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Everything posted by Kubrickfan

  1. Agree with both Annessa and SA. The Delta is a nice place to stay on business as well. Great staff and good rates, but I'd wish they would update the bathrooms a bit which are quite small in the Suites. Rarely you will hit a room with dated furniture, but you can usually get moved out of there. The beds are all new and very comfortable with great comforters. One nice thing about the Delta is that if you are on the first nine floors (I think its nine), there is an elevator down the hall to your left as you enter the building that doesn't require you to pass by the front desk. If a SP wants to be particularly discrete and get to the other floors, they can take this elevator up to the 3rd - 9th floor, go down to the other end of the building, and take the main elevators to the upper floors. I think Annessa will agree that their cheese and fruit plate appetizer makes a great icebreaker!
  2. Poker -- Wonderful reply ... makes perfect sense and I would have felt exactly the same if not worse. Was this a very young lady that maybe didn't know better? That's the only other thing I can think of that would even begin to make sense. Also, and to up the ante a bit, I think its fair to characterize what she did as facts associated with an SP visit, so I think it would be perfectly resonable to post on this topic (your visit, both the good and the bad) with the SP's name either on here or on the "t" board.
  3. Definitely agreed ... a few more background facts would be helpful here. I just have this picture in my head of Poker spending time with the lady planning the trip, having fun doing that, and then getting there and having her essentially sneak away with a horrible excuse, but that's not a fact-based characterization until we hear more from Poker.
  4. I find myself in the rare position of disagreeing with dummpy and YS. Its not a question of property rights (smile) or fake girlfriends, its a question of respect for the client and honesty. I think the SP owed it to Poker to at least mention to him that she would like to do this during their excursion. After all, he is very likely footing the bill for the whole trip. Go back and read Poker's original post. They go on a trip together and she wants to see the city by herself? I think that's a rotten and disrespectful thing to do to a travelling companion, and its even worse because it was likely a lie. Also, reading between the lines of Poker's post, there seemed to be an expectation of mutual fun and planning associated with the trip, and I really think the SP was playing on Poker's feelings in an unfair way. Frankly, I dont know that I would be opposed to the idea if it was brought up in a spiritness of openess, but to not say anything, and then to offer an excuse that seems contrary to the purpose of a trip, well that's just wrong. We dont have the SP's point of view, so that might change the perception of things. But from a guy like me who treats the ladies he is with like royalty, this is just BS.
  5. It sounds to me like it would help you to gently ask her specifically about this and tell her how you feel about it. That would rest your mind about the issue at hand and make the principled point with her that ... if you are correct ... working at your expense is both unexpected and not appreciated. BTW, I dont think the other guy is your problem.
  6. I remember this as if it was yesterday. I was 11 years old and was at my friends house when the lunar module landed. Then I remember falling asleep while watching the moon walk with my parents. What a great summer it was. I fear that there is an entire generation of people that have no clue what it was like to grow up during the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs. I did have a chance to visit the Kennedy Space Center a couple years ago with my family and seeing the Apollo exhibit, with the full size Saturn V rocket and other original objects, brought tears to my eyes, followed by a really, really big smile!
  7. Agreed. Employees are often the last to know, and from what I've heard about the management of Barb's I dont think they stay awake nights worrying about the ladies. I wonder why more of these places aren't owned by the more experienced dancers.
  8. Wellll, I'm about 1200 miles away, so I'm afraid I'll miss it too, but I've wanted to hear Annessa air out those pipes of hers. She'a apparently quite the Karaoke singer.
  9. I just noticed a posting on the always credible :? stripclublist site that Barbs, the GluePot, etc. are in the the building that held the original Coca-Cola bottling factory in Ontario and it is a "heritage building." Does that mean anything? Its not like I ever saw a "this is a historical site" sign or anything like that. Maybe we ought to send a search team from cerb to investigate and look for that sign in Barbs. I'm pretty sure its back in the dancers' locker room. :>) We just need to bring flashlights and big magnifying glasses ... I'm sure they'll understand.
  10. At least the Strip Club List message board for Ottawa has a posting stating that the development may be for a library a block south of Barbs. That would put it between Albert and Slater, but this may be a separate development.
  11. Barbs is just an all-around great place. For the most part, everyone is really friendly, particularly when you are recognized. Its not really big, so its not at all intimidating, but as the evening rolls along the selection of ladies keeps getting better.
  12. Congratulations! It always feels good to accomplish something like that when the outcome isn't certain. Just remember to do a good job to prove that they made the right decision.
  13. I am coming late to this thread. I hope the guys are reading this thread as its a great set of hints to inspire potential clients to do those things that really make for a special visit with the ladies. Its really no more complicated than to show a bit of empathy and understanding of the person you are meeting with. Read their websites and their postings here on cerb. Its amazing what you will find that can be used as ice-breakers or simply as a was to show genuine interest in the lady as a person. In fact, a poster on this thread that I recently met with again kiddingly scolded me a bit for not keeping up with her postings (smile). Those of the sort of visits that I am interested in having, so this is really invaluable information.
  14. I have never had much success getting anything but voice mail from independents, and that's OK as I dont expect them to be available at all times and they can do an inital screening of callers. I prefer to first have e-mail or PM contact followed up with a call to make sure we are both comfortable. The problem with voice mail is the delay factor ... I'm in Ottawa only for a few days, so if I dont get a call back fairly quickly, I will move on as I dont have the luxury of time. Fortunately, most of the ladies are very good following up quickly. To MandalayBay's point, I think this is one issue where sites like cerb can come in handy for regular posters as hopefully an SP can use cerb history and prior postings as a resume of sorts. Maybe something in the application scared him away, but then he should at least have the courtesy to call you back and decline, or at least have tried to make alternate arragnements.
  15. Sorry, it was Windsor ... not far from the Ambassador bridge. BTW, the second best was Barb's, but if I give too many details if will give away my identity.
  16. Even if it is a marginal call on whether he was saying he was law enforcement, he wins easily on simple creepiness. Ugggh. All I can think is that it is his strange way to try to assert power over other people.
  17. I'd have to say my first time in a strip club when I was in my mid-20s. Jasons in London, ON. Back in the days when $5 table dances were the standard. We drove over from Detroit. I had never seen anything like it. I remember walking in to a place with my buddies that looked like a regular bar. It was dark ... then I noticed the women walking around in barely nothing ... then I noticed the table dances ... then I got some table dances. Then ... 5 hours later ... I left with an empty wallet and a big smile on my face that comes back every time I think about that night.
  18. From personal experience, I know that there are a number of ladies over there that like girls as much (and in some cases more) than boys, so I'm not surprised. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  19. jerican -- Well done. My thoughts exactly.
  20. Agreed SA. BTW, when an agency starts talking about how "busy" a lady is, that causes me to cringe anyways ... I have no desire to see someone that is that busy as its not going to be the kind of visit I'm looking for.
  21. Dont forget Lea at Barbs! (shorter blonde)
  22. Cato's experience sounds very similar to mine in April ... I wont re-hash the issue (see my earlier posts), and again I had a very nice time with Summer ... but its probably not correct to say that she only has a "no DFK" rule, unless that changed very recently. Maybe Cato could clarify? I noticed the website changed Summer's reference to "GFE YMMV."
  23. Annessa has high heels that have that same dollar sign logo ... and a belt buckle too ... so there may be some truth here. ;-)
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