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Everything posted by jerican

  1. Lucy Liu - She makes me weak in the knees...plus she could probably kick my ass and I like that for some reason Kristen Bell - Veronica Mars started it, but her personality and crazy sexy looks seal the deal... Michelle Pfiefer - started when she was catwoman in Batman Returns, she is my longest running list member, never wavered on this one...
  2. gahh! Now I see why you guys rave about her (and I will have to try to experience in person as well I think). So hot reading it from the womans point of view!!! Amazing writeup Sophie! You should start an erotic literature thread!
  3. I have never entertained the idea of bringing an SP on a trip, but if I did and paid not only for the trip but their time I would have expectations. This is where I disagree with some of the other members. If it is a paid trip then you are expecting that person to be your companion on all legs of the trip. If you book an hour or a half hour, generally all you want is the sexual aspects of this persons time. If you book extended sessions, full days or multiple days (trips) you are looking for someone to be with you, a fantasy whirlwind experience for the length of your time together. If they want alone time then I would hope that was accounted for in the negotiations when arranging with the person. I know this has all been said in the past but we should look at this thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13242 I am sure we all have friends who would love a free trip, I am sure you could even hook up on the trip, but when you choose to bring a courtesan (and they agree) you are not looking for a friend, you are looking for a devoted GFE without any of the negative aspects that a real SO entails at times. And yes as stated you should move on, a little wiser perhaps, and if you choose to do this again set the groundrules ahead of time as suggested by the ladies who posted.
  4. At least the newbies thought about a name...when I joined I thought I would read a few things then never come back, definitely not post...so I chose a crappy name that is a mix of ones I use on other 'mainstream' boards. Now I visit daily (and post a lot) and curse my board name that means abso-freaking-lutely nothing! Now I generally just wonder what I would choose if I were to have thought about it at the start.
  5. Wow...we completely hijacked this thread with memories...I think the original question was 'would any SP's consider this?':smile:
  6. 5ish? Yikes...I guess the right incentive would help...but that is soooo early! Although I am hit hard by the morning wood (the guys know what I mean) so maybe first thing is not so bad!;)
  7. My worst time ever was in the winter parked somewhere, I am 6' she was 5' 10" and we kept bumping our heads, legs not finding enough room, etc...we finally got in the groove when the RCMP knocked on the window...they were tinted so he had a minimal view, we got dresshedish and lowered the window. He warned us that off the parkway is not the best place to 'park', asked her if she wanted to be there (they always do) and moved on. Since the mood was dead and we were kind of in pain from being cramped we headed home...kinda ruined the mood and inclination going forward for car sex.:?
  8. Morning all the way! Not only is my work schedule more accommodating of mornings (my meetings are afternoons usually) but I am generally hornier in the morning. Plus, call me selfish, but I like being the first of the day.:)
  9. Congrats as well Seymour...I also greatly appreciate the daily doses of hotness you track down for us. Your recommendations are also very helpful and interesting to read. For the next 2000 you could perhaps focus on Asian themed pics? ;-)
  10. I like to see what I am doing as well. Natural light filtering through blinds/drapes is the best! Part of the reason I like mornings ;)
  11. Can't agree more, as soon as I see a la carte prices I move on.
  12. Hope she doesn't mind me linking to this, she is touring here in August and I am really happy I am going to get to see her. Now that is a truly amazing behind!
