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Everything posted by Annessa

  1. hehe great thread ;) well I'll admit I had a bit of a giggle when the GREEKfest came to town ;-)
  2. I would hope it would be of interest to everyone on this board......You are correct however in saying that this is of interest to us SPs (as we already do this secret magic preventative I'm about to tell you about!) so that you too may do the same for yourselves!.....*drum roll*......get tested regularly if you are seeing multiple partners and use condoms! ;) really, there is no magic trick between clients to ensure sexual-health safety. Its what happens *during* our encounters and at our (and hopefully yours as well if you're responsible) by-monthly check-ups at the clinic that does. This isn't a hygiene issue...its a health issue,(i.e. scrubbing in the shower in between clients and not taking preventative action does not decrease ANY risks.... Taking responsibility for your own health does however.)
  3. ahhhck! this makes me grab my chest like guys squirm in the pants when they see pics of dongs getting hit.......she *does* realize that full grown cats have reeeeeally sharp teeth right? that being said i dont think you have to worry....the poor cat is probably asleep and shes just positioning him. people who post pictures of themselves supposedly breast-feeding a full grown cat who would normally rather chomp down on dry cat-food chunks need the attention too much IMO. you can show your friends you have maternal instincts in other ways, girlfriend. yeesh
  4. highlight of last night....celebrating the 2 year anniversary of the night of my first encounter with a favorite regular visiting from out of town over dinner with him and the most excellent play-time after ;-) I feel truly blessed.
  5. I've used melatonin and I have to say its great to get your sleep cycle back on track....i however only use it before midnight as I've heard that any later and you could be encouraging your body to get into the habit of having a later sleep cycle....I could be wrong tho. I could definitely use it now at 4am....this is what i get for having a nap this afternoon |:(
  6. not sure if this one was posted already but this one always gets me good ;-)
  7. My wallet was stolen on the weekend....i received a phonecall today from my mom who said a barhaven highschool had called her and someone outside the school found it and turned it in. Going to pick it up now.....All the money's missing from it but so relieved I dont have to replace all my IDs
  8. hehehe Thats a good ice-breaker! I'll ask him for sure! I'd be interested to know as well.....I think Entourage would make a great premises for a movie! I'm getting caught up on the final season right now on TubePlus
  9. having a good friend help me and my credit-card-less self buy a ticket for me online for a meet & Greet this weekend with Adrian Grenier (Vince Chase from Entourage). I get to meet him!! I'm so excited I cant sleep!!!!!!!!! *breathes into a paper bag* :)
  10. I dunno if its already been posted...but i always post this one on friend's facebook walls (provided they're not actually adopted) on their birthdays....but only if they love LOL cats ;-)
  11. Great thread Alexandra.... I guess one of the great things that i have learned on here is how to only judge someone when I meet them in person (although there are some xtreme cases that show through posts...or people that change after encounters)....However, in cases with some of the ladies especially, I have been temped to form judgments in type...but once meeting them in the flesh have been open up and been humbled to how sweet they can be.......type format can be deceiving but in person encounters are worth their weight in gold. Writing can be easily mis-judged ....so now i *try* not to form an opinion unless there is an obvious problem or I meet someone and have an in-person tiff :-)
  12. On a very recent personal note I have a couple close girl friends that know what i do...well one of their boyfriends broke up with them a year ago and him and I are good pals, but somehow I found out last week that it was spread that we were sleeping together (not the case)....anyway that rumour didn't hurt as much as the one from the same gal-friend that went "oh man....you know shes a hooker right? [to the guy's ex girlfriend] you should go get tested for everything! especially HIV...like RIGHT NOW!"...meanwhile this guy had been with a lot of other bar chicks celebrating his new-found single-ness....but it was especially important that he get tested after all those flings because of the potential that he might have been with ME, an escort. I ended up telling her that if she was still boning the dude in question she should get herself tested anyway and him likewise but it made me wanna bang my head against the wall that they knew he was promiscuous but it only became an issue to get tested when I apparently (but wasn't ) involved. I wont lie....before becoming an escort I had some fun drunken bar flings where I woke up the next morning and went "what was I thinking...no condom?" but my first move wasn't calling up the dude and asking him if he was clean to make me feel better and leaving it at that......it was getting my ass to the clinic and getting a professional to ease my mind. As escorts we not only owe it to our clients to be clean but we also owe it to OURSELVES to not make the same mistakes that alcohol, youth or just plain stupidity involve......we love your bodies gents but we also treasure our own and we treat your bodies with the same respect we would our own. Sorry to vent but we will ensure that your body is safe.....but you have to do your part to make sure we are too.
