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Everything posted by jerican

  1. Kudos to you Annessa, it took a lot of guts for you to come out like this and it is both a shame and a blessing that you saw this side of your ex-friends. As you go forward in your life the true friends will matter more and more and the idiots who made the below comments will be a well forgotten memory. Great post from a woman I respect more and more.
  2. If possible you are even more attractive to me after saying this!;) I am a very business oriented guy most days, but I have this inner geek core that I refuse to lose! I wasn't allowed to name my kids after anything cool, instead they got gaelic names:-?
  3. Those eyes on her arm keep following me around the room! No matter where I am they keep looking at me...
  4. Nice Post! If only I knew that it was all about gum in my younger bar hopping days!:smile:
  5. Just listened to it Erin, great job and very brave to put yourself out there in the public eye! We talk a lot on these boards about respect and proper treatment and you are out there trying to actually get that for you and your contemporaries...I tip my hat to that as it takes a great person to try and make a difference.
  6. Quite the opposite unfortunately, this years kickoff was cancelled.:-( We usually went to a resort nearish Toronto for three days and had unlimited booze the first night...hence all the craziness.
  7. Met Red again today, have had a couple of stressful weeks at work and wanted a really crazy morning to start my day right. Met her at her home in Carleton Place and as we know each other now shared a nice series of kisses at the door. She was wearing a great set of lingerie and stockings (love stockings) and we chatted for a bit before I proceeded to take some pictures of her for her Red Hot Shots contest. She mentioned at one point that I would probably take better pictures if my pants were off. I of course obliged and continued to take some pictures. She kept mentioning that she wanted to see me naked, Red always makes me feel like a superman, attractive and desirable...I love it! I took my last picture and asked her if she wanted to do any other poses, she said she wanted to do me instead, rest of my clothes were swiftly shed and she proceeded to tease me for quite a while. It has been said before and I will say it again, she is the mistress of oral! I can't even describe the feelings she was generating with her mouth. We switched to 69 and her responsive and tasty kitty was a pleasure to tease and as she had a wave of orgasms I was getting turned on more and more. The glove went on and we started in doggy style, Red is so sexual and we fit together well, she continued to make all the wonderful noises I love so much (she told me after that she was trying not to scream loudly, but I love the light moans and purrs). We switched to mish and shared some passionate time as I nibbled and teased her breasts and kissed like true lovers. I was blessed with some great stamina today and after she had another series of orgasms (with the amount she told me I have to update my average on the SP Orgasm thread I think:-D) I wanted to feel her great oral skills again. Wow is all I can say, her noises, motions and amazing skill brought me to an earth shattering finish and I literally arched my back during it. All stress was literally blown out of me:twisted:. We melted together in an embrace and as we had just finished literally an hour straight of non-stop sex I needed a shower (and a few minutes leg steadying time) to compose myself. Red is a pleasure to talk to and an amazing sexual partner...red on the head definitely means fire in the bed in her case! Thanks for the amazing start to my weekend!
  8. Jeebus Dummpy, I want to go for a beer with you one day just to listen to your life stories!
  9. I have never met you Emma but have often admired your comments or posts on here and the amount of people who care about you further demonstrates what kind of person you are. I lost my mother a few years ago and we were very close. She asked us to remember her for her life as she was close and your poem struck a chord with me that caused me to think of my mother again as she was alive. The best thing I have done since she passed is to hold to her memories and share them with my children. My heartfelt sympathies to you in this difficult time, the memories of those we love live on when we hold them in our heart.
  10. I knew you smoked (because you mentioned it in passing) but I would have sworn you didn't have one the day I saw you or that you were a smoker at all...very considerate and VERY appreciated!
  11. I work in sales as an engineer, we have no HR in Ottawa, the others in my office are even worse then me and at times it feels like we are in a hedonism resort (our kickoffs are ridiculous). You should see some of the comments she has sent me!! If I logged them I could file a major harassment suit!:smile: As mentioned I have known her for many, many years and we are always careful when we flirt...for the most part. She killed me later in the day when she asked me to help her tie up the shirt as it came 'loose' while she was doing something (not me unfortunately).
  12. Cumquat, lately you have lived on CERB simply to post 16 trillion superheroine pictures(not that I mind, they are great!;))...and I thought I knew a lot about comic books!
