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Everything posted by loneskater

  1. If you read the bill, in the part about no advertising it does mention internet. Here is the copy from the bill summary: "© create an offence that prohibits the advertisement of sexual services of- fered for sale and to authorize the courts to order the seizure of materials containing such advertisements and their removal from the Internet;" In addition, as Mentioned By Kathryn in her first post on this thread, Pivot Legal as broke down the amendments and here is their extract about advertising: Provision 286.4: Advertising Sexual Services The bill proposes to ban any advertising of sexual services, stating: Everyone who knowingly advertises an offer to provide sexual services for consideration is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term on not more than 18 months. I don't see anywhere the mention of public places. It is a total ban on advertising sexual services that is being proposed.
  2. If you look at the news section you will find what people think. This section is for newbies seeking/getting advice.
  3. From what I read, and from links explaining the changes in the other thread on the new bill, it is illegal for anyone to advertise sexual services, including individual providers. So beside the fact that Spas fall under the bawdy house law at the present, this new proposed advertising provision affects everyone. The question that remains is: What is considered a sexual service?
  4. Here is the situation. As I posted before we need close to 800 dollars to get the social going. Normally this close to a social we would have at least 25 of 35 tickets sold which covers the expenses for the venue. Right now, we still have less than 10 tickets sold. Only a few regulars have paid for their tickets since I posted a pre cancellation warning last week. We haven't heard from any other gents, therefore we regrettably have to cancel the June 12th social. We are considering options for possibly something smaller especially for travelling ladies that already made plans to be here. For those who have paid for their tickets, we will be contacting you individually, via PM with options in a few days. Note that this in no way changes mistert and my commitment towards organising the socials, and we will post in due time details for a fall social next September. We would also like to thanks, once again, all those that attended the last 3 socials and helped make them a classy evening. Also thanks to the sponsorship from ALO and CMJ. The gifts you provided helped us put on a great event at a very reasonable cost. This also includes all the gents and ladies who provided door prizes. Thank you all!
  5. I did not misinterpret what she wrote. I just disagrees with some of her points. I have been in this business for 33 years continuously ( no breaks), I am single and I have met numerous ladies in Canada and abroad having lived 4 years overseas. I have been friends with a few of the ladies I met and quite a few over the years have confided in me. Those I met that had client issues, were with married men. And I could write quite a few very bad stories including some stalker ones. So yes I agree with you, that Cristy or anyone for that matter can express heir opinion as long as they are respectful, that also includes me. And anyone, including myself are entitled to disagree or have a different opinion without being told we are misinterpreting others, just because we think differently. The purpose of having discussions is to see different opinions or their wouldn't be any point in discussing issues. Note I did talk about stalker's in my initial post, which I believe that fits pushing boundaries! Maybe all I said should have been quoted not just part of it.
  6. If married men are more likely not to get attracted then why is the divorce rate so high in this country? I wonder if the stalkers in this business are all single? I view this as a business. It doesn't change facts of life that many men are attracted to women and that attraction is usually not based on type of work the lady does. Another point I doubt men whether single or married would repeat with a lady if there wasn't a connection including some attraction. What is best for the business: repeat clients or someone who doesn't find a lady attractive and see her once so he can add to his trophy collection!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday Carrie! Hope it will be an awesome day!
  8. I am appalled at some responses and attacks the OP is getting for asking a valuable question. I am sure he isn't the only one wondering what to do in this situation. He did not name who the lady was or which Spa was involved so he had every right to ask this question in public. Many have provided great responses which are different on how to handle this situation which is fine. We all see things differently and that is one of the purpose on the Board, to exchange ideas about the business so we can all improve our knowledge of the industry! Maybe some need to be reminded this is not the other board where we attack other members and call them names. For the one that think he is stupid for asking, shame on you and look at yourself in the mirror. You might not see perfection! Nobody here is forced to agree with everyone. However this Board is about respect, learning and not being intimidated for asking a valuable question. DO NOT FORGET!
  9. We will hold a spot for you. Just provide us with an update if and when you know for sure!
  10. If I lived in a condo with such security and I requested an outcall, I would certainly make sure to meet her downstairs, walk in with her so she can avoid all the hassles from security. I believe we should not generalize about places where ladies and clients meet. After all how many SP's/hobbyist do business in condos having such tight security. In addition, its not often places are an issue but its more the people themselves and how they work around particular situation to make things simpler!!!
