avon up her a**. Is she still making girl's buy avon? Not to mention it's manditory to pay 300.00 towards a Christmas party regardless if you go or not. Oh and I remember at one time she was renting dvd's from some video place, burning copies and making or shall I say intimidating the girl's into buying the copies. The scrupulous, manipulitive, and conniving way she run's that place is nauseating. Girl's there need to run, and run fast away from Belinda.
  2. Tina got that email too. Along with another saying he'll be arriving in Halifax on such and such date and would like to get together. Talk about spamming, as I'm no where near Nova Scotia. Email money transfer is the best if someone wants to book in advance, all done through your email addy you have set up with your bank, my addy is the one I use for work.
  3. The Windsor Park inn is very truck friendly. Just off HWY 1 east side on Lagimodiere.
  4. There is, it's the Keystone, or was. It's called something similar now. I go everytime I'm in Brandon for a beverage and to watch the girl's. Brings back some really great memories. The club itself is quit a nice size. Nice sized stage and seen some good dancer's there. Some did need to look less bored. Went with a client last time in town and the one dancer we watched was great and I got him a poster ;). I had fun. Gotta let the hair down once in awhile.
  5. I have to agree with someone getting hurt. I had an ex that attempted to just trim himself and he was laid up for a week with an infection from cutting into his nutsack. I think unless the girl is skilled she should go nowhere near there. I wasn't even the one to cause that incident either, lol. But the screaming was enough to check on him. I thought he'd cut something really important off.
  6. I've done an outcall there, it's clean. I'd say easy access to the room's and no prying eye's.
  7. It goes right along with somehow I have the seventeen magazine sent to my place monthly, WTF. Half the new actor's or actress's I've never seen or heard of. Now if someone said I had ticket's to Ozzy Or Aerosmith, even King's of leon I'd jump on a ticket. Too much out of our era. I might act like I'm still 20 but between the two cd's ex b/f bought me, the Colin James was more appealing, lol
  8. I personally like katy Perry. But would never attend a concert to see her. It will be all teenager's that don't sit in their seat's and act well like teenager's. It remind's me of when I saw the Blackeyed peas at Cowboy's. That was great seeing them there, much older crowd. Then B/F at the time goes and get's me two ticket's to see them at the MTS center. It was horrible. He actually bought me the Katy Perry cd for christmas because of the victoria secret show and I mentioned I liked a song. The rest of the cd has grown on me. He also pointed out to me the other day she was coming. I said pffttt, I'd never want to see her with a bunch of teenager's. One of Justin beiber's favourite song's is her Teenage Dream. I'm not surprised your guy friend's would laugh and not want to go. It also depends on your age as well. If your a youngin then it might be your type of crowd. But if your older your just going to be hanging out with a bunch oh youngin's. I'd just put the ticket's on ebay and sell them. I'm sure she'll have sold out and you might make a profit :)
  9. Search Courtney here. The petite blond has some advertisment's here.
  10. I'm confused??? This is the Winnipeg section right? Why would a question about Charlottetown be asked here? I don't care either way, but wouldn't you want to do it in your own Province? Just asking.
  11. This is very true what the Mod here said. I was asked to take out that I was a Service Provider. I took it off my profile ASAP. I'm not a paid advertiser there so just putting thing's that sound like promotion will cause you grief. There was another instance of a girl that wasn't sure what they ment and kept her website in her profile and got banned over it. Happen's all the time. Unless you pay there you have to be very cautious about what you say. If you sound like your promoting yourself any shape or form, poof your gone. Sorry to hear that Brooke, but that month will be over in no time. I'm actually surprised you got so long, usually it's a week or two. Hope all is well with you. :)
  12. Didn't know about this. I'd went to a meet and greet which wasn't that great at a local restaurant. Had a wine and a bite to eat. Also I've been to one of Sydnee's get together's and had a blast. I didn't even go with the intention of working either. I just wanted to meet some other SP's put a face to a screen name. Dang I soooo would have went just to meet you's and converse with other's that I have alot in common with. Well if you do ever have another please do let me know and I can let a few of my other g/f's know. By the way Soliel going to be throwing a few of my own parties soon and your top's on the invite list. Tina and of course Zoe and Kaylee too if you ladies don't have previous plans. (woman only ;) )
  13. Alpha male no need to apologize. She is one of the sweetest, most layed back gal's you'll ever meet. She was never offended by what you had said. Like I said she got a good chuckle, we all need to in life. I believe it's what keeps us sane. Still I believe she will be a hotty in the old folk's home but she won't be caring about the sag. I know if I grow old I won't be sitting around worrying about what I look like wrinkled and grey. We'd have to be some very vain old hag's,lol. Elizabeth Taylor here we come. J/K. Yes to mark up a beautiful body is like ruining a piece of art, but she is a piece of art. I swear as much as I don't find tattoo's sexy, she put's a whole new spin on them. :). I'm almost convinced to get a small one on my ankle, almost but I'm a chicken chit,lol..
