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Soleil Sublime

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Everything posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. I think this handsome young man and his beautiful mother are going for a balloon ride soon. WooHoo! :) They're both very fortunate to have you as a friend Chanel.
  2. You said it Zoe! We both rock the strap-on equally well. No ifs, ands or BUTTS about it! ;)
  3. Oh that is so cool Chiboy! Thank you so much for your super kind words and support! Whoever voted for me, THANK YOU! For those on the fence, remember...Manitoba needs to represent! lol And you better call me Liz! ;)
  4. I've always admired your ability to say exactly what you feel Erin. And I've learned things from you too, so please keep posting and I look forward to next 500! :)
  5. Hey Shorty! You be sure to do something really special for yourself today, because girl! you deserve it! :)
  6. As a matter of fact, I did PM Emily! :) I apologized to her for all of this, I gently explained where I was coming from, I congratulated her on her graciousness through all of this and I let her know that my intention was never to make her feel badly. However, and I am very saddened to say this. She is now afraid to post. She said she's been encouraged by others to start threads and respond, but now she's gun-shy, and who can blame her? This really bothers me. Again, I am very sorry for upsetting the wonderful atmosphere that has developped over the years on this wonderful board. All I was doing was trying to speak up for those who were too polite to do so. And I remain steadfast in my opinion. But it's still just a matter of opinion. Some agreed with me, and many did not. But does that mean my opinion of those who disagree with me deserve to be thought of any differently? I say no. I've honestly enjoyed reading all of the opinions of everyone, and have grown from many of them. Again Emily, I am so very sorry that you were unwittingly thrown into the middle of this. You did not ask for it, nor deserve it. Please join us in posting Emily. The rest of us really want to get to know you too. :)
  7. I respectfully hear and understand all sides to this debate and believe me when I say I truly didn't want to start a shit storm. I love being a part of the community here and I did not want to alienate myself as someone who sounds like she's got sour grapes towards Emily. Not at all. I know I won't win, I don't deserve to. My contributions haven't come close to others who have been nominated, but the fact I was nominated tickled me pink all over anyway! And I sincerely wish Emily the very best and applaud her for her time and effort towards those who have communicated with her. I just wanted to clear the air and I mean no disrespect whatsoever to Cato for nominating Emily, and certainly not to poor Emily for being thrown into the middle of this. I really do apologize to you Emily. I realize you did not ask for all this controversy to be surrounding your nomination. But as someone already said, any publicity is good publicity! Perhaps this has all gotten too serious. Anyway, I still stand by my own opinion, but I have a much better understanding of the opposing side and have to agree on many points. In the end, may the best and most valuable SP cerb member win! That's it from me. :)
  8. Ok. Here goes. (wincing) I'm going to do something I've been really scared to do since it's happened. But I'm going to brave and speak up. The fact that true contributors to this board are neck and neck with Erotic Emily is negating the whole point of the Poll and Award. In no way am I attacking you Emily. You are obviously a sweet, friendly, sexy and enthusiastic member here. But to win this award, it needs to go to someone who publically shares their thoughts, musings and opinions so that we all benefit. That was this award is about. To honour the people on here who have put in the time to share with all of us, their struggles, triumphs or even just questions. From my understanding, you haven't been on here long enough to have had time to do any of this. Your private flirtings and advertisements should not, in my opinion, garner as many votes as some of the women on here who we feel we know and can trust from their time here with us. This could certainly come for you with time, but perhaps your nomination should have been held over until you've allowed yourself the time to get to know all of us, not just potential clients. Make sense? We all welcome you to cerb with open arms Emily, but to bear the seal of Favourite Service Provider, you deserve more time to truly earn it. :)
