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Posts posted by omehgosh

  1. No... Why does everyone keep asking that? I don't get it. I don't see any resemblance at all.


    He's all black and white and sketchy looking... and "dirkgently", really? What's that all about? Douglas Adams? Seriously? What kind of a geek references Douglas Adams?




    Besides, I'm much better looking.




    ... are you guys related??








  2. Luxie, I have a few tattoos myself and depending on the woman, I may find tattoos to be a turn-on (Bif Naked is soooo freakin' hot!!!) An attractive woman is an attractive woman though, and if she didn't have tattoos I wouldn't find her less attractive.


    Lexy902 - You look pretty darned good as-is to me.


    If you're seriously considering a tattoo though, I'd strongly recommend keeping one thing in mind - it is permanent. I know, we all know it, but I think sometimes we don't grasp the full meaning of it - permanent really does mean forever.


    I'm perfectly happy with my tattoos - growing up in the North End of Hamiton, raised by a steelworker father (with tattoos), being a musician, playing in rock bands... tattoos were the norm for me.


    I have to admit though, that I feel a little silly sometimes when someone asks me what the great-big-dragon wrapped around a sword on my shoulder means and the only true answer I can give is that it seemed pretty cool when I was 17.


    If you're seriously considering a tattoo I'd recommend finding something that you're sure you're going to be happy with for the rest of your life, because once it's there it's there.


    Oddly enough, when was 17, I was sure that dragon would be cool forever! LMAO

  3. Except that the way most religions have it laid out you have to believe in their god or you're screwed. So you have to do better than just hedging you bets you have to pick the right one. LOL;)


    True, that does pose a small problem, but I've devised a workaround - I've decided to believe that each and every one is the only one.


    With a little help from Buddha, Barry White and a few litres of my good friend Mateus Yahweh, Allah and Vishnu will be suffering identity crises in no time. :wink:

  4. Hi Amelia


    I'm a little late to this thread, but here's my two cents anyhow...


    Not only do you have to get rid of fruit, vegetables or whatever, but you also have to get rid of the water. Don't even leave a damp dish cloth, put the plug in your drain, move any plants to a different room - don't leave any water for them at all.


    Even if you clean everything up and disinfect, the flies can persist - you have to get rid of all the water too.


    It could take a week or so, but if you're vigilant with everything they will disappear.

  5. Happy Friday the 13th all!


    I'm not particularily superstitious, but I do have to admit that sometimes I wonder. I mean, what if there is something to it?


    I believe it was a famous physicist (I can't remember his name) who said something in reference to believing in God or having faith in a religion and practising - basically I think the gist of it was that if you believed in God and died and there was no God, then no harm done. However, if you didn't believe in God and it turned out there was one, then you were screwed (lol! I'm sure the actual quote is a lot more eloquent than my version!)


    I'm partial to this point of view and worry a little every now and then about whether there is something to superstition.


    I mean, what if there really are creepy old Gypsy ladies that can make you waste away to nothing with a simple touch?


    I've walked under a few ladders, broken mirrors - what if that's what was responsible for any misfortune I've experienced?


    I'm fairly confident that there's nothing to superstition, but I can't know for sure... Consequently, every once and while I find myself going around the ladders and avoiding the touch of creepy, evil-looking old ladies.


    I have a friend that honestly truly believes that he can effect the outcome of a Stanley Cup game by rearranging the pictures of his family on his television set - seriously! I tease him about it, but I know that he's completely normal, educated and intelligent, so really, who am I to judge?


    I thought it'd be interesting to find out who else was or wasn't superstitious, what superstitions you believed in, superstitious things you might do, superstitious things your friends do, the origin of some superstitions, whatever... I thought it might be fun to share...

  6. I found myself in a situation just yesterday at a medical centre where the woman seated near me was in distress and was clearly suffering. I extended my hand to her and she then moved next to me. Her body language changed and she rested her head on my shoulder where she remained quietly until she was called in. We exchanged no words and she hugged me before standing. I hope she will be okay.


    That's awesome Spike. Seriously, I think that's really very awesome. :smile:


    The world would be so much better if there were more people like you in it doing things like that.

  7. My new favourite pic on CERB - absofreakinlutely hot! Posted by Ashley Croft - Ashley and Veronica... Veronica who? I don't know... the stunning Veronica Sway (misadventure) maybe? All I can say for sure is that this picture contains two VERY fine looking ladies...


    "Oh my god, oh my god..." he mutters desperately as he rifles through his pack, desperately hoping he hadn't forgotten to bring his extra shorts this morning...



  8. Oh man! I keep seeing this amazing bum in the banner ads over on the right here - the one for Penthouse Massage...


    Yikes! That's hot! :shock: You can see it larger on the website (http://penthousemassage.ca/), but it's in flash, so I can't just link the picture to here :sad:


    Maybe Penthouse will be kind enough to post the pic online here in a CERB album?


    Life is so very awesome - thank goodness for all the fine ladies and their sweet, sweet bums (and their everything else!)

  9. No, I don't think it's strange or just you masterowls - I've experienced it myself. I think sex does relax you physically and mentally.


    Now, I won't say this is anywhere near a couple of hours of sex with a fine sexy lady (because it isn't - in fact, what is really?!? :lol:), but I find a little bit of alcohol helps a lot for me.


    Seriously, I regularly suffer from pain in my knees, neck pain/tension (a lot of physical stupidity when I was younger)... quite often a glass of red wine relaxes me enough to help with the pain. I'm not recommending drinking the pain away (I'm pretty sure there's a country song about that! :lol:), but drinking a little bit of it away can't be all bad, can it? (don't answer that - I'm not listening! :wink:)

  10. Awesome shot! Some women just know exactly how to move! Very sexy.



    This was posted by Saminisam in the FLAG social group, but needs to be seen more widely.

    Gorgeous, eh?

  11. 1 - I'd like to be more patient and forgiving, and not get so annoyed with life, the Universe and everything. I've met some people that were very patient, caring and kind and wished very much that I could be more like them.


    2 - Well, I guess I'd like to be independently wealthy - it'd be nice not to have to go to work, to pay off the mortgage, see more of the world...

  12. Soundtracks - I'd have to go with "I Am Sam", just for Sarah McLachlan's version of Blackbird, but the other covers were really great too.


    Someone mentioned Fight Club - Dust Brothers, freakin' brilliant!


    Film Scores -


    Nightmare Before Christmas (Danny Elfman)

    The Last Temptation of Christ (Peter Gabriel)

    Edward Scissorhands (Danny Elfman)

    Stargate (David Arnold)

    The Mission (Ennio Morricone)

    Beyond Rangoon (Hans Zimmerman)

    The Fifth Element (Eric Serra)

    ... just about every score by John Williams!


    I could go on and on... I think film scores are one of the best sources of music out there. The Mozarts, Beethovens and Debussys are still around, but now they're doing movie music.


    Additional Comments:

    Oh ya! That one's awesome! Ian Gillan is absolutely incredible! (so is everyone else, but Ian Gillan - wow)


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