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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I am going out on a limb here...don't usually make predictions but...Pens in 7 Additional Comments: This is from skagoldfinger....Yes babe, would wear them in a second!
  2. Blueberry frozen yogurt please! Spitting has to be THE most disgusting thing on the planet. When I drop by my local bar, you need to step between the hoark balls; ewe! The owners are constantly out there spraying down the sidewalk in front of their door. Why do some men feel the need to spit? I have never spit like that in my entire life!
  3. Eventhough I am not much of a Habs fan I must hand it to them....WOW what a game! Yes, I watched the whole thing! Because of that impressive victory...I would consider donning their jersey, even if for only a few minutes LOL!
  4. There are 3 junior teams in Otown...Jr Riders, Cumberland Panthers and the Ottawa Sooners....all a good bet for great football!
  5. Yeah...not much into cfl anyways....love jr football in ottawa tho
  6. HA HA wellie....once the bruins are gone so am I! You think my loyalties change now...wait until football season LOL
  7. Well unfortunately in this day and age the sense of community pride has gone out the window. There are garbage cans literally (ooops hold on....blond moment....giggle time, literally makes me think of Nicole Sullivan's character on Mad TV) on every corner. Not just garbage cans but recycling containers. How hard is it to toss an empty wrapper in the garbage as opposed to 3 inches away on the side walk? Quite simply folks...we have opted to ride the disrespect train because it is easier than changing the new rules!!! Heck...teacher's, principals and even law enforcement no longer have the respect of today's youth. Don't know about you guys but if I did something wrong when I was younger I was in fear of all of the above plus my parents! OK...I am rambling now and getting off topic...Sorry but that is where it starts!
  8. See spike....you can teach an old dog new tricks!
  9. LOL thanks renegade....was not the purpose but what the heck. Just curious as to other people's take on the whole thing. I am on the same wave lenght as Tony....I like people and the more I get to know the more interesting my life will be!!!
  10. After accepting a friend request today from a very special someone (you know who you are!) I looked over and realized that I have over 70 friends. Awhile back, someone posted a comment saying that he/she decided to remove anyone they had not yet met from their friend list. Just curious...am I missing something??? I find it quite flattering when someone requests to be added to my friend list and would feel most guilty refusing them. Perhaps some use it as a tool to remember who is who? Can anyone enlighten me on the true purpose of the friend thing on here?
  11. Well Lloyd...funny you should mention me....you are also on my list along with the ever elusive yabut!
  12. I love having a bit of "connection" time and can talk the ear off a frog if given the chance LOL. Pretty much anything that makes you comfortable would be welcome by most of the ladies (hope I am not over stepping my bounds by speaking for others!)
  13. I ask that people call me 10to15mins prior to the appointment...I guess it's for my piece of mind. I also want to make sure I am ready because I am easily distracted and time seems to go quickly if I am not focused LOL.
  14. Yes it is the bait and switch issue in my estimation. Also...many websites do this to avoid spam emails....I guess they think it works the same with cell numbers...perhaps it does!?
  15. WOW, I am speechless (a rarity!) Thank you to all you wonderful sexy men!!!
  16. Unfortunately my inspiration did not reach their locker room LOL.
  17. LOL....I use TV as background noise while I am reading, surfing the net, posting on CERB....but every once in awhile a commercial will come on that makes me look at the tv! I like my commercials via youtube and the like. If I am in the mood I can search out funny commercials and spend some time watching those I find amusing!
  18. Cato....I consider it a challenge based on the fact that he likes the young spinners. Capitalman....the content of his posts Antlerman....curious about potential cranial growths And so many, many more!!!! So many witty and intelligent men out there and soooo little time!
  19. Good for you!!! I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms and stiff members LOL.
  20. Peachy, my sweet...there is a reason that they say a woman reaches her peak in her 40's! Look at all of the fabulous famous ladies at the moment :) You are beautiful and will just continue to "ripen" over the years....God dam girl you will (and are) a force to be reconned with!
  21. Thank you MOD!!!!! I have recently been asking emailers contacting me from other sites to view my pics and reviews on CERB....Quite a few have joined as a result and I view this as good for me and my for fellow SP's. Has for the hobbiest's...one more point of view coming your way!
  22. After reading this thread I must admit that I am somewhat on the naive side of sexuality.....I will be looking into this. Thank you Soleil for bringing it up and thank you Christine for giving me the confidence to potentially experiment!
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