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Everything posted by Loki318

  1. Hi If you had pmed me or left this note sooner I might have got back to you :) in case your here for a couple nights or am comeing back her I have pmed you her email mail . Good luck Loki318
  2. Thank you Seymour That is as i expected and is well within my comfort zone, nothing in this hobby is totally Risk free :) I dont use BB messaging yet but the TXT/SMS package is with the required phone package and the same as txt on a regular cell phone. Loki
  3. I have surfed here with my BB (Storm) It will do java but has has been mentioned the screen is too small, and I have other issues with the surfing in it ... so it is basically communication, email txt phone etc I will try the new mod and let you know if there is any difference ..... will it make my screen bigger JK :)
  4. I have my personal Blackberry, and I always carry my own Laptop to work and just for insurance I am the company IT guy LOL, If this company is tracking it I know it first... I do not have the enterprise network set up on the BB it is mine alone but if I use my BB Addy for hobby dose the Blackberry servers log/keep/what ever these emails?or do they just pass through as data flow? Loki318
  5. I find that I wouuld rather tip at the end of a date if the experiance has been special, the exception being if the date is with a "regular" and I KNOW it will be special ;) LOL Loki318
  6. I find that I wouuld rather tip at the end of a date if the experiance has been special, the exception being if the date is with a "regular" and I KNOW it will be special ;) LOL Loki318
  7. To be recognised during a "date/session" would be no problem at all might put me more at ease as there might be some common ground to chat about to get things started ;) Out in public well no problem as long as has been mentioned before here discretion is the order of the day... some thing like... Hi there how you doing, remember me I helped your company fix that huge computer bug, or I helped you with that "software" problem last year..... Most any one who meets me would even afer one date have enough background on me to fill in the blanks LOL. The "Biff Bam thank You Mam" 30 min and 1 hr date are almost a thing of the past for me I like the longer more relxaxed dates now .. Loki318
  8. Dummpy, I think we could be friends if perchance we were ever to meet....but I am a lot sic... LOL
  9. In this area was called "Riding the Blazing Saddle"; or "Riding the Red Trail" And like you siad in the younger days itwas sort of a "Badge of Courage" LOL Loki318
  10. I am in with Dummpy and Young Stud here it isnt a huge issue with me though I would think twice about "daty during a particulaly heavy flow" ! Once not so long ago on a first date with a lady friend not an sp we really clicked and things were "hot hot hot" and we went further than either of us had probably planed LOL and there at the end was the "evidence". She addmitted to knowing she was "close" within a day or so, but was totally embarassed and mortified, I just laughed and said lets shower, LOL it has developed into a long lasting relationship but she still wont let me near when Auntie is here.... Loki318
  11. I have encountered ladies that will work through light days by inserting a sponge just before the date and have told me that a large percentage of customers didn't notice Granted these were (for want of a better description) low end agency's and was a few years ago. I think that the industry as a whole has improved in quality sence then .... maybe I an just hanging out with better people :) Loki318
  12. Just my 2 cents worth guys NEVER use cock ring or any thing else that "hurts" down there I am sitting here recovering from urethral reconstruction surgery that was made necessary by scaring in that very area caused by some thing that happened a long time ago. The scaring was the worst the Doc had ever seen and thus couldn't do the whole Op at once so here is sit recover from 1st half; no sex of any kind for 3 months then if I opt finnish it another OP and no sex for at least 3 more months ! Oh the Bday party I am going to have in May LOL Loki318
  13. What sort of nails you need pounded :) I have been carpenter, builder, handi man kinda a Jack of all trades LOL I am not in Halifax but I have been known to visit :) Loki318
  14. I am a joker from Norse mythology that drives a big Chrysler engine ;) Loki318
  15. Students are mostly young and cute Students need money and affection Sounds like a perfict match to me :) Maybe we should advertise for them on the Uni Notice! boards Loki318:lol:
  16. That's cool some things there I would never even have thought of looking for LOL but the "Extra skin". I was once told by an SP "anyone that isn't cut gets wrapped", which I don't think is fair :( yea I know that there can be things hiding under there if not washed but we all take a shower first :) and guys just love to wash that thing especially if he expects to use it LOL ... At least take a look first... "The soaps mine, the water's free and I'll wash as long as I like. :)" Loki318
  17. You might if you were in the Middle East :)
  18. If she knows your feelings and you do ask off the clock she may say yes thinking that she will loose your income if she says no but watch out for the GF and SO type of expenses that come a short time later.... Sorry if I am coming off a bit cynical here I am just thinking back a few years and be leave me GF and SO type of expences Help or gifts or what ever they are called add up to a LOT more than your "regular donation"! Man I didn't realise I was this bitter I think a Need a thearipist .....:bddog: Loki318
  19. I am sure that patterns are different for different locals and different ladies, I have always wondered if there is a National pattern? What is your busiest day/night as an SP where you normally work I would think "Touring" would be different. :) Loki318
  20. I am curious as to what "any kind of Sketch" would be ?? Loki318 "keeps his fire engine clean, Its a clean machine" :)
  21. I saw one sp exclusively for a period of ...well many many years ,,, Monday and Thur night every second week some even over nights went out to things dinner movies but never any where too open where we would meet her friends... took a couple of trips together even had a few "meetings" "off the clock" ...even at one time considering moveing, to be closer to her so could spend more time together... I spent a lot of money on this girl and bought a lot of things for her cloths cell phone custom car work and more, then my finances took a down turn very suddenly and just as suddenly she became "busy" and didnt have time to see me as much !!! It was 3 months or more;hadnt seen her at all we had been in touch by email and the occasional phone call ; I called and said I had some extra cash acain, and there was this pause and she asked how much I had and before I answered she quickly informed me that her overnight price and gone up! Well that told me exactly where I stood. I didnt see her that time and havent "seen" her sence but still keep in touch... Maybe she will be my recouvery celibration HMMMM :) Good luck with your situation my advice is talk to the girl it has been know to happen but I think you will find a break and play in the field is more what you need :) Loki318
  22. The only one I didnt check was out call to Pvt Residence but I have been considering that as an option lately ... probably wont do it as I live in a very small town with very small minds and very large eyes etc etc Loki318
  23. Man i cant even self-releive !!!! The Surgery is in a "very tender" spot and doc says no exercise for willy for the duration..... That is why the big celibration afterward Loki318
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