  13. I actually went to your site and perused all of your pics! The maid ones really caught my attention...:twisted:
  14. I also meant to say that part of my enjoyment visiting here is the quality of this board. Little things like random albums, shoutbox, a great chat client and collectibles like nominations or reputation really add to the experience. We should all take our hats off to the mods and people who crafted and maintain CERB.ca, it is one of the fullest featured boards I visit!
  15. I really, really like the new profile pic Cherry! Very sexy!:twisted:
  16. I am relatively new to CERB and this hobby, but like many things I enjoy I have dived right in and really, really enjoy this community. There are a lot of funny hobbyists, some great experienced ones that share insights and I love reading comments from the SPs and MP's. This place is often a source of entertainment and fun for me and I am really glad we have this playground to share ideas, thoughts, pictures and find quality companions. The issue is I am frequently checking CERB to see what is new, make a comment, look up an SP or just see what is happening. I am seriously addicted and am curious how many others visit as often as I do.
  17. So there is a woman at my work who I have known for nearly 9 years as a colleague and friend. She is very attractive and is incredibly sexual. Over the years we have had byplay, but ever since she came back from maternity leave we have become incredibly flirtatious. She is one of those women that looks better after pregnancy (imo), it suited her and her body benefited from it. She has quite large breasts but her best features are her amazing skin, skin tone, perfect shoulders and long neck. When we see each other she always says hi handsome, or you look sexy today, the occasional hand on my arm or leg. In return I sometimes gently run my hand along her shoulders, compliment her on her eyes, smile or general sexiness. Sometimes we get carried away and start texting with sexual innuendos and back and forth play that is generally harmless but fun. Today as a I walked past her desk (our office space is next to each other) I was distracted by a client e-mail and did not say anything to her. She called over and said 'morning handsome, I can't believe you didn't comment on my choice of top' That stopped me and I went to her desk. She had on a form fitting (but classy) white top that strapped around her amazing neck. She has a pool (and lives in it) so she has this amazing natural tan. I walked over to her (and she made another teasing compliment) and I said I loved the top. She asked me with a mischievous grin why I liked it. It scooped down to lower back and I gently rested my fingertips around her spine at mid back. She immediately got goose pimples and I ran my fingers lightly up her spine, traced her right shoulder, then the left and slowly up her neck to her ear. As I was running my fingers up her neck she arched her back, tilted her neck and her lips parted. I looked down (she was sitting) and I could see her nipples hardening as my fingers lightly traced up her neck. I was quickly getting an erection and said (a little breathless) 'I like the top because it shows your beautiful touchable skin, shoulders and you look incredibly sexy in it' She looked up at me (nipples were very hard and poking through the shirt), my fingertips were barely touching her neck below her ear (I could feel her pulse quickening) and we shared 'that' look. You all know the look, the one that says we should be ripping each others clothes off. A phone rang down the hall and we came back to where we were. My hand went to my side, she took a breath, we shared a chuckle and went back to our day. I did get this message from her though - 'too bad we were at work, who knows what would have happened if we were out at drinks...wanna get a drink later? :)' I have to say my erection took a while to go away...a good (if a little frustrating;)) start to my morning.
  18. Especially when they say with a grin 'hope you don't mind the lack of underwear'. Pauses while remembering the moment with a smile....
  19. Wow, this makes me wish my company had a Winnipeg office I could visit. :smile: Best of luck with it Mandalay, you seem to put a lot of passion into what you do and the people of Winnipeg are very lucky to have you!
  20. I second Annessa's album!, plus any and all of Victoria Jolies...the Christmas one especially! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?u=17627
  21. Well, while he wasn't really getting what you offer (or don't) at least he was respectful...till the last point which is one of the things SP's/MP's seem to hate hearing the most(I should charge you, hahaha!). I am assuming YONI play is his 'cute' way of saying dinner/touching at the Y? Please keep these calls and e-mails coming...they are awesome!:grin:
  22. I have never smoked and really dislike the smell/taste. If an SP smokes in their day to day life it doesn't bother me at all as long as the location is smoke free and they take pains to cleanse the taste. Recently when I saw Grass_Hopper she smoked before we got into her place but immediately went to the bathroom and brushed/gargled (without me asking)...that showed she was thinking about my preferences and I did not taste any lingering smoke...err.. taste....it was appreciated and added to the feeling that she wanted to make me happy...and she did!
  23. Gad I love a small grabable waist like that!
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