  11. Maybe the question should be reversed and say why u do not write a recco? Having been in this business for so many years I am now more incline to repeat often with a lady I like. If u write a recco every time, when you have seen a lady more than 10 times , exclusively, on a very regular basis it will appear as you are shilling since not many are that regular. At least not many talk about being that regular as they are usually not the type to brag. In addition a lady's reccos have significance if they are written by many, not just the same guy. Finally what is more important, having someone write a recco, move on to the next one on his to do list, and wirte a similar recco or having someone show his appreciation by being a regular? Its all about what u make of it!
  12. Shocking title isn't it! Unfortunately this is something mistert and I have started discussing. At the last social in March, we had told many the next one would be in September. However many ladies and gents started posting about a summer social and we started planning this next one on June 12th. The response form the ladies has been awesome as posted by mistert we already have 35+ ladies that have requested to attend. Unfortunately response so far on the gentlemen side has been very slow, with only 5 tickets paid for so far. At this rate we will have to consider cancelling the social by the end of next week. We posted the budget for these socials last September and it cost over 800 dollars for the food and drinks at the venue, which must be paid in advance. we just can't hold off too long if the money isn't there. Gents remember we have travelling ladies attending and they plan their schedule around these social. Would not be great if we did have to cancel. Therefore those interested that haven't been in touch yet please do so before the end of next week. BTW in previous socials, none of the ladies have left with men's parts unless they were still attached to them so come and meet the lovely ladies. for some it will be their first social. Hmmm 35 ladies, mistert and I, my place is available maybe a private party! lol
  13. And since the city of Ottawa has limited giving new licences since then, most likely the list is shorter by now!
  14. When I lived on the East Coast, I met a lady who would have hard core porn playing on TV during the session. It was a tremendous turn on. She would start it when we would moved to the bed and start foreplay. Hard to describe the feeling but its like the adrenaline rush you get from anticipation. As you are being kissed all over, your eyes wonder towards the screen where the action is most likely further than foreplay. It gets both your upper and lower brain very excited. Once you both decide to move past foreplay, then you forget the porn movie is on. It was an awesome experience and one I would love to repeat. One suggestion I would make is to have the movie set to a point where it is ahead of where you are in action. The opposite might have an adverse effect on the mood. Also don't have it on to soon unless you don't care about regular chit chat!
  15. Happy Birthday gorgeous! Hope you are having a most wonderful and memorable day!
  16. Hmmm which cupcakes are we talking about lol
  17. I been on this board for many years and this is a subject that seems to pop up this time of year when business tends to be a little slower. I do recall a few years ago mod mentioned he did not want to see "street prices" on the board. I am sure if someone was advertising 100 an hr prices on CERB and he was made aware of it he would probably look into it. However this is something the OP would have to do as I haven't seen ads here at 100 hr. I saw one lately at 60 for 15 mins and that was BJ only. That's the lowest rate I seen on CERB for a long time. Responses on this thread have been great and I don't want to repeat what has been said. Just like to emphasized, we all have a budget we must respect however when seeing a lady, rate isn't the main consideration in most cases. Some choose to be Baskin Robin clients and want to see different girls each time they play. Their choice and surely they see ladies in different price range. Others prefer seeing a lady on a regular basis and that will be driven by connection and personal factors not by which lady is the cheapest. Finally there are those who don't care, excuse the expression but that say: "a hole is a hole", who will always bargain for a cheaper deal and will see the lady who offers the lowest price. Nothing anyone can do or say will change them. Just remember there are many of us who aren't like that!!!
  18. You are talking about 2 completely different things and experiences. If you go to a club like CMJ or other Spas, you will be seeing an MA. The experience with an MA differs completely from an SP So if you are looking for SP services (i.e. Bjs and Full service) you won't get those in the clubs. Therefore before you ask your question you should decide if you would like an MA experience. Then you could ask the difference between seeing an Indy MA and one that works in a club. Right now your question is like asking to compare apples and oranges!
  19. An awesome evening! I would like to add our special thanks to ALO for sponsoring this great event by providing door prizes. For the lucky winners, I will be contacting you later today, via PM, with further details. Thanks everyone. Time to get some sleep!
  20. Why bother sleeping. Lets start partying now!
  21. Happy Bday! Have a most wonderful day and a great trip!
  22. I am not to found of rumors, but I have heard, from a reliable source, that Vitto is getting something special at the social. Apparently, it's round, has a shaft, is wrapped and tastes like bacon!!! hmmm wonder what it could be???
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