  13. Wow! Beautiful breasts indeed, especially your amazing nipples! Thanks for pointing us to your pictures.
  14. I just saw that! Unfortunately time and budget is working against me next week:-(...August for sure though!
  15. Congrats on the Elite status Whatsup!! I hope to be there...err..eventually!
  16. My thoughts exactly...although Emma's have spoiled me a bit...large naturals with amazing nipples...gahh...
  17. From the moment I started on CERB I noticed Emma Alexandra, it wasn?t just the accolades (they were great), the amazing recommendations (they were inspiringly sexy), but it was mostly her sense of humor and personality on the board. I will not lie her beauty and ample breasts were also something I was very keen to experience first hand. This will be long as much debauchery was stuffed into 2+ hours?:twisted: Knowing she was summering in Ottawa I waited until the time was right and after a few PM?s setup a time we could meet for a couple of hours. I am a morning person so arranged to meet her at 9am and brought a fresh fruit breakfast and coffee (I was happy she was a fellow coffee lover). Arriving slightly late (sorry Emma) I entered her very, very nice apartment downtown and was greeted by the lovely Emma. She was wearing, a vest style top that strained to cover her beautiful, tanned, natural and very large breasts and a little white mini skirt. Chatting, sipping and snacking I really tried not to stare at her chest. Having some friends with large breasts I know they don?t like them always being the center of attention so I made lots of eye contact?by God those eyes. As I looked into them I knew I was in for some naughty trouble. Finishing our snack she walked me into the bedroom and asked me a question (conversational type stuff) and as I answered she started kissing my neck and undressing me, her body pressed tight against mine?sufficed to say I lost my train of thought completely. Moving to the bed we staring kissing passionately and that was my first experience with her tongue?ye gad why don?t more rec?s talk about that tongue? Probing, delicious, strong, long, her tongue on various parts of my body makes me hard just thinking about it?where was I? Yes after kissing for a bit I couldn?t help myself, I started kissing down her chest, well she was more then happy to free her beautiful, soft, wonderful and large breasts. Did I mention yet that her entire body is an erogenous zone? Kissing her neck gave her goose pimples, kissing, sucking and licking her nipples was causing her to twitch?I swear she almost came as I was flicking my tongue across her amazing nipples. I know now I am going to have to book a submissive session with someone, because as I was sucking her nipples (and flicking my tongue across it while in my mouth) she was pushing my head against her chest harder and harder with her hand. I found it so hot that she wanted more pressure, more action and took it into her hands somewhat. I am a nipple man?can anyone tell? I wanted to move on to the rest of her body, but she seemed to be enjoying what I was doing so much I lingered until she put her head up breathlessly and told me she wanted a turn, ?no more breasts for you until I have your cock? is a direct quote I think. My turn as she flipped me over and started kissing me all over, raking my body with her nails, holding my arms down for a bit and driving me crazy. She moved down and proceeded to give me a mind blowingly amazing bbbj, that tongue of hers literally stroking my shaft as she sucked, teased and licked me. Have I mentioned her eyes? As I watched I could see these wickedly sexy and sinful eyes just staring at me. She was driving me crazy and I was lasting quite a while but wanted more and told her I didn?t want to cum yet, her answer, ?you can cum again?don?t worry?. With a few hand movements I was finished?it was amazing, I lost all ability to even talk for a second. Cleaning up we took a short break for fluids. Knowing myself I was sure I was done for the day, when I last a while on the first go I am usually done for at least a couple of hours?especially when it was as strong as it was?but I had a good amount of time left that I could spoil her body?and that was great with me. Getting back to bed I sampled her breasts again for a little while but really, really wanted a chance at tasting her sweet kitty. I am not sure how long I spent down there, but between my licking, sucking, flicking and teasing she came quite a few times, my beard was wet with her juices and to my surprise I was hard again, ?get up here? she says...yes ma'am! Just need the right inspiration (the outrageously sexy Emma) and I guess I am a superman! Bringing my cock to her mouth she proceeds to give me another amazing bbbj, this time I am also able to experience her breasts teasing me as well. It was incredibly sexy and after a while I was getting so hot and bothered I told her I had to fuck her?with a teasing voice she said ?you do, do you?? The condom went on and I entered her missionary, it was like?I don?t even know how to describe it in words. The passion, the sensuality, the desire all boiled up and we went at it for some time. We stayed in missionary, but between her legs wrapped around me (so strong!), shifting angles and different types of motions (fast and hard or slow long teasing strokes) it seemed like many different positions. Being my second go I was being very resilient and eventually flipped back over and she teased again with another amazing bbbj. Still being resilient Emma and I took matters into our own hands (literally) and masturbated ourselves?her with a great toy that she balanced against the bed. This freed her up to run her breasts over me while kissing, nibbling and teasing my chest while her hands stroked all over. It was so hot watching this sexy women writhing against me. I finally came again and felt completely, totally and wonderfully drained. We chatted for a bit and after I cleaned up with a quick shower I realized that from the moment I walked in I was completely comfortable. Generally I have some jitters, but Emma had this knack for getting me into the moment and she is genuinely interesting, worldly, funny and one of the sexiest women I have ever met?bear in mind ymmv but I feel we clicked and it showed in our intimacy and level of passion. I had an amazing time and count myself lucky to have sampled the one of a kind Emma Experience. I cannot wait to see her again, I may try a duo with her and Miss Cloe now that I have met them both?but could I even handle it? I am sure willing to try!8)
