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Everything posted by Kubrickfan

  1. I think the ladies actaully like guys coming in alone. I've heard its easier to walk up to the table, and the guys going in by themselves are more likely to be buyers.
  2. Sheesh YS ... get a room. :lol::lol:
  3. I think the pressure most guys who are married go through is "negative pressure." Wife has no interest whatsoever in sex or intimacy ... zip, zero, nada. That's why finding ladies here that seem to have a genuine interest in those things ... that goes beyond financial ... is really a lot of fun. Also, you know ... remember ladies ... there is still some pressure to do a good job when we are with you all! :roll: ;-)
  4. For most of the gentlemen that participate in this forum, it is precisely because you and many of the other ladies on this forum possess those qualities that we like to spend time with you! Keep the faith.
  5. Agreed ... manners has very little to do with education in my experience, but those with good manners usually receive an education in good manners, combined with a polite and kind personality.
  6. Very sorry to hear that ... I can't imagine writing to a lady in that manner. You wonder how some people were raised. Of course, there's that other thread discussion where an SP apprently was offering to allow customers to "dump a load in her mouth" for some bargain basement price, so unfortunately there must be a market for that sort of thing. :roll:
  7. I am starting to ask the same question ... there are some stunning pictures of ladies that limit their services to massages. I wonder if there is somewhere on cerb or elsewhere a general faq on massages without associating it to any specific lady as that obviously is problematic. I started to write a long post, but I dont want to take this thread off topic. I'll start another one.
  8. As to buying drinks, I would just take it at face value and keep it relaxed and low key. If a lady asks me to buy her a drink, I probably will, but I will probably also explain to her, very politely, whether a dance is in their future or not: "I'd be glad to buy you a drink, but: [choice A] I dont think I'll be going for any dances any time soon, [choice B] I'm waiting for another lady to come out." Even if she then declines, I would probably reiterate to her that I 'd still be glad to buy her a drink and talk for a few minutes or have it delivered to wherever she is going next. And always, always, always, and with a smile, "thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself." I'd rather come to the club with extra funds for things like this ... the ladies and management then see me as polite, a buyer, and a safe customer.
  9. I think Barbs used to serve food from the Glue Pot Pub right adjacent to the Club. The food wasn't bad at all, and on quite a few occasions I shared an order of fajitas with a couple of the dancers (these girls always seemed to be starving mid-evening). Heck, the cocktail waitress would even give you a receipt from the restaurant. Now all you can get are mediocre pizza and crummy looking sandwiches from a take out place, and it usually shows up lukewarm or cold. Anybody know what happened? A couple of the dancers told me that the owner (who is apparently not the nicest guy in the world) probably wasn't getting enough of a cut from the restaurant and moved the business elsewhere, even if it tastes bad.
  10. +1. Most definitely. I haven't seen Jenny in a while, but Leah (the shorter blonde ... usually ... smile) has a gorgeous backside. BTW, Maude at Barbs is wonderful as well.
  11. Definitely NOT you sweetie ... sorry for any confusion, and I hope to see you in the new year!
  12. Emma is in the top ten as well ... and at over 13,000, well on the way to filling up Scotiabank Place! :-D:-D Sheeesh ... and i'm lucky to get a couple hundred views on a review. ;)
  13. Thanks YS ... great idea. Oh, and one other "con" (smile) .... ladies, pleeeease dont have your husbands or boyfriends respond to your e-mails. I caught one doing that once, and I felt like I had to go take a shower afterwards. :>)
  14. Congratulations as well. Wow ... almost 79,000. I'll be watching the Vikings and Bears play tonight, and its going to be hard to believe that more people have viewed this reccomendation thread than will likely be in Soldier Field tonight. :shock: I guess that's good business, but us guys should start to get an idea how tough it can be for some of these ladies when they are as popular as they are.
  15. To understand my awkward encounter requires a basic understanding of animal behavior in terms of dominance. In many species, I recall learning in college that one animal exhibits "dominance" behaviour over another by exhibiting "preening" behavior immediately in the vicinity of the subservient animal. By preening, I mean licking their bodies, picking though their hair/fur ... that sort of thing. You can see it on display pretty readily at the monkey cage at the zoo. Bearing that in mind ...ahem ... one night I was at Barbs and my usual, almost exclusive dancer (call her "J") didn't seem to be around. Another dancer (call her "M") came over and politely introduced herself (as they always seem to at Barbs) and I told "M" that, although I was waiting for "J" to come out, she was welcome to have a seat and I'd buy her a drink and we could pass some time. "M" agreed and the drinks were delivered. Not three minutes later, "J" comes out, sits down at the table, and starts furiously combing her hair and filing her fingernails right in front of "M" without saying a word to either of us. It was certainly awkward for M, but it was all I could do not to burst out laughing.
