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Everything posted by jerican

  1. If I had never met you and you were severely different from a picture or description that may affect my decision, but if I had seen you many times and enjoyed our time what is a change in hair length? A regular, I would assume since it is how I view it, would be looking for the experience you offer, I can't see how hair length affects anything unless it is a fetish.
  2. Blergh, how could we last any time at all if TWO oral specialists were going nuts? (pun intended!):lol: Be fun to try though!
  3. Hey 35 is great...I should know:). Much happier and healthier in my thirties then ever before.
  4. God Speed Mandalay! The horribly rude city of Toronto (I know I am generalizing) will be lucky to have you! Best of luck in your happy future!
  5. I hear that, I stopped due to mucho money being spent for no satisfaction and now all these shootings lately. Another good reason to stick with a trusted SP or MA!
  6. Just about to say this! Great Reco, Miss House has been on my radar for a while and this certainly helps!
  7. A truer statement has never been uttered!:-D
  8. I have to give you props for toftt when you are usually a massage guy, I would have stuck with a well recommended SP (and I did for my first...umm...all of them:roll:), sounds like a new potential gem!
  9. Yeah with 19 hours of sex you can have your own porn fantasies! (yes I am jealous!:grin:)
  10. Aha! Now that is how it is done! There I was just posting when I have a comment to make! Dohh!:lol:
  11. Since I am still in my new and must see everything phase I am hobbying way more then I should. I can afford it per se, but the money could be invested/saved instead. Luckily I only have a few more on my 'list' that I need to see. Then I will slow down and see a few semi-regularly (I think). I agree with the others, Once I settle down I will choose to spend a long session with a really stellar SP once a month (twice if the bonus gods are good) and just have amazing encounters I can think about till the next time. I just thought of what I have spent in the last 3 months and...yikes... But having said that, I have severely cut down on other costly habits that could have drained finances as well as found ways to make money(no more strip clubs, stopped going to and losing poker tournaments, sold my spleen and liver).
  12. This Sasha Grey?:smile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxb7b0jGZvc
  13. My favorite for a long time is Katsuni...Dummpy you would love her :twisted: I always tend to prefer the Asian porn stars if I happen to watch...
  14. I echo that, except I am a morning person and only weekdays...time of month tho' matters not.
  15. What the deuce? No Emma Alexandra yet? Must rectify this glaring omission! I haven't met her yet, but sure plan to this summer! **edit** Missed Cloes update, but had to post this pic!**
  16. Agreed and because it hasn't been said in nearly 5 posts Annessa has one of the best asses I have ever seen..she really is stunning and crazy sexy/sensual.
  17. this one is great, all you need is a working e-mail address (and that is not terribly hard to get), no CC, no nothing and ton of streaming videos, pictures, cams you name it. http://www.myfreepaysite.com
  18. jerican


    Love your eyes, they seem to be promising all sorts of evil yet fun things.;)
  19. sigh..reminds me I have to see her again soon! Great rec boner!
  20. Smallest thong ever? Nice. THanks for the Canada Day treats Seymour!!!
  21. Or a 3G (or any internet) enabled smartphone. The mobile view is really quite good. Full forum viewing, replying and even private messaging is in place. I am continually impressed with the enabled functionality CERB has...it really is superb especially considering it is a fringe subject so to speak. I have seen many mainstream boards with probably much higher usage stats that have half the functionality. I am addicted to viewing this board as much for the ladies as the adult and fun conversations we enter in.
  22. I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if hundreds of men suddenly cried out in dismay, and immediately started growing goatees.
  23. So goatee good if it is soft? I know you are here for the summer so your opinion will be important!;)
  24. That is my issue as well, without facial hair I may even look 11! Plus my old look was the soul patch...it took someone saying I looked douchy to grow the full goatee...
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