  18. Great reco and a great birthday it seems Cumquat!! I know who I am calling next april! :)
  19. But I thought T'Storm said beer? Heyoooooo!:lol: (I am here all week as well folks!)
  20. Oh and please, please, please add all recommendations to the recommendation section! I see many reco's for MA's in the massage section, they should be (imho) in the recommendation section as well. It is the first place I look when looking at a new SP/MA and more entries the better.
  21. Ditto! I have been looking at the poly group stuff..but I hate sharing!:wink: Seriously though an Annessa + Pretty Paige combo may erase that thought for the sheer sexiness factor... I can be crazy and in college had some retarded nights that I barely remember but it was generally one offs, not groups and spaced apart somewhat. I feel so vanilla now!
  22. Spent a couple of hours with Emma this morning and I was starting to write the reco...but I need to take a knee for a short while. It was outstanding and I need to compose my thoughts (and drink some more water) ;) before I write something that does the experience...the Emma Experience justice. but..WOW is all I can say for now....more to come (since I couldn't possibly anymore) later.
  23. /Start Public Service Announcement This thread has been inactive for a while but as this is a recommendation board I think it bears re-opening...especially (not to be insulting) since there have been some odd and minimal entries lately A few tips for writing recommendations in my humble opinion: Before we start on writing recommendations have the courtesy to ask the SP/MA if they even want you to. Some don't and others don't mind but don't like graphic details or ask you to omit some things. Respect will get you much better experiences and respect in recommendations is a must! Search the recommendation section before you start and add to existing ones for the SP you saw if they exist. The more reco's an SP has the more likely someone is to want to see them, if they are all one-offs they are nearly useless. If you enjoyed yourself help them out by adding to their renown. Be clear in the options boxes as to what the SP offers standard. If you know her and she may do extras for you, list ymmv, but definitely list all the biggies. Most people will look at that list to see if they offer what they want....a good example for me is bbbj, if I see it is there then I am more keen to look at them. Details are good, even if they are minimal and somewhat vague. Saying 'it was awesome, I will repeat!' gives nothing of value. Saying she 'kissed like an angel', 'had an ass any man would dream of' or 'gave BBBJ of a lifetime' tells us what we love to know. It does not have to be a novel (though that's how I write them), but details are essential...good examples of short and long reco's that are great in their details: Brief, but all the details you could need in a reco of Shy by dropenwide http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=4312 Amazing detailed reco of Miss Cloe by inaluki http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9244 BE RESPECTFUL, sorry to yell, and not really a problem here, but if you are taking the time to recommend...recommend! Absolutely, positively list their site if they have one. This will fill in the blanks and get pricing and details to the readers. Use your titles wisely, if you Take One For The Team (TOFTT) and post a truly unique reco many people will look at it. If it is titled 'awesome time' or something no one will know who you met at a glance and care. The Title of the recommendation absolutely should be the name of the SP/MA but your thoughts on the experience could be in the headline. This board is a great way for us to experience new adventures and meet great, wonderful and sexy women, let's take some time and use it and the recommendation tool to it's fullest potential. /End PSA
  24. Ahh the memories...I actually wandered into a very happy one reading this...seriously Red your skills are amazing and as I was thinking about it I recall you have many different techniques...all explosively good.
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