  16. As to the pros and cons, the sex is certainly nice. ;-) Especially when I'm with a lady that seems to be genuinely enjoying herself. Probably the thing that I have found the most fascinating is that I have met some really intelligent, interesting people that have shared with me some really different outlooks on life and have challenged my pre-conceived notions on lots of topics. Granted, there are some noticeable exceptions to this (uggh ...), and some people are as shallow when you get to know them as you think they are. "Hobbying" for me is probably the most intense thing I do outside of my family life. It enlivens the senses and the mind. Its something I do rarely (when I'm in Ottawa on business, which is a few times a year now), and I'm going to keep it that way. For that reason, I would rather spend that time with an Annessa, Charlotte, or Sydney Lacroix (or from OPG, Trish or Kayla). They will stimulate my mind as well as my naughty parts (smile). As to cons, lets just say if its someone new and they show up at my door with an indifferent, "lets get is over with" attitude, I'd prefer the just take the money and get out. Fortunately, that just happened once, but I was able to connect up with Annessa later on the same trip and everything was good again (yeah!). The other "con," which I'm a little more reluctant to talk about, are the times I send an e-mail or PM, usually after a visit with a lady, usually to thank her, and I dont even get the courtesy of a polite, short response. I will probably still contact that lady or agency, but if they do it enough they may not hear from me. For me, its as much about having a sense of a casual friendship (if not an actual friendship) as the physical activity.
  17. I wouldn't hesitate to give a reference if one was ever asked for, but usually I try to put enough information in my introductory e-mail to the SP to try to make them comfortable, including my name on the other board. I have never yet been asked to provide a reference. One thing I was asked for, as a condition for a visit, that I will not give out is a photo ... no way. I think what drives the ladies absolutely nuts are the one or two line inquiry emails from unknown clients indicating an interest without providing any background information. Then the lady has to go through all the effort to investigate if she'll even bother to do so. I try to make the SP feel safe from the first time I make contact until we depart after our time together. I think that guys who go out of their way to try to do the same are likely to get fewer request for references and other such things.
  18. I have been PM'd a few times directly by members of this forum asking for references, but I would never ask a lady for references to her clients, and I would certainly expect that she would not share that information (even under my cerb handle) without my permission. Usually there are enough reviews here and on the other boards to make a decision, or if you are using an agency you can rely upon the agencys reputation and recommendations. I can see SPs asking for references from clients they are unfamiliar with for safety reasons, but this seems backwards to me. andflemcol -- Did you mean a client seeking references from an SP's past client about the SP, or did you mean an SP seeking references concerning a client she is considering seeing?
  19. CK -- Thanks for starting this thread and best wishes and Merry Christmas to everyone!
  20. Hey dark ... if there's a lady you like, you can use search to find her personal cerb page and you will then be able to find photos of that lady in the section entitled "albums." Hope this helps and welcome. Sorry Annessa for the sidebar.
  21. My goodness ... how could I forget mentioning Charlotte! Charlotte is a perfect example of a bright, very, very well spoken, classy SP that is just a ton of fun to spend time with. I have been fortunate to see Charlotte in a variety of settings, both more formal and less so. I would be perfectly comfortable having Charlotte next to me in one of my business meetings when I'm in town. At the same time ... ahem ... let me just say that Charlotte had a photo posted while back (maybe a year and a half ago)with her in a duo with another FKS lady that was probably the hottest photo I've ever seen on cerb. :-):-) Unfortuantely, our trips to Ottawa haven't matched up in a while ... hope to see both her and Annessa is an upcoming visit after the holidays.
  22. I agree completely ... although I have never had an encounter-free session, the conversations I have, and the intimacy and the comfortableness that those conversations can help create, definitely make for a better overall experience for me and the lady involved. Not to mention the simple enjoyment of an exchange of ideas with an interesting, intelligent person. Sure they not always that way, but I'll never consider it a postitive experience unless there is some sort of level of understanding. When I am in Ottawa visiting, it can be terribly lonely outside of work ... you go into that hotel room, and the door closes, and its very quiet, and you dont know a soul. And good conversation makes all the difference. Examples of ladies I have seen in Ottawa that seem to sincerely enjoy the conversation include Trish and most recently Kayla (OPG), Annessa, Charlotte (FKS), Sydney Lacroix and Cameron. But in an hour session, it is rushed. That being said, a suggestion: Possibly the ladies can suggest that sort of session ... for instance, half conversation and half intimate time ... at a reduced rate. It could even be combined with a quick meal/lunch/roomservice (paid for be the client, of course). Especially in the market right now, and at least with clients the ladies can trust to keep to the bargain, this might be a win-win.
  23. SA -- Welcome back as well. Can only speak about Barb's ... I visit there at least once every time I'm in town. Just the right size, friendly people for the most part, and lots of great looking ladies.
  24. Not to take anything away from our wonderful Annessa or any of the other ladies, I would like to put a plug in for one other lady that I had the opportunity to meet duing my trip to Ottawa earlier this week and that is Sydney Lacroix. Sydney is formerly a principal member of French Kiss Society out of Montreal and is now working as an independent, making occasional visits to Ottawa. Obviously a very well spoken, friendly and worldly lady and we had a great time together.
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