  14. Honestly when it comes to rimming, and I'm no prude. But think about it we are all worried about where we eat and if our cook washed his hand's after using the bathroom. Can we all say Hep A?????
  15. As a matter of fact she does it for the reason's Rubin mentioned. Someone identified her from them. Someone not in the biz. Additional Comments: That gave me a good chuckle. Hope when your 90 everything still wants to work for ya. :)
  16. I showed Sabrina what you wrote. She thought it was comical, and responded with, do you think in 30-40 Years I'm gonna care. Think about it. When she's 65-75 we know she won't be an SP anymore. But in the meantime that gal is hot. I really don't find tattoo's sexy but, it sure wouldn't be Sabrina without them. Just looking at her face and body makes you forget she has any tat's.
  17. The Keystone Hotel has dancer's.
  18. At the Montcalm, next door to the hospital. I wonder if it will make it a an actual strip club. They already have dancer's that go and jam on Friday's. Being so close to the university as well, really young crowd. I don't see much business here in the Peg anymore for strip club's. For instance my ex just went to Teaser's with some co-worker's. He asked the waitress when the entertainment was starting. She said for a few buck's she'd entertain them. So they all pooled in and she got up on main stage and danced. She came around to get them another round. He asked again and she said oh it will probably be me again. He's such a horn dog that anything that move's is entertaining to him. But he said watching her once was great, but watching again in a half hour wasn't as appealing. Variety he say's,lol
  19. ladyluck

    tanis 20100118 012

    Nice body, and really long legs. I'm envious I have stumps for leg's. You go girl. Your going to do very well.
  20. Awww, Good luck in the future. Alway's hard to see a pooner go :(
  21. Trojan's suck( no pun intended). They are a gross condom that makes me gag, and hey I don't have much for gag reflexes. Durex flavoured, awesome for BJ's. Lifestyle's great for sex. I find them very reliable and breakage almost never! I think I've had two incidences in 7 years. I've used those avanti's, and lambskin. When it comes to using something that isn't used regularly kinda scares me a bit. Didn't like either. I know I'm not the man having to feel them, but they still didn't feel all that great.
  22. I can do that for you hun. Give me a call at 880-2332 Please make sure you've kept your receipt's from when you started. (certain write off's) xo Holly
  23. Well if you pay such close attention to things, I guess you'd have seen it was being put on hold. Life happens and I'm resumming my seasonal job here again. So I'm hanging around for a few more months. Calgary isn't going no where, so I didn't find the need to take such a plunge in such a short time. Beside's why do you care. Lot's of ladies are either retiring or moving, but like I said life happens, situations change. That is one of the best parts of this business I can do what I want when I want. Have responsibilities here first and foremost. I still take my every 2-3 month trip out there like I have been since last year.
  24. Call it what you want, busted. I don't know the lady in question. But if you do a search of her on CL you will see another pic. My client also said her place was very clean. Unlike mine on some day's,lol.
  25. Lol, cause he lives in her general area and kinda hinted around her. He doesn't do the review boards, unless he's here and reads them with me. But he does say the one for sure at the diningroom table is her. I guess I felt the need to say that those/ or at least one picture is definitely her. You guy's can get really critical from time to time. But has ihatebullshit seen her? Probably not. Going on tinyeye doesn't always prove anything. After he'd seen her I figured if I had seen something else about her and someone slandered her, I figured I heard it first hand from my client who has also seen Sabrina. Are her picture's fake? She's hot wouldn't you think? So all in all he had a good time and I had asked about her appearance as it has been brought up before and he said what I originally said. I hope that helps with anyone that questions her or even plans on seeing her.
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