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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Last night, I had them make the onion ring poutine at my fav pub....WONDERFUL...might as well just ask them to sculpt it to our thighs LOL
  2. I can understand a cancellation; shit happens. I can even tolerate a last minute cancellation; yet again, shit happens. What is with this epidemic of just not giving a damn. Not showing up without even a quick head's up. If you could take the time to call/email/text me to set up and appointment, why could you not have the courtesy to cancel???? Are there that many inconsiderate, lazy, moronic jerks in our fair city???? Once again, I find myself all dolled up waiting by the door. I made myself available and turned down other people to wait for this a-hole who is so full of himself that he did not have the balls to contact me to say he changed his mind! I had so many other things I could have been doing. Buddy...you know who you are...lose my number! Oh yeah...and before I get all the lectures about confirming, references etc....been there done that with this guy!
  3. What do you like to do when no one is around; something you would not share with anyone you know (non sex related...we all masturbate!) I watch 90210 online I love to turn the music up real loud and then dance and sing around the house nude!
  4. The huge, bushy tails that squirrels and chipmunks had when I was young! Disco Roller rinks Black satin pants That powdered sugar in little plastic containers shaped like fruit. Dad's chocolat chip oatmeal cookies 45's Mixed tapes from the boy who had a crush on me Spin the bottle Makeout parties A minute of heaven (when you went in the closet with a boy for a minute)
  5. OK Old Dog....the curse of the Meg Jersey has been lifted!!!!
  6. Well put Ashley....I love to laugh. I pretty much always have a smile (or at least a little smirk) on my face. Some people like to talk and I will respond in kind...LOVE IT! Others are pretty much down to business immediately and that is great as well. Just as long as we both feel comfortable, I am happy!
  7. Thanks Pete....but I guess I forgot to tell Angela that it was a pic from my computer (knew how to do the one from a website!) :)
  8. totally went thru hoops but managed to post the pic. I posted to one of my albums then right clicked and pressed copy then, went to my thread and pasted it! Whew....so, what is the correct way please!
  9. what a perfect "how to guide" for new (and not so new) hobbyests!
  10. Thank you for the info!!!!:bowdown: We need this more than popping a bunch of manufactured pills!
  11. Mine has a combination of factors related to it .... I can say that most of the poll answers apply for different reasons!
  12. Well well ms. Hilton! Can you now relate to Carrie's post regarding what you would do if you awoke to find yourself a woman???
  13. I have the same as Angela. I also added the $5 unlimited email access (up to 5 email accounts!) I love it!
  14. sitting on my porch, all wrapped up in a fluffy blanket with a good book as the sun comes up!
  15. You are NOT being difficult! I do not respond to one line emails or texts that start with yo babe or your hot. If I answer a call and get that kind of response, I usually just say good-bye and hang up. You don't need to waste your time, these type of people are usually not serious about getting together!
  16. Perhaps wearing it on the day they aren't playing will work!
  17. For sure...that's why I threw that one out there LOL...just don't have the same flexibility I had 20yrs ago LOL
  18. From the porn name generator I am now Alexis Lush LOL
  19. Just had soda water come out of my nose...great comeback!
  20. your real name is quite beautiful but Soleil does describe you to a T
  21. I once had someone short change me. It was totally a mistake that I didn't even pick up on cause I know him well enough. About 5mins after his departure he called and told me that he found some money in his glove box and asked that I go and count his donation. :) what a sweet heart...I told him I could wait until the next time. Sure enough, he made it up to me :)
  22. Hey...as long as it's in the name of science! So, is it too risky for me to wear red???
  23. I watch all the re-runs and the newer stuff online.....I can watch it over and over and find new things to laugh about!
  24. and when she does what he says...he groans and says ..."that's what daddy's talkin about" Yes, clock watching is a big turn off for us ladies as well!
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