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Everything posted by slurp

  1. Yes Sabrina was wonderful to send me a PM explaining the above. She titled the PM "Not the right girl" but I'm beginning to think the wrong girl may very well be the right girl! :-D
  2. What? No Giant Tiger there? What is it there, Giant Salmon? LOL :wink:
  3. Check the post in the advertiser section from Redseductress http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11080
  4. No one has seen her? I was hoping to get there today but could not with the short notice. I'll try again tomorrow but was hoping someone would post. she gets very good reviews in TO so I'm not too worried about her, was more interested in if she's staying at a hobby friendly place.
  5. I wasn't going to bother replying about the "what's the point" comments but as always I can't keep my big yap shut. I would suggest if you really want to see Connie there's a few things you can do. 1) Watch the ads in the Sun every day and hope you see an ad for "Ultimate Sexy Asian", that would be her. Not good odds, she hasn't run the ad in months, hasn't the need. Plus the guys who call her from the sun are not always gentlemen. She prefers not to place ads any more and currently has no plans to do so. 2) Suck up to a member here who you know sees her and hope he eventually passes on her info ...... but if she's not taking new clients that won't help. Slightly better odds but not so great. 3) Become a productive member who posts accurate and helpful reviews. Then when she decides to take on some new clients you stand an excellent chance of getting her info if you ask. To me this would be your best chance to get her info. Having her info does not guarantee she will see you, she is picky when talking to new clients. but still this is the best way to get her info. I've said this before but I'll repeat for those that missed it. Connie is one of my ATF and we are friends besides SP/client. We're not gf/bf but we do care about each other and look out for one another as any good friends would do. I will only give her info to people after I screen your posting history and/or PMs you've sent me. I try to get a feel for if you're the kind of guy I'd like my friend to spend time with. If you have zero or few posts, or if there are no reviews in your posting history I will most likely decide not to give her info to you. Is it fair? I dunno, nor do I care. It's the method I've come up with ..... good, bad, right or wrong. I really don't care if it costs me friends here, that's not my intent. My main concern is Connie, start and end there. I do apologize if you feel left out but now you know what you need to do if you're serious about meeting this wonderful woman. It's up to you. :shock:
  6. I heard she's only there a few days here and there ......
  7. Not that I'm aware of, outcall only ..... since Paige has moved to Stittsville I guess that's your closest fun ... or the cute redhead in Carleton Place . Be sure to share if you find anyone
  8. Dorinda, do you have an incall location in the valley or only when you visit Ottawa?
  9. Can someone ask this chick if she used to be in Brockville?
  10. I spoke to Connie and she has stopped taking new clients until further notice. I will try to post in the courtesan section if and when she gives the ok again. Thanks to all who inquired.
  11. I spoke to Connie and she has stopped taking new clients until further notice. I will try to post in the courtesan section if and when she gives the ok again. Thanks to all who inquired.
  12. The sign is in front of "Ye Old Apartments" or something like that. Also says her name is Terri and the sign has the phone # on it ..... just drove by there 3 times in the last 2 days LOL
  13. Can't believe no one has posted a review yet ...... anyone? How does Jayda compare to Suri?
  14. Nichole is at Queen Spa, ad in Sun
  15. That's the one Nichole is at.
  16. That's not what I was lead to believe ....... :lol:
  17. I've seen that sign for a few years and called last year just to see as my back was hurting and wasn't worried about an ending. Friendly woman said "they" (implying more than one?) were booked and usually best to make appointment. I mentioned was driving along and saw sign and she said no harm taking a chance to see if they had an opening. I would guess xxfree01 is right, wouldn't expect a lot in that place but ya never know when you click and get a surprise. I wasn't curious enough to call back even though I get by there often.
  18. 180 Holland is not where you find Nichole. Wasn't aware there was an MP at 180.
  19. Been seeing Nichole for a bit there, agree she is one of the most beautiful and sensual asians in town. Where did you see an escort ad for this place? Looked thru the Sun and nothing jumped out at me.
  20. Best way to take forever to cum is to get old :)
  21. I stopped going to SC mostly but all this talk of the NuDen reminds me of a time a few years ago before the walls came down. Super sexy asian girl asked me to bite her ass and then apologized that she didn't let me do more as she thought her time of month was approaching. Sweet girl, last time I saw her (had met her at CC prev).
  22. Joey Heatherington, used to do the Perfect Sleeper mattress commercials among other things. Shit, just popped a woody thinking of her! Thx for bringing back sweet mammaries :boobies:
  23. Every time I see an ED commercial I think an erection that lasts for over 4 hours is actually a pretty good idea!! Not sure if that's a super power but .........
  24. Great review, glad you enjoyed one of Ottawa's true gems. I hesitate to post recommendations of my regs as I might be a bit biased so I'm glad someone stepped up. She deserves the kudos. Thx again for the kind words about a very good friend (and lover) of mine.
  25. Talked to Erica and she said the shower is fine and is clean and used regularly by clients. She said if she forgets to offer don't be shy about asking.
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