  9. Well please do keep us updated. We all wanna know where you end up!
  10. Hey DotheDoo, I've been a server in Winnipeg and let me tell you the benefits of prairie living! 1.) There are more restaurants per capita, in Winnipeg, than other city in Canada. 2.) Winnipeggers like to eat out, and they tip. 3.) You could rent a 2 bedroom apartment downtown for $750 all included! 4.) Practically no matter where you work, you can walk, ride your bike or take the bus and be there in 30 minutes. 5.) Food in the grocery store is super cheap in Winnipeg. 6.) You can easily buy a little starter home for about 150,000-200,000 with only 5% down. 7.) There's lots to do, especially in the Summer. 8.) If you want to buy a car, we have the cheapest car insurance in the country. 9.) There's an IKEA coming in 2012!!!!! lol I'm sure you're not even considering Winterpeg, but it definitely has its own advantages over other cities. Food for thought, at least? ;)
  11. I could be wrong, but I think Rockstar might be looking for the next 'hidden gem'. Sadly, I don't think anyone new has been rocking the industry here in Winnipeg. However, there are still very professional, reliable, friendly, fit, attractive, enthusiastic and honest providers in Winnipeg. I'm getting a little tired of constantly reading on the other board how brutal and 'bottom of the barrel' it has become in Winnipeg. It's just not true. And it's about time someone said so. I think it's about time someone defended the women who keep appointments, don't answer their phones during a session, accommodate your schedule to the best of their ability, provide fresh and clean sheets every time, take time to set the mood, dress in sexy lingerie, do their hair and make-up after having freshly showered, make you feel comfortable and incredible, providing all the services they advertise, for the fee advertised and no up-sells. I know a few Sps like that and I don't think their phones are ringing off the hook, like they should be. Of course I personally wouldn't know. I'm in Saskatoon this month. ;)
  12. I have no funny picture to give you. Haven't quite mastered that one yet. lol Anyway, have a great b-day!
  13. As some of you may or may not know, I do not watch television at home. I haven't for years. I'm more of a movie-lover anyway, and documentaries are usually better when they're not made-for-tv. But while in Saskatoon, there isn't a whole lot else to do. lol Anyway, I was intrigued enough to catch a show called 'Big Sexy'. Has anyone seen this? It made my heart almost break in half. Never having been a BBW or 'plus-size', I hardly realized the prejudice that exists against big women. Four of the five women are single, so they decided to go to a club. When they got to the door, the doorman made them wait, while letting others in for free, and then finally came back after pow-wowing and laughing at them, and charged them $30 each to get in! The girls rightfully told them to go and F*#! themselves. But their night was ruined! :( They were all trying to just love themselves as they were. But at almost every turn, they were shot down in one way or another. Another example... They try Speed Dating since the BBW Party was a total bust with just a bunch of 'creepy chubby chasers' (their words, not mine). One speed datin' guy admits he would only hook up with a fat girl if he was drunk. The youngest, Audrey who is 24, comes from runway and print model parents. But somehow, she turned out to be 6'3" and 330 pounds. She says she's constantly mistaken for a drag queen. The worst part? She feels unloved and not good enough for her skinny-minny Mother. Maybe it's just because I never watch T.V. and so I'm rarely exposed to this sort of programming. But this show made me so sad for women. I could see that they were trying so hard not to let their sizes get them down. But it did get them down. And how could it not with so much unfair treatment? Anyway, I'm really happy that a place like cerb exists that welcomes and celebrates women of every size. I'm glad this place isn't just all about young, skinny, gorgeous little women. Because if it were, there'd be a lot less women on here! lol
  14. I can't stand Gene Simmons. I like Kiss, but to me, Paul Stanley was always the better showman. Anyway, the only reason he proposed to Shannon is because the producers of their show, likely thought it would be a great ratings boost. Intelligent marketing? Not even close. I saw through it! lol
  15. I LOVE it! Ooh! ooh! And bite my neck too! (Not the kind that leaves marks) In other words...No Draculas!
  16. When you are choosing an SP, look closely at their services and see if GREEK is on their menu. Often SPs offering PSE will provide that service, providing I'm sure you don't have some monster member. lol If their services are not listed, when calling, ask politely if they do GREEK. Good luck!
  17. I'm crazy for Lee! Who isn't? I like Lee because of his big, huge heart. He also has one helluva a sense of ha-ha. :)
  18. Any SP who advertises CID as a way to say they provide bareback intercourse, obviously doesn't give a shit abut herself, or her clients. I'd say to be on high alert for any ads with those abbrieviations listed in the services!
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