  13. In the end we all have to be responsible for our own sexual health. Asking an SP to reassure you is not taking full responsibility of your own health....its asking her to reassure you that you're safe, and no SP can do that because we're SPs...not doctors. Best to go get tested regularly if you are having multiple partners (this includes SPs and especially non SPs)..... asking someone if they are sure they are clean and asking for proof is kinda like asking someone if they're lying....or at least it feels like it on our end.
  14. finally getting every last item of back to school shopping done for the kiddo...,,also taking him to Lids and letting him pick out a couple "big boy" hats and seeing him beaming when they embroidered his name on them. Got my nails done finally.....sounds like nothing but its been hell these days trying to get a walk-in...and i was way overdue ;)
  15. I have a real soft sport for the Californian Beringer White Zinfandel...a really sweet rose....great for summer and makes awesome sangria when mixed with some orange juice and melon liquor! I'm also a really big port fan.....my favorite is the 10 year old tawny by Warres....Optima. Anyone who says they hate port will love this one! And i do love a good Gewurztraminer.....yes I'm a girly-girl who loves her sweet fruity smoky white wines :-)
  16. Finding out that one of my favorite (ATF!) clients is Ottawa-bound and will be staying for the month! *jumps up and down with excitement!* :-D
  17. Mamma Cee's on St Laurent has the best selection i find for very realistic wigs and ponytails. a good synthetic wig will cost anywhere from $40-$80 there. and the ponytails are surprisingly inexpensive ($20 or so depending on how big/long/curled etc) if you want any more details on wig shopping in Ottawa feel free to PM me. I know lots of places ;)
  18. good thread. I wear wigs sometimes and guys, an important thing to realize is that there are good wigs and there are costume wigs.....generally with a good wig you can't tell except when you try and yank on someone's hair....which I will add, you shouldnt be doing unless asking politely first! ;)
  19. Breathing glass shards is pretty accurate as to how it felt! I was working there that night and giving a lapdance to a customer...he started coughing a bit and then two songs into the dance so did I....till 4 songs into the dance we were all coughing so hard and uncontrollably we were almost vomiting.....they evacuated the club and we all waited for police to arrive. They found the canister outside and I heard that it was bear repellent but dont quote me, lol someone said that whoever it was sprayed the whole front of the club outside and then drove off leaving the can behind....not very smart seeming as how there are 2 cameras in the front and now their prints are on the canister ;)
  20. RENT Amelie Seven Pounds Monty Python & The Holy Grail Mama Mia Gia Splash Requiem for a dream The Pursuit of Hapiness Peaceful Warrior thers more I'm sure but those are all I could think of off the top of my head
  21. agreed ^ I am in the west and and offer outcalls....many ladies do. (ps. I'm assuming becasue of the new rules that its alright for me to respond in this thread...dont want to seem too self promoting ;-) )
  22. seeing babies with mohawks. seeing a middle-aged man riding a longboard to work in business attire and his dress shoes in hand. finding money that i forgot that I stashed somewhere
  23. Everyone deals with breakups differently...even those that make it seem easy or who seem to be not affected may be hurting inside. Just know that you're allowed to feel sad for your loss and that feeing that hurt may also be a good way to eventually get over it....rather than bottling it up and letting it get to you later. Go through whatever phases you need to to get past this difficult stage and dont let other people's situations dictate how you should feel at this moment......and above all, focus on YOU right now. Remind yourself what makes YOU great and the rest will fall into place. Good luck and chin up!
  24. my love and i started refering to it a "inspection time" since summer started. him: I went to the cottage and may have got some tan-lines me: hmmm...tan-lines you say eh? I should take a closer look without your clothes just to make sure ;)
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