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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I would suggest PM'ing people who have posted recomendations for a lady to ask about specific things. I avoided an encounter which would have ended up being a bad situation by talking with someone ahead of time. There's no sure-fire way but if you combine a few of the methods suggested here you'll cut down on problems. that said, sometimes it will just end up being bad, even if they are well-reviewed and the pictures look good, just hope that you have more good dates than bad ones.
  2. I don't have an agency to recommend but from recently doing some research on Montreal myself I have found that most of the agencies do not advertise incalls. If they have incalls that you can only find out about through phone, I don't know, I only checked the websites. So if you're looking for an incall that may seriously limit your options.
  3. There are a lot of sociological and psychological studies on the phenomenon. More attractive people generally benefit in all areas of life, as well as taller people.
  4. I think you owe it to her to go through counseling and quit the hobby, or to leave the relationship now. My concerns are a) if you go through counseling and quit, you can NEVER come back or its a massive betrayal, and b) if you leave the relationship now you might realize you don't really want to hobby anymore, and then you've lost everything. Potentially a no-win situation.
  5. It's fine if you don't like it but I think the photo album has the right to be here. If the SP wasn't aware of the damage it could potentially do to her client base then she likely is now and will decide for herself if she wants to keep the pictures here.
  6. I'm not sure on the policy towards outside links, but I find this website to be quite informative and draws on a much larger sample than a poll on here could: http://www.penissizedebate.com/page40_ideal-penis-size.htm If the link cannot be posted, then just google "ideal penis size graph" and pick the second result. That said, penis length/girth is only one factor in lovemaking and not necessarily the most important one.
  7. I don't really have an opinion of it one way or the other as long as it doesn't stick to me afterwards (no fear of getting caught, I just don't want to carry around a female perfume smell with me). I did spend some time with a lady whose hair smelled like bubblegum once though, and it was heavenly. Some kind of conditioner or shampoo I'm guessing.
  8. I'm not a fan of "blues," but I saw Weezer there last year and that was great. Nothing really catches my eye this year though.
  9. It's a complicated issue. Blaming your actions on drunkenness sounds like a bad thing without context, but based on the case it could be completely true and valid. If a man and a woman are both drunk and have what they both believe to be consensual sex and then the woman wakes up, freaks out, and charges the guy with sexual assault, the law does little to protect the man. Women are assumed to not be able to give consent when intoxicated. My question is, why are men able to give consent when intoxicated? Or is consent not necessary for men to have sex?
  10. Thankfully someone actually has a majority government now, so for better or for worse things will actually happen. I assumed this would happen from the beginning of the election process, and I'm not surprised the NDP replaced the Liberals considering they are a much better opponent for the Conservatives, platform wise, and considering how well Layton presented himself compared to the despised Ignatieff. I expect Ignatieff to be out as Liberal leader within the next 24 hours, as Duceppe has aleady done with the Bloc, and the most likely replacement could be Justin Trudeau.
  11. Thanks for the review, she seems & looks amazing on her site, might have to swing by next time I go to Toronto for a massage. That's too bad about the no-shows, potentially ruining things for the honest hobbyists in town.
  12. I'm 19, and I am more physically attracted to younger-looking women (there are 23 year olds who look 30 and vice versa), and I am emotionally attracted to playful, fun women, so there's no specific age range for that.
  13. As a young guy I can't pick any talented actors since they're all older (Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Johnny Depp) and they're all much too good looking, so maybe Josh Hutcherson would be a good fit. No reason to make a movie about my life though, boring.
  14. I feel like someone should start a "best recommendations thread" with Speedstick's reco as the first feature, that was fantastic.
  15. I'm just starting to come out of my shell sexually as I'm still a very young man, and as such I have only done massage so far and enjoyed it very much. It provides a close erotic experience (especially when the lady kisses) without me having to worry very much about pleasing the lady via oral or intercourse. I plan to continue going for massages, and eventually "move up" to full service with an SP when I feel more comfortable being intimate with women.
  16. I find that this method is well-suited to escort agencies, so i would suggest looking at the websites for the agencies here in Ottawa, and I know some bigger cities like Toronto are very well-represented by large agencies as well.
  17. Very good point. That said, and I don't mean this to sound elitist in any way, but I have pretty specific standards, so I am more constrained by money than by time since there are only a handful of women who I yearn to visit with. And the high turnover is great for people who prefer variety, since there is obviously new talent coming in often.
  18. There's a psychological theory that falling into the "sick role" (e.g. staying in bed all the time, changing diet, habits, etc.) actually encourages your body to keep being sick, whereas not changing your daily routine as much as possible can help your immune system push through. Considering the health risk to your clients though I understand the need to dramatically change your schedule, just letting other people know about the theory, which seems to work for me (although I'm kind of evil and don't mind getting all my classmates sick).
  19. From reading the boards I can see a lot of good reasons for seeing the same MPs/SPs regularly as well as seeing good reasons for visiting a variety of different MPs/SPs. This thread is not a debate about which "strategy" is better. I'm just curious to hear from clients and providers what the different positives and negatives are of the two "strategies." Personally, from my limited experience with MPs, I prefer to experience a variety of different women, and once I have tried out all the Ottawa women who interest me I plan on seeing one or two semi-regularly after that. Pardon the somewhat inaccurate metaphor but I kind of see this like test driving a few different cars before settling on the kind you want to buy. That said, I'm a very shy guy and not good at connecting with people emotionally, and I'm also young so I don't have serious life issues and relationship histories, so the emotional aspect that can be heavily featured in an established relationship between client and provider does not necessarily appeal to me, but I totally understand the value that it can have for others. Bottom line, I'd just like to get some input on how different clients plan their hobbying habits, and what everyone thinks about the two different "strategies" i outlined. Please try to be respectful, there is no "wrong" way of doing it, just different ways.
  20. Just from watching gangbangs on the internet, I would imagine that one of the qualities guys need to have is a willingness to accidentally touch and be touched by other guys and other guys' penises, as well as the offchance that you get any male ejaculate on you. Not sure how realistic that is to real life, but just something to keep in mind considering there will be considerably more naked man than naked woman in the room.
  21. I don't necessarily fall on one side or the other of this debate, but I feel this is an appropriate point to make: If you don't feel comfortable complying with the verification/screening/security procedures an SP uses, whether its because of your job or your personal life, you probably should not be seeing an SP.
  22. Personally I'm a big fan of showering with the attendant and kissing throughout the massage (but I understand a lot of MAs don't offer this for various reasons). It's also nice to have a mirror beside the massage table/bed to get another angle on what's going on. As for how the MA is prepared, I don't have a preference for what she wears as she won't be wearing it for long :P It's also nice to have some music going on in the background, a good playlist can be very relaxing.
  23. One reason is that a lot of MPs have massage training & qualifications and can provide a very therapeutic massage compared to an SP who hasn't taken instruction on it and just does it off of instinct, and if you don't want anything more than a handjob you don't need to see an SP. That said, that is an oversimplification and just one reason.
  24. I think it's important to be accurate and truthful with the pictures but I also understand the practicality in emphasizing your specific features; it's a fine line to navigate. I have, however, un-booked an appointment ahead of time because I found out photoshop was used to cover up something significant. I think the policy of using pictures you look good in rather than changing a picture to make you look good is a safer strategy.
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