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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I don't have a credit card and I only keep a little bit of money in my chequing account so my debit card is basically for emergency purchases. I only pay cash, which means I can never spend more than I have, and it means I actually have to put in the effort to get money if I want to buy something, so I only end up buying stuff that I really really want, or stuff that I need.
  2. To the kids born in the 90s and 00s, eat a bunch of food and do drugs and whatever you like while you're still young because you're going to be up to your eyes in debt from the pensioners, paying $5 a liter for gas, and wearing hazmat suits outdoors to protect from environmental damage when you're grown up.
  3. I got 85, looking forward to 65 more years of life!
  4. I don't believe in unconditional relationships, so if there are any people in my family that I don't get along with I phase them out of my life, as if they were a friend. Life is too short to waste time on people who make you feel bad.
  5. Having a bunch of assignments & exams on the same week. So much stress. Can't wait until the semester is over (and I graduate) so I can book with someone to celebrate!
  6. I need to stop reading this thread because the jealousy gets me so riled up :(
  7. I keep it trimmed most of the time, and every once in a while I shave the balls smooth, just for my own enjoyment haha. I also use shampoo to clean my pubic hair instead of soap as it ends up being way softer.
  8. @sweetshay I generally prefer naturals, but it depends on the quality of the man-mades, some are better than others based on a number of factors. If yours feel as good as they look I'm sure they'd be among my favs :D
  9. I want to spend more time outside this summer so I'm thinking of trying to get a really nice front yard (historically my yard has been really crappy, with a lot of weeds, patchy grass, and a lot of weeds) and maybe do a little gardening as well. I'm wondering if anyone else has an interest in lawn care/gardening and if you can share any knowledge bases, tips, suggestions, etc. It's so beautiful outside!
  10. Honestly I just ignore writing like that. In ads I just look for the basic information like location, services, price. It's much easier to get a sense for personality from normal forum posts, not the advertisement itself.
  11. I haven't done anything too bad yet but I used to crack my neck (like knuckles but much much louder), and one time I pulled a muscle in the side of my neck doing it. It was sore for about a week and made it very difficult to turn my head to the right. I haven't cracked my neck since haha.
  12. I don't think this would be a problem, but it would not hurt to ask in advance, there might be some girls at an agency who like that kind of thing more than others. And if you want to see an independent, ask them whatever you want before meeting, communication is good.
  13. To me, the spa atmosphere feels less intimate because it's not the attendant/provider's personal space. The fantasy that you're spending some nice quality time with a ladyfriend is impossible because you have to go into this public building, talk to and pay a secretary/clerk-type person, and then sit in the waiting room for a minute or two, as opposed to just walking into the apartment/studio and having the one-on-one with the provider for 60+ minutes. In addition, since you're booking time with the spa, and then arranging the details with the attendant/provider, there is room for miscommunication. One time I booked for an hour with the spa, but the attendant thought I had only booked for 45 minutes, so I ended up paying more than I should have. Lastly, from my experience, spa sessions end up costing a little bit more, which combined with the other less desirable features make me extremely reluctant to visit a spa again. There are more than a couple of spa attendants on cerb I would love to see if they were independent.
  14. I always say thank you to service people (cashiers, food people, bus drivers) because I know how good it felt when I worked to get thanked.
  15. I've only partaken in massages, but I'm still incredibly nervous. I've always been a shy person and when you consider it's not just face-to-face contact, but face-to-face intimate contact with a beatiful and naked woman I'm absolutely terrified. However, I'm still young enough that my brain has no control over my loins, so once I get on the massage table/bed I know i'm in good hands, I relax, and everything goes well. I can't imagine the additional stress of seeing an SP where it's an even more dynamic session..
  16. The author writes "How about we stop judging people's physical appearance altogether? Is that so hard?" Yes, it is so hard. So much of our daily lives, childhood, media, socialization, etc. involve judging/evaluating people based on their physical appearance. And there is something to be said for basic physical attraction as a biological construct. I don't think the issue is what looks good vs. what doesn't look good, it's about bullying. Regardless of why people bully, it's wrong. Nobody should get bullied because of their weight, skin color, hair style, clothes, amount of money, religion, political views, etc. I am personally quite picky with what I find attractive, but I don't go around saying negative things about people who don't fit my personal taste. I think it's more important to be "healthy" than "attractive," and while there is a correlation between weight (both on the low and high end) and health, it's totally possible to be healthy as a very skinny or very large person. I remember seeing a video in university about personal health, and there was a man who weighed around 260 pounds, at an average height, in his late 50s, who ran and biked long distance, and his doctor said he was healthier than most of his mid-20s patients. So just eat healthy, exercise a lot, try not to smoke or drink too much alcohol, be confident, and you'll find a body type that fits you well.
  17. I want to get married and have a beautiful family that loves me.
  18. I would suggest seeing an independent massage provider for your first, as I find the atmosphere to be more relaxed and intimate.
  19. I'm getting more and more interested in cooking and watching a lot of food network shows. I have also bought a couple of cook books and have been making stuff from time to time around house. Just the other night, I had a thin boneless skinless chicken breast wrapped around slices of old cheddar. I rubbed the chicken with a montreal steak rub, and grilled it in a toaster oven. When it was almost ready, I sauteed some chopped green onion, yellow onion, and red bell pepper in peanut oil and tossed that mix on the chicken when it was done. To top it off I sprinkled it with dried chili flakes. Served with a side of ceasar salad, best meal